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Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed - Part II

Posted on Sun May 8th, 2016 @ 11:29pm by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Aros & Aia Rios Hawke
Edited on on Sun May 8th, 2016 @ 11:53pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Krenim Homeworld / SB900 / Archadia

Krenim Homeworld - The Present *

“Come!” Lortan called out when the chime of his office door rang. His assistant had reported Nevros’ arrival along with an unexpected guest. He was most curious and had ordered them to his office immediately. He laid his padd aside and watched the door expectantly.

“ could have at least let me get dressed,” Aia complained at Nevros as they entered Lorton's office. She staggered as Nevros shoved her towards a chair.

“Shut up,” he growled. Looking at Lortan, he shook his head slightly and said, “The beautiful ones always have a flaw, don’t they? This one? She’s a sharp-tongued harpy.”

Lortan laughed briefly. “It’s my theory that in life, we never get less than we deserve.” He looked Aia up and down. “So you are the admiral’s wife. A little young for him aren’t you?”

She glared at the two men. “Age isn’t relevant when you love someone. He’ll send someone after me.”

Nevros laughed. “Only if he invents a time machine.”

Lortan nodded. “He’s right. For now, you’re in the present but not for much longer. Though I am curious. Does he know where you were when you disappeared this morning?”

“Yes,” she nodded, sighing. “He’s aware. It’s none of your business.”

“How marvelously enlightened.” Sarcasm dripped from Lortan’s voice as he stroked his chin. “So, I am a reasonable man. You want to get home to your husband and,” he waved at her with his hand, “whoever else you entertain. I can make that happen.”

“Really?” Doubt and irritation laced her voice. “At what price?”

“A simple one, really.” Lortan steepled his fingers together. “But first, let me tell you a story.” He glanced to Nevros and nodded. “Tell her about Bren.”

“Ah, my friend, Ian Bren,” Nevros nodded, smiling almost nostalgically. “He’s stuck in the future. And because he’s there, the Station will be destroyed in... about three of your years.”

Aia looked from one to the other as she realized that they were nuts. Dangerous nuts.

“So you see where we are,” Lortan continued. “Which brings me to you. Your lover is the one who stole that sphere, along with the son of your husband. What a tangled web you weave my dear. You want to get home to one or the other of them, all you have to do is go home and convince your husband to take possession of the sphere. You will lift it from him and bring it to me. Give his position, and...ah….yours….you should have no trouble.”

“You realize that, by now, an alarm has been raised? Your friend here set off an overload in Aros’ quarters. That will’ve alerted Security. As you can see, I’m not exactly dressed properly, so I didn’t have my commbadge on me - it’s on Aros’ night stand. Security will find that and discover I’m not on the station.”

“That’s no problem. We can drop you back wherever and whenever we want, even before your young man crossed Nevros. You could save his life and the station on one move. Need I remind you that you have a child on that station too?” He left the threat unspoken but it was very clear. “Your choice.”

“We could easily deposit you back on the Station - what’s left of it - fifty years into the future, long after your husband is dead and your child is in her middle age,” Nevros added a second threat.

Aia felt the edges of panic creeping in. She couldn’t miss her girl’s childhood; she wanted to return to Lucius; she wanted to save Aros. “Fine. I’ll get the sphere.”

“Very well. Nevros can return you to earlier today and you’ll wake up in Aros’ bed just before Nevros visits. You will have forty-eight hours and Nevros will be there watching. You fail and you’ll end up so far in the future your grandchildren will have grandchildren….assuming your offspring manages to see adulthood.”

“What do you mean ‘watching’?” She glared at Nevros.

He laughed, “Watching, just what the word means. I’ll be aware of everything you’re doing.” He looked her up and down.

She frowned. “No. You’ll respect my privacy.”

“You have none for the next forty-eight hours,” Lortan growled. “I wasn’t born yesterday. We will know everything you do and say until that sphere is in Nevros’ hands. If you think of trying to pull a fast one, remember that he can get to anyone you love if you betray us.”

The idea was chilling. “What if I can’t convince Lucius to get it?”

Nevros sighed heavily. “Betrayal, failure, same difference. Don’t fail.”

“Bring Bren back, too,” she said. “Once you have the sphere, bring him back and leave us alone.”

Nevros smiled and looked at Lortan.

“Fair enough. We have no real desire to be at war with the Federation and its allies in this quadrant. That is a serious problem that we have no time for.” He fell silent, watching Aia. “Let’s hope for your sake, and everyone else’s, that you can be convincing.”

“Let’s get this over with, then,” she stood.

Nevros stood as well. “Lortan? Anything else before we go?”

Lortan shook his head. “No. I will be awaiting your reports.”

“Good,” he took Aia’s arm and pulled her out of the office. Once outside, he set the controls on his wrist band, then took hold of Aia. “Remember, I’ll be watching. Everywhere.”

* Starbase 900 - The Present *

Aros leaned over to kiss the woman who snoozed at his side. He brushed a wave of red hair aside and brushed a kiss to her lips. “I’m making some coffee, I’ll come nudge you when it’s ready,” he whispered at her ear. What he wanted to do was lay here and simply look at her for a moment. Then perhaps wake her fully and forget the coffee. But she needed to get home eventually, a pity in his mind. He kissed her once more, and changed his mind. They had a little time to spare and he leaned down to whisper at her ear.

“Wake up, my darling.”

Aia was fully awake in a flash, “Aros!” She sat up, nearly bumping heads with him. She grabbed the sheet and held it against her, looking around the room. “Ah...,” she blinked and tried to gather her wits about her. Calmer, she hugged Aros, “Good morning, dear.”

He laughed softly and snuggled her in close. “Strange dream?”

“Very,” she nodded and wondered whether Nevros could read her mind. Looking around the room again, she wondered whether he was just slightly out of phase with them, enough to render him invisible but able to hear them. She moved Aros’ roving hand. “How about some tea?”

“Maybe in a few.” He smiled and brushed his lips along her throat. “It’s early yet. How about us instead?”

Not with Nevros possibly watching. Aia shook her head. “Ah, no, not right now. Let’s get coffee. Then I really need to talk to Lucius.” She nervously kissed him and pushed towards the edge of the bed, gathering the sheet with her.

Aros watched her, curious, as he picked up a sudden wave of ….fear. “Aia? What’s wrong?”

She turned back towards him, smiling broadly, “Nothing, dear, I just want my morning coffee.” She reached for his robe and pulled it on, maintaining her modesty as much as possible. “Come on, don’t you have D’veidh to babysit this afternoon?”

“After his check up, though he insisted he wanted ice cream afterwards, which means Kh’ali might get lured into taking the day off to play,” Aros answered. He rose and didn’t bother to dress but made his way to the kitchen and started the coffee. Something was definitely up, given what he was sensing from Aia. Also, she never drank coffee. It might be time to go the direct route.

She grabbed a pair of his boxer shorts and followed him. “Here, for my sake,” she handed them to him. “You know, I’d hate to see you spill hot coffee on anything important.” She flashed a smile at him and touched his arm. Don’t react to this: we have a watcher.

Aros simply smiled as he pulled on the shorts. “You have a point there.” He poured two cups of coffee and passed her one. “Can’t have damaged goods, can we?” A watcher? In here? How?

“No, not when I like those goods,” she smiled and faked a sip of the coffee. He’s a time shifter. He wants me to get the sphere or he’ll hurt Saye or someone else important to me. “Do we have ingredients to make scones? Or do we need to just replicate some?”

“Why don’t we go out for breakfast?” Aros suggested. What’s he doing here? Aros slipped into Aia’s thoughts and what he saw there almost made him drop his coffee. Explosion?

“That would be good. How about that new brunch place on the Promenade?” I think he killed you. I have to warn Lucius, but I also need to get that sphere. Or workaround him somehow. She set her coffee aside and leaned in to kiss him. “Let’s get dressed, then.”

“Certainly.” Aros held her close, drawing out the kiss. Her thoughts had shaken him severely. Killed? And now he wasn’t? He saw there was more to this story and he was both anxious and afraid to hear it. “Let’s go.”

* Promenade *

Aia smiled at Aros as the server placed plates of food in front of them. “It smells wonderful.” Under the table, she had her foot hooked around his calf. They told me to get the sphere you and Seren liberated from.. Whomever you liberated it from.... And to bring it to them. Otherwise, they’ll hurt Saye. I can’t risk that.

Lucius has to know. Neither option is acceptable. They obviously have an issue with me, I should have to deal with this, not you.

They killed you, Aia pointed out. “Did you try this? I think it was listed as ‘grits’ on the menu. Leave it to humans to eat something that sounds like dirt.”

“Weird name for something that’s not bad actually. You have to add bacon to make them palatable.” He grinned and reached for the orange juice to refill Aia’s cup. I know but if I take it that keep all of you out of harm’s way. It will keep them away from this station. Do you think that once you hand over the sphere they won’t just kill you?

“Bacon makes everything good. Except ice cream,” Aia replied. I can draw my watcher away... I think, though it’s impossible to tell if he’s here or not. You could tell Lucius. “Once I pick up Saye later, I think I’ll stop by and see Li with her. She’s still on leave.”

“Li’s not here,” Aros replied, though he didn’t elaborate. “I think she went somewhere with Darwin.” They lost communication with the patrol team. I got a message before I woke you up...the first time I guess, from Leto that they’d left during the night.

“Oh. She’s spending a good bit of time with him. I wonder if that’s a good thing or not.” Aia smiled. And Ian Bren was taken to the future. They told me that.

Aros shrugged. “I don’t know regarding the Darwin and Li situation. I’ve picked up some... complications in that area.” Aros took a bite and swallowed it down. He was. They’re working on it now. He looked up as two security officers entered and took a seat at a table nearby. Your new detail.

“What?”, she was so startled, she asked the question out loud. “Ah... wh..what complications?” My detail? How did you arrange that?

Lucius did. Apparently, I am to be guarded too. I think it’s a wise move. “Max is what complications,” he answered.

“Oh, right, Max. Eh....,” she laughed, “Though Betazoids are culturally okay with multiple relationships.”

“So I have learned.” Aros smiled and reached for her hand. “Something I am most grateful for.” He raised her hand to his lips. We need to see Lucius. If the three of us transport down to Archadia, it will take some time for your watcher to catch up.

That’s brilliant. She swiped her plate with her toast. “I’m stuffed. How about we go find Saye? I think she’s supposed to be at a playdate with Lucius.”

“Sounds good to me.” He laid his napkin on the table, then rose and offered his hand.

* The Arboretum *

“Alright, one more time.” Lucius grinned at the little girl, then took her by the hands and lifted her for a swing around. She squealed with delight until he set her back on her own two feet. He held her shoulders till she regained her balance. Then the pair dropped to the grass beneath a tree. A moment later he sensed Aia and turned to watch and she and Aros approached across the grass.

Saye also sensed her mother and broke free from Lucius to run to her. Aia laughed and picked her up to hug her tightly. She talked softly with her as they walked towards Lucius. “Hello, dear husband,” Aia smiled at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I hope you two have been having fun?”

“We have, though I swear she will run me ragged. Hello Aros.” He looked from one to the other and his smile faded. “Saye’s been asking for ice cream. What do you two say?”

“Excellent idea,” Aros answered. He glanced from Lucius to Aia, then reached out to both. We need to talk to you. On Archadia.

Aia looked at Saye and said, “Ice cream, little girl?” As she expected, Saye squealed and shouted, “Ice cream!” At the same time, Aia was able to agree with Aros, We have a watcher, dear. Beaming down will give us a few minutes without him.

Lucius nodded. “Let’s do it then, but just a moment honey.” He pulled out a small padd and tapped on the screen. “Just a note on something I’m working on,” he explained. A moment later, the four of them vanished in a swirl of blue.

* Archadia *

The group materialized in the private courtyard of the palace. Lucius sat at one of the tables and suggested to Saye that she go take a look at the flowers. She trotted off and Lucius waited for Aia and Aros to sit.

“Alright, your watcher will have difficulty beaming down unless he appears and then let him try to get in here. What’s up?”

Aia looked at Aros then explained the whole morning to Lucius - the morning in which Aros had died. “So, if this watcher hears us talking about this... things will go badly for us. If I don’t get the sphere for him...,” she shrugged, “same thing. Lucius, I don’t know what to do.”

Lucius let out a long sigh. “I don’t either...yet. How much time do you have?”

“Um... forty-eight hours.” She winced.

“We’ll have to think of something. I can’t let you go back there. If they have the sphere, they have no more use for you,” Lucius reasoned.

“That’s what I said.” Aros turned to face Aia. “You cannot trust a thing they say. I learned that the hard way.”

“I want to talk to Oz. She is acting CO at the moment and needs to be informed. Then, we will figure this out and keep you and Saye out of their reach. I can put you on a transport here, right now, if I have to, Aia.”

“A transport to where? They’ll track us down - they have all the time in the universe. For all we know, my watcher has used his time device to go back in time and listen to this conversation,” Aia was starting to fear the worst.

“Then perhaps we should give them what they want.” At least it’s going to look that way. “But there is one condition. Aros is going with you. I refuse to send you back there alone.”

“Anything to keep Saye safe.” Can we give them a fake sphere?

Lucius nodded in answer to Aia. “Exactly. I know Aros will keep you safe.” Lucius’ voice had grown husky and he cleared his throat. “We should get back, but first, ice cream.”

Aros rested his hand on Lucius’ arm. “I will.”

Aia smiled at both of them, lingering on Lucius a moment longer than Aros. “I think the watcher will stay with me, so either one of you should be okay to discuss this away from me.”

“Good. We’ll meet later Aros, the usual place.” Lucius turned to watch Saye a moment and she stopped as she reached out for a flower, hearing Lucius call to her silently. He spoke again, lower this time. “I want Will to check her Aia. She is beginning to show signs of telepathy, but far too early. Just now and then but keep an eye on it, both of you, when you are with her in case you notice it too.”

“Too early? Oh...,” Aia looked at her daughter and frowned. “Well... your family is known for strength. I’ll watch her.”

Saye came scampering across the grass and lunged at Aros. “I think that means it’s time for the ice cream.” He laughed and stood, then swung Saye up to his shoulders. “Ready when you all are.”

Aia stood and put a hand out to Aros. “We’re ready.”

Aia Rios-Hawke
Lucius Hawke


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