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Eddies Of Time - Part I

Posted on Wed Dec 9th, 2015 @ 10:14pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Bajun Tora

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Bajor 2360

* Bajor - 2360 *

The group had gathered just after dark, armed and ready to go. Lucius looked them over, hoping this op would be clean and successful. His gaze settled on Niro for a moment and he sent a silent order to a young man standing by Tora to go with Captain Wegener and Niro on the Korenna. The young man nodded and moved over to join them.

“We’re ready,” he announced. “Gallitep is on the southern edge of the city. We can wait out of sight until the Korenna opens fire. Once the response teams move out, we’ll go in. It will likely be brutal and bloody and I don’t see any way around that. Take out whoever you need to in order to find Julisa. I can’t scan for her life signs, since that place is full of Bajorans, but my guess is she’ll be in Darhe’el’s quarters. That’s the most likely place to start and you’ve all seen the map. So stay together. The Korenna will keep the bulk of the spooners occupied until we are clear and send the signal. At that point, they will transport us all up. Any questions?” When no one spoke up, he nodded. “Let’s move. Darwin, up front with me.”

Darwin nodded, refraining from telling the Admiral that he should take a position in the back of the group. For the third time in two minutes, he checked the charge on the weapon he’d been given then put a hand over his former wound. Worrying about those two things kept his mind busy and off of what was likely happening with Julisa. It also gave his brain a moment to remind him of history: “Hey, we can’t kill Darhe’el. That would change the timeline.”

“That is correct,” Lucius answered. “Nothing says we can’t incapacitate him well enough to get Julisa out though.”

“Agreed,” Six nodded. She checked her weapon as well, then looked up at the touch of a hand on her back.

“Be careful,” Niro ordered her, his tone firm. “Don’t take chances. I want you back here in one piece.” He touched her cheek gently. “Got that?”

Six nodded. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She smiled up at Niro but, catching Darwin’s eye, she stepped back before he could get closer.

Moving quickly, Darwin caught Niro by the throat and pushed him backwards. “She’ll be just fine without you,” he growled.

Six put her hand on Darwin’s arm, stopping him. “Enough. We have more important things to worry about right now.” She pulled him back from Niro. “Let’s go.”

“She’s right,” Lucius agreed. “We’ll wait for your shots, Captain Wegener, then we’ll get this done. Move out.” That last order seemed directed at Niro and Darwin.

Giving Niro one last, hard shove, Darwin glared at him and turned away to join Lucius and Six. He caught sight of Tora and moved to be near her. Conveniently, that put him next to Lucius as well. “I’d appreciate it if you two would stay with me, preferably behind me,” he said.

Tora looked at him and broke into a laugh, “Not likely, Lieutenant.”

“I have to agree with Darwin,” Six spoke up. “This is a risky mission and it’s imperative that the two of you not get….killed. Preferably not injured at all. He and I...well...if we fall it’s not so bad since our future isn’t set yet.” Six stepped up beside Darwin. “Time to move. Besides, I have night vision.”

Agreeing with Six, Darwin asked Tora, "Lead on, for now, please.” Tora led them to a vantage point just out of sight of the city’s southern gate. The group huddled down to wait for the Korenna.

“Once the firing starts, we will take the entrance on the lower side. The living quarters are down that way,” Lucius informed them. “And if you two are determined to go first, then clear the way however you need to.”

“Understood,” Six answered. Her attention was trained on the prison visible just down the slope. In the quiet, the faint whirring sound of her ocular implant could be heard. “Only two guards stationed outside that entrance.”

Darwin nodded, silently appreciating her abilities and assessing the gate and guards.

“Won’t be long now,” Lucius whispered. He reached for Tora’s hand. “We will get her out.”

* EFS Korenna *

The trudge to the Korenna was short and Hilik Poh, the young Bajoran Lucius had ordered to stay with Wegener, had led the way. Approaching the ship, he slowed down, wary of unseen Cardassians in the area. No one shot at them, and they entered the ship quickly. Poh’s jaw dropped as he looked around at the tech on the ship. He didn’t realize that much of what he was seeing was Borg tech, implanted by Six.

Niro’s expression was much the same as Poh’s. His amazement had started with the ship’s hull where large areas of it were now covered in odd mechanical overlays with a faint green glow. Once inside, the changes were almost mind-boggling. His ship seemed to have completely restructured itself, even in the central corridors. As they stepped out onto the bridge, he murmured softly in awe.

“Oh……..” He motioned to the tactical station. “Poh, check the shields. I am curious about something.”

Poh glanced at Wegener and looked confused. “How? Do I need to go back outside? I was told not to leave Wegener’s side.”

“The tactical console,” Niro answered. “I need to get the engines up and running.” He checked the console by the captain’s chair and did a double take. “Alright, make that lay in a course. Apparently, the engines are ready to go when we are.” The readings on the engines showed a marked increase in power and Niro smiled. “Oh sweet Six, what have you done?” he whispered.

“She did what she was asked to do,” Ricky replied. “And it seems it benefitted you, although I’m not certain if that was a good thing.” Seated beside Nero, he tapped at the console. “We’re ready to go.”

“Let’s take her up, then,” Niro ordered. “Poh, take us in over the north side of town.”

“Aye, should be no more than ten minutes,” Poh answered.

“Are they on the comm with you Captain?” Niro asked.

“They are. Five minutes until they are set to move in,” he replied. “I’ve apprised them of our course and time.”

“Good enough. Alright then, team. Get ready. I’ve entered the coordinates you gave us Captain. It should definitely get some attention. You want to do the honors?” Niro asked.

After inputting a few target locations, he set the weapons up to begin a barrage. “Targeting the junior officer barracks, what is supposed to be the weapons depot and the training grounds.”

They watched as explosions bloomed down on the ground, then repeated as Ricky fired again.

“I’m picking up alarms down on the surface,” reported the Bajoran at the comm panel. All over the northwest section. They’re mobilizing now and calling men from the prison. Well done, sir.”

“Well done indeed,” Niro echoed. “I suppose now there’s nothing left but to send them in and hope for the best.”

“And to wreak a bit more havoc while they’re headed in,” Ricky said as he targeted a few more positions and began firing.

“Stand by to transport them out as soon as they call,” Niro ordered, then sat back to watch as they cruised over the city.

Lt. M. Darwin
Ensign Six of Ten
Lt. Lucius Hawke
Vedek Bajun Tora
Captain Rick Wegener
Lt. Bajun Julisa


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