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Working Against Time

Posted on Wed May 11th, 2016 @ 11:05pm by Aia Rios Hawke & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Aros

Mission: Further Challenges

Admiral Hawke’s Office *

Lucius led the way into his office and locked the door behind them. Looking at Aia, he put a finger to his lips, then crossed to his desk. I just need to get something. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small silver cylinder and closed it. Finally, he returned to wrap one arm around Aia, pulling her close. His free hand was hidden between them and he pressed the cylinder against her. She felt a momentary sting as he kissed her. Tracker. Just in case.

“I just need to give this to Leto when I meet with her. Are you going home?”

That hurt!, she complained. “Yes. Will you keep Saye with you? I’d like to lie down for a nap.” Plus, this way, she’ll be with you and safe.

“Sure. She’s been wanting to go to the Risan shop. We’ll hit the promenade for a while, maybe get Aros and go to Lao’s.” I know, I’m sorry, but it may save your life. Your security team will be with you.

“Okay. Have fun. Tonight, let’s have dinner in, if possible. Just us and Saye,” she smiled at him before kissing him lightly.

”Certainly. I won’t be late, I promise.” He kissed her once more. If anything happens, hit the emergency alarm. I don’t think they will take you anywhere since you’ve not done what they wanted yet.

I agree, though he might visit with me. If he does, I’ll see if he’s been listening in. She squeezed his hand and ruffled Saye’s hair then headed out for their quarters.

* Hawke Quarters *

Her security detail was unobtrusive and did not follow her into her quarters. Inside, she did just what she’d told Lucius she was going to do: she laid down for a nap.

Nevros hadn’t been able to follow her when she transported away from the Arboretum but he’d gambled on the chance that she would arrive at her own quarters sooner or later. It had been simple enough to get in before she arrived and he’d been content to wait. His patience was soon rewarded and he was happy to see that she was alone, inside the quarters at least. He watched as she moved through to the bedroom and stretched out. Once she had dozed off, he adjusted his wristband controls to bring him fully into this time. Silent as a mouse, he crossed to the bed and leaned down, clamping his hand over her mouth.

“Wakey, wakey,” he whispered at her ear.

She woke quickly and swinging: she threw a punch at him. She got him on the shoulder, though it wasn’t a hard hit. Struggling away from him, she hissed, “Don’t touch me.”

“Keep your mouth shut and your hands off any alarms and I will,” Nevros answered. “Where did you go?”

“Go? When?” She was a touch fuzzy from having been woken so rudely. “Oh... Lucius transported us to Archadia for ice cream. They have this gelato-like stuff that’s pretty amazing.”

“Sure you did.” Nevros settled in a chair and propped his feet on the small bench at the foot of the bed. “Must have been quite, your husband, your lover.”

“My child,” she nodded. “It was. Aros is under Lucius’ command, so they do get along. But... I suppose you’re from one of those strict monogamy cultures. Boring, if you ask me,” she sneered at him, judging him even though she wasn’t really judging him. She didn’t give a damn what he was.

He laughed shortly. “Whatever works for you and yours. Any word on your missing step-son?”

“No. What about you? Have you heard something?” She managed to sit up, leaning against the head of the bed.

He shook his head. “No. They’ve fallen off my scan. Perhaps Lortan knows something. Perhaps he is responsible in order to get them out of the way.” He shrugged. “Now I understand your step-daughter has gone in search of him. At least that’s what I overheard. His children have a knack for putting themselves in danger, don’t they?”

“Yes, they do, but they do it for the good of all. Versus what you’re doing.”

“Fair enough.” Nevros smiled back at her. “I’m sure they will all have an interesting trip. Which brings us to you. Have you informed your husband of your situation?”

“You told me not to,” she said simply.

He eyed her intently and frowned. “So how do you plan to get through all the security and get to the sphere?”

“I don’t know yet,” she admitted. “What’s your plan?”

“My plan? This is your show, Aia.” He rose and strolled closer to her. “It’s your ass on the line, and that of your daughter, and the rest you hold dear. Two of them are out in our space, remember.”

She glared at him. “Fine. I’ll get the damned thing. Just leave me alone.”

He reached the bed and in a flash, his hand was around her throat. “You do what you have been ordered to do and don’t you ever try to evade me again,” he hissed. “Or all bets are off and you will not see your offspring ever again. Do you understand?”

She clawed at his hand and rasped, “I understood the first time you said that. I wasn’t evading you; Lucius called for the transport before I could stop him. Weren’t you listening?”

“You need to remember what is important,” he snapped and released her throat. “You are running out of time, something I find rather ironic.”

“What is with the time limit? Whatever deadline you’re facing, you can just skip it and then come back to it.” She rubbed her throat.

“I could go back and interrupt your romance with Lucius….then no Saye, you’d likely have returned to Earth, and wouldn’t have to worry about any of this. Shall I?”

“For all you know, going back and doing that means that things in Krenim space change too. And not for the better. It might make something else change.”

Nevros shrugged. “It wouldn’t bother me any. I have no ties, which is why I have this job. So I do mine and you do yours and your child will be fine. I am sorry to inform you though, that your young lover is doomed. I hope you’re not too attached to him.”

She did rather like her young lover. Even if she didn’t, she didn’t want him to die. “Why is he doomed? Something you do or random happenstance?”

“You saved him once and I gave you my word that I’d spare him. I can’t say the same for anyone else. Lortan bears a grudge deep and long, Aia. It was Aros’ meddling that has caused all this, and exposed Lortan’s motives. Do you really think he will let Aros live? Or let anyone recall his plans?” Nevros stepped away from the bed and over to the portal to look outside, watching the ships come and go.

Then Lortan would need to die. “Go away. I don’t want to talk to you or see you again. Just go.” She gathered herself and got off the bed to move out to the living room. “Next time, I’m going to nap with a phaser.”

That got a laugh from Nevros. “Like that would help.” He looked her up and down and shook his head. “The clock is ticking and I’ll be beside you every second. Don’t forget that.”

“Even if I could, I couldn’t,” she muttered. “Now go on, go away. I was napping, remember?”

Nevros adjusted the setting on his arm band and vanished from Aia’s sight. As she laid back down, he returned to the chair and settled in for the watch.

Aia Rios-Hawke
Lucius Hawke


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