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Vacation Plans

Posted on Wed Dec 9th, 2015 @ 10:33pm by Indra Nyyar & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Cardassian Starship Aldava

Cardassian Starship Aldava *

Zikar sat in his quarters, his feet propped up on the low table before him. On the wall directly across from him a large view screen was mounted on the wall. He pressed a small remote and flipped through several images, finally settling on one - the face of his wife. Next to it scrolled a sensor log and he read it closely.They had been traveling for several days, first to Bajor, then the Beta Quadrant, and finally through the Solarian Wormhole. Now they were on the last leg of the trip. It was twenty-four hours from the wormhole to SB900. They still had five hours to go. Zikar ceased to read the log entries and focused instead on Nyyar’s face. He found it difficult to breathe for a moment, so strong was the wave of longing that rose in him. It was mixed with an anger that was white hot and threatened to choke him. He still had no idea why she would run from him after all this time. Round and round his thoughts went until the chime at his door rang. Without looking away, he called out.


Entering the room, Farak saw the face on the view screen and just barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. Zikar was on yet another nostalgia kick. Normally, Farak didn't mind; this time he did because he knew that these moods often made Zikar grumpy. A grumpy Zikar was dangerous. "Five hours till we are at Starbase 900, sir."

Zikar nodded. “And any luck? We have overtaken five transports since the Beta Quadrant. And so far nothing. What of the last we passed an hour ago? Any trace of her?” He didn’t have to say who, Farak knew very well who ‘she’ was. She was the whole reason for this trip to what Zikar considered the ass-end of space. Uncivilized in the extreme was his opinion of the Delta Quadrant. The Federation’s Folly. The term made him smile only briefly.

"None, sir." Farak moved into Zikar's field of vision. "We could send a few men after her instead of completing this journey."

“Is that a joke Farak?” Zikar finally looked up at the man who stood before him. “If so, my sense of humour is on hiatus. Sit.” He waved at the empty chair to his right. “We have something to discuss that may change your mind about going home.”

Unhappy, Farak took a seat. "I doubt there's much that would make me want to stay away from Cardassia. But, please, feel free to try to change my mind."

“Consider this a little vacation.” Zikar’s smile returned and he passed a padd over to Farak. “Look at that list and tell me what you see.” His attention returned to the image of his wife on the wall as Farak began to read. This particular picture had been taken of her as she sat by the window, the very morning she’d run away. Beside her was the vase full of pink stones, still full - not tipped over as he’d found it upon entering the house after her shuttle left. He felt the anger rising again and mentally shook himself. He had business to discuss with Farak and he needed to focus.

Sighing, Fakar took the padd and looked it over. As he did so, his frown deepened. "These names... I recognize quite a few: Holbridge, Nico, Banning, Wegener, Hawke," he quit listing them as a realization dawned on him. "These people are all on 900." He smiled finally. "A bit of business as we collect your runaway."

“Exactly. A little unfinished business you might say, and that’s just my list. There’s a few more that need dealing with...a favor for an old friend who is no longer with us. Since we’re here, you see. I figured we might as well enjoy it.” Zikar’s smile returned. “You see, Farak, the recent loss of our associate Admiral Azoulay is a very good demonstration of why you don’t send someone else to do your work for you. She was an inferior human with no stomach for such things and in the end, she gave in and confessed to everything. The only smart thing she did was not mention my name. I suppose she was more afraid of me than her Starfleet court.”

"Indeed." Fakar went back to the list: two Bajuns, both female and Bajoran; another Hawke, a human named Darwin and a former Borg, Six of Ten. "Killing them all?"

“Let’s not be hasty. Such a wide path of destruction would attract too much attention and we’ll attract enough just by our presence. It may take longer, but a more creative approach will be better for us. Besides, who knows what opportunity may present itself once we land?” Zikar shrugged. “There will be time. Once I reclaim Nyyar and get that settled, I can focus on the rest of our business. I’m sure she will see reason and get over whatever this is that’s sent her scurrying away.”

"I'll send a message and arrange a meeting with the Station's chief diplomat," Farak said. "Perhaps he can be of use in our efforts to locate Nyyar."

“She,” Zikar clarified. “The Chief Diplomat on 900 is a female...and a Klingon. Isn’t that a delicious irony? Your suggestion is a good one, however. If Nyyar is determined to run, that’s where she would go. Given she was made a Cardassian citizen when we moved back there from Bajor, an asylum request would be necessary in order to keep my hands off my own property.” His voice had grown harsh and with some effort he softened it. “But she will see reason so there will be no need of such things.”

“They have a female diplomat?” Farak frowned and shook his head. “Whatever. I’m sure she’s railroaded often enough. She’ll be easy for us to handle. But, Zikar? Try to remember not to call Nyyar your property. The Federation frowns on ownership of people.”

“Tiresome,” Zikar replied. “Whatever I may feel for her, the fact is, she was a given to me under the terms of the Occupation. She married me of her own free will. She is officially a Cardassian citizen so it is a Cardassian matter. Case closed.”

“She is your wife, then, not your property,” Farak stood and made certain that his trousers and jacket hung correctly. “If you need anything else...?” He left the question hanging, in case Zikar did.

“Two things. I want you to arrange a meeting with the station CO. We’ll make this all nice and official and assure him I am here purely on a personal matter and to see the area. And those from Darhe’el’s old list? I’m leaving some of those to you. It’s time you had a little fun. Inform me when we reach 900.”

“Of course,” Farak paused before asking, “What treatment do you suppose Darhe’el would want for these people? Death is too easy.”

“You’re creative and I’ve taught you well. I’m sure you’ll think of something.” Zikar perked an eyebrow at Farak, then waved him away.

This time, Farak did roll his eyes as he turned away and left Zikar to his devices.

Zikar turned back to the screen, once more focusing on Nyyar’s picture. The sun coming through the window did, indeed, turn her blonde hair to gold. Zikar’s fingers itched to touch it again, to run his fingers through it, to hear her whisper his name.

“Five hours my darling…” he murmured.

Legate Zikar
Glinn Farak


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