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Xerena Takes A Walk

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2015 @ 9:21pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Chief Petty Officer Siri & Senior Chief Petty Officer Chelsea May

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: JAG Offices / The Brig

* JAG Offices *

Ray was in a good mood as he bypassed Siri and Chelsea in the outer office with a snappy salute and a ‘mornin’ ladies’. Once in his office, he leaned back in his chair, propped his booted feet on the desk and began reviewing his schedule for the day. He began to whistle, some song that was stuck in his head.

Chelsea watched him go by, then turned back to Siri. “I always worry when he’s this happy.”

“Has he forgotten Jules is still missing?” Siri shook her head.

“That man never forgets anything. He’s probably sitting in there making a long list of all the things he’s going to hit Niro with when he gets back.” Chelsea smiled. “Or planning where to hide the body.”

“I’ll help him with that,” Siri said very seriously, “Did you know that the recyclers will accept five pounds of biological matter before sounding an alarm?”

“That just means he’d have to be cut up into smaller pieces but hey, it would be worth the effort to rip him limb from --” Chelsea stopped as the doors opened and Gilroy entered. “Oops.”

Gilroy stopped just inside the office, one brow lifted as he looked at the two women. “Oops?”

“Oh, we were just discussing a recipe for disaster, Gil,” Siri winked at him and smiled flirtatiously. “What brings you around here?”

“Xerena.” Gilroy growled the name. “Is Ray with someone?”

“No, go on in. Get him now, Gilroy, while he’s in a good mood.” Chelsea smiled up at the tall Klingon. “If this is about Xerena, I don’t expect that good mood to last.”

“Especially once he hears what has to happen,” Gilroy grumbled as he walked through to Ray’s office and entered it. “Ray. Bad news,” he said before the door slid shut behind him. Once it was closed, he continued, “We have to release Xerena. I have her being fitted with an ankle monitor right now.”

“Well hello to you too,” Ray answered. “You know I coulda sworn you just said we have to release Xerena. Nah, I must be dreaming. Or you’re on drugs.” Ray looked up at Gilroy and smiled. “Or is this a joke?”

“None of those apply, Counselor.” Gilroy frowned and took a seat across from Ray. “The Romulan ambassador insisted that we release Xerena or face an incident because Captain Hawke and Oz crossed the Neutral Zone. So, pending trial, she’s out. How quickly can we move that through the court?”

Ray frowned and uttered a curse. “And just like that, the day goes to shit,” he commented. “Well, considering this office runs the court, any time. Who’s representing her? If you say Tog, I may slit my wrists.”

“I don’t know if she has representation yet,” he replied. “The sooner we prosecute her, the sooner she loses her freedom. Let’s get it done, maybe before Jules returns? After she comes back, you’ll be busy prosecuting Niro.” He sighed. “I’ll be busy keeping Suresh from killing him. Niro will have to be in our deepest Brig cell.”

“I suspect there will be a line. Add Solis, Edana, Dae if he’s back on the station by then.” Ray nodded. “Even our assistants. Jono will probably have his face pinned to the dart boards. So, let’s shoot for tomorrow morning? Inform her that she has twenty-four hours if she intends to find an advocate but it would be in her best interests just to plead and get it over with so we can ship her home.”

“Okay. Who knows, maybe we’ll get ...”lucky” and she’ll try to see Suresh. If she breaks that rule, then she’ll go right back into the Brig.”

“Or under it,” Ray muttered. “Good enough. I’ll get this moving and send word as to where and when by this afternoon.”

“I’m easy to find,” Gilroy said, standing. “Edana, huh? I know Dar’s been around her a lot lately.”

Ray shrugged. “I don’t ask any questions. I find it’s better that I don’t know everything, trust me. If I wondered about everyone, I’d have ordered Six kidnapped and de-programmed. Suresh? Really?” He shook his head. “All I can say is good luck with this one. If Xerena so much as breathes wrong, I wanna know. I’ll just add it to her list.”

“De-programmed?” In that moment, Gilroy wondered whether Ray was in the loop about Six or not. “All right. I’ll see you in the morning, most likely, then.” He turned and stepped out of Ray’s office, nodded at the two women and kept walking.

Moments later, Ray bellowed for the two of them to get in his office. The good mood was apparently over.

* Brig Releasing Room *

Gilroy entered the Brig’s releasing room just as a crewman was straightening up from having clipped a monitor around Xerena’s ankle. The crewman looked up at Gilroy and quailed upon seeing the man’s glower. Normally that look would mean trouble for whatever crewman or officer it was aimed at; Johnson knew, though, that Gilroy’s look was for Xerena - and that Gilroy couldn’t exactly take it out on Xerena. “Sir, she’s ready to be released,” he said and made himself scarce.

Xerena’s expression was no more pleasant than Gilroy’s. She held up her ankle, showing the monitor. “This is an outrage!” she snapped. “I demand that you remove it immediately.”

Gilroy’s very nearly gave Xerena a Darwin-worthy response, one that involved the first letters ‘f’ and ‘y’, but he bit that back. Instead, he rattled off a laundry list in a monotone voice: “You can demand all you like, but it isn’t coming off. And if you tamper with it, you’ll be right back in here. This monitor will track you anywhere on the Station. If you get within 100 meters of Suresh or Six of Ten, an alarm will go off, both on the monitor and in our closest office, sending a team of Security personnel to your location to arrest and you’ll end up back in here. Do not go to the docks - any of them - or an alarm will go off, sending Security personnel to your location to arrest you and bring you back here. Be in court tomorrow morning by 8am. A notification of the deck and exact location will be sent to you shortly. Miss that court appointment and Security personnel will find you and bring you back here to await another appointment. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, yeah, go sit in a corner and don’t look at anyone or do anything or Security personnel will be sent to my location...blah.. blah..blah.” Xerena crossed her arms and huffed. “You really think I’d go running back to Suresh? That Borg has ruined him so what use is he to me?” In truth the thought had occurred to her to do exactly that but she knew Gilroy was serious and she didn’t want to be back in the brig.

“Whatever. So long as you understand the rules.” Gilroy looked at her as blandly as possible. “You still have guest quarters and there are plenty of restaurants that deliver. Add to that that Niro is no longer on the Station and there shouldn’t be any temptations for you to wander into places you don’t belong. I’ll walk you out,” he gestured toward the door.

“What a gentleman.” Her voice dripped sarcasm. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow. If you need me earlier, maybe you can find me.” She smiled sweetly as they made their way out to the main entrance.

“I can provide you with a warm, dry place to sleep, a decent dinner,” Gilroy said, sounding amazingly sincere.

She scowled up at him. “Where? Back in my cell? Why did you release me anyhow?”

“Yes, in your cell,” he nodded. “Believe me, Xerena, we aren’t releasing you by our choice. The Romulan ambassador seems to like you and demanded that you be released. Will you embarrass him?”

She began to laugh and shook her head. “Well, what do you know, that old ass Arvet turned out to be good for something. About the only thing.” They reached the door and she waved to Gilroy as she passed through. “Later. I bet I have more fun than you do tonight.”

“Don’t count on that,” he muttered, glowering at her swaying ass as she left.

Lt. Ray Benson
CPO Siri
SCPO Chelsea May
Lt. Gilroy


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