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Elders Meeting

Posted on Mon Apr 25th, 2016 @ 9:50pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges

Loch Uaine, Hamilton Hall
Unknown Planet
Alpha Quadrant

Jim Holbridge, aka Bridger, lay on his pallet, unconscious. The medicine his caretaker, Rhona, gave him was a strong opiate and put him straight into a deep sleep. In another room of the cabin, a meeting was in session to determine the ultimate fate of the off-worlder known as Bridger.

Fergus Hamilton was one of the three men who found Bridger after the accident. He was also one of Bridger’s staunchest proponents. “...Aye, Your Honor. I came upon himself lying on the ground like a bloody statue. There was all sorts of metallic debris along the ground where the contraption he was in burst into pieces. I came up to the lad and tried to move his leg and he moaned a little in pain. Not wantin’ to injure him more, the lads and I built a travois, and we brought him here to me home.”

The others in the room, Duncan Campbell and Hamish O’Bannon, nodded their heads in agreement. “He were bad hurt, sir.”

“I have no doubt of that, what with his leg broke in three places.” the judge, a stern, lawyer named Simmons. “Fergus, you know the laws of our colony as well as I do, we cannae let him stay unless he has something useful to contribute to the community. The man can rest in your home until his bones knit, but then he has to go or prove he has a skill that will benefit the community.”

“What about him not knowin’ who he is or where he comes from?”Fergus countered. “Me daughter said that the man took a nasty crack to the back of his noggin!”

“Aye, a hit like that to the skull will scramble anyone’s eggs, sure!”Campbell said in agreement.

The judge nodded his head. “I am not an unfeeling man. The man known as Bridger will be allowed to heal here amongst us, but he must show that he has something to offer the colony or he faces exile to the wild.”

Fergus nodded to the judge. “I’ll be responsible for him while he heals in my home.”

“Remember what it is we are here for, Fergus Hamilton. We are no more the slaves to technology, and this man comes from the star travelers from whence we buy some of our grain. We let them have a spaceport on the far continent, but we are not of that world anymore.”

“Aye, our ancestors shunned that which got in the way of a peaceful, simple life; and I am grateful for that day we came to this place. But If this man is not of our world and remembers who he is, we cannae exercise the final judgement against him, can we?”

Judge Simmons shook his head. “The law is absolute, and it says no outworlder may dwell with us unless he divests himself of all modern technology. If he does not agree to this he faces death or exile. I will say good day to ye!”

“God’s blessin’s on you and yours, Judge!” Fergus smiled as the old man walked out the door. After he was sure the judge was gone he exhaled. “Pompous arse!”

Rhona entered the room. “He’s waking dup, Da’.”

The four people crowded around the pallet as Bridger opened his eyes. “Hullo to ye, Mr Bridger! I be Fergus Hamilton. Ya already know me daughter, Rhona. These nitwits are Duncan and Hamish. How do ye feel?”

“Like hell,” Bridger whispered. “Could i get a sip of water?” Rhona got up and instantly gave him a drink, expertly wiping his chin after he dribbled some. “Thank you, ma'am,” he smiled.

“None of that ‘ma’a’m’ truck with me, now. I am Rhona and you are a guest in me home as of now. I’ll be fetchin you some soup to eat after these hooligans have questioned ye.” she glared at the tree men as she left the room.

Fergus laughed quietly. “Daughters are God’s revenge on ye for bein’ a man.”

A thought tickled the back of Bridger’s mind, but was just as quickly quashed. Instead, he just nodded silent agreement.

“I’ll get to the thick of it, laddie. This is Loch Uaine, a transcendentalist colony founded a couple centuries ago by some Scottish fellows who were fed up with wanderin’ the stars. About 1200 original colonists settled this place first, and within ten years we had a good thing goin’ We have had our ups and downs here, mostly good. Everybody has a part to play here, whether you are a butcher, baker, or bartender; here ye do an honest day's work for an honest day's wage and rewards. If ye feel like that’s your brand of whiskey then yer welcome to stay as me permanent guest. Otherwise, we will take you to a place where you can hitch a ride off this planet.”

Bridger shook his head. “I don’t know who I am, and until I do, I think it would be wise to remain here.”

Fergus nodded. “Your mother raised a smart laddie, to be sure. Ah, here is Rhona with your food. Come on you two, let’s let the man eat his meal in peace.”

The men left the room, leaving Rhona and Bridger alone. Rhona set the tray containing the hearty stew in front of him. “If you want, I’ll feed you,” she said softly.

Bridger saw kindness and concern in her emerald green eyes….her blonde hair… eyes….lips the shape of blood diamonds… he shook his head and fell back against his pallet, gasping as a searing pain surged through his head.

Rhona caught his head and upper body before he impacted. “None o’ that now,” she chided as she eased him to the pallet. “Your head’s been banged on enough, it seems. I’ll feed you this night.”

“I can manage…”

“Tis no more lip I am wanting from ye, Mr. Bridger!” Rhona cut in sharply. “Shut yer gob and eat what I bring to yer mouth!”

Better do what she says, old man, you won’t win this one, just like with….with…..The thought remained in hiding as Jim closed his eyes against the tremendous pressure in his head and the pin in his broken leg

Rhona calmly waited for the headache to subside then began to methodically feed Bridger, hoping that the off-worlder would gain his strength and memory soon. If all went to plan, he might put an end to her spinsterhood.


Whack ed On The Noggin

Spinster With Flaming Red Hair


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