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The Cardassian Complication - Conclusion

Posted on Fri Jun 10th, 2016 @ 1:00pm by Kaeli & Isaura Panossian

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: RIS Opius

Kaeli opened a general channel and called Patch, then moved over to the center chair and kicked off her shoes. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes and began to relax, working her way up from her feet. It had been a tense day but one major problem was resolved. It would give Nyyar and Eldren some breathing room to adjust to their life together. A slow smile spread over her face. So lost in thought was she that she didn’t hear the lift doors open.

Entering the bridge, Patch saw that Kaeli was kicked back, relaxed and, oddly, smiling. He interrupted that: “Did you get good news?”

“Not for me,” she answered. “I was just thinking that finally Nyyar can breathe easy. She and Eldren can stop looking over their shoulders, which is a good thing. I’m odd, I guess. I get happy over other people’s problems being fixed. I don’t often expect it in my own life.”

“Maybe you should,” he said. “Why doesn’t Jarad work to fix your problems? Seems like he causes them.”

“Sometimes,” she admitted. “It’s complicated. Even more so now I guess.”

“That word... sometimes, it’s overused. Life is life. Things happen, time moves on. If you aren’t happy, then you should move on, too. Find what makes you happy.” The impromptu philosopher sat at one of the consoles and pulled up a course chart. “Hey... we’re off course. We’re not headed for the wormhole anymore. I’ll correct that.”

“No, we are on course. We’re taking a side trip and I am going to need you.” She motioned him to come closer. “There’s something I need to do.”

“Where are we going?” He stood and went to her, leaning over her chair, hands on the armrests. “What do you need to do?”

“Get rid of an old shadow before it swallows me up again. On Romulus. Rekar.” She couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. “Short side trip. You in?”

“Not like I could leave if I weren’t. Besides, this gives me more time with you, less time with Surie,” he grinned and leaned in further to kiss her.

She let the kiss linger for a few moments. “I thought you liked your job. Sure you don’t mean less time with Jarad?”

“I never spent time with Jarad,” he joked. “But now that you mention it, it is sort of nice that we’ll be without Jarad, too.”

“We’ll need to make some plans,” she murmured. “For Romulus and for home.”

“For home?” He backed off a bit. “What about home? You wanna keep doing this there? Aren’t you on a private ship?”

“With quarters in the Pit. There’s no way I’d take you on the ship, not if I want you to stay in one piece.”

“You talk as if Jarad could really hurt me. You know he can’t, not if he wants to stay alive. After all, Suresh is my boss; he takes care of his own.”

“Excellent point.” She motioned to the seat beside her. “Get comfortable, I’m taking the bridge for a while. Once Isa and Raf are up and around, we’ll make our plans. For now? I need to go call Rekar.”

“Okay. I’ll be here.” He retreated to the console he’d been at and sat down.

Kaeli rose and entered the Ready Room, where she opened an encrypted channel that would go straight to Rekar. Leaning back in the chair, she propped her bare feet up on the desk as she waited for him to appear.

The Romulan, looking unduly pleased, showed up on her viewscreen. “Kaeli, how good of you to report in.”

“Hello, sweets. How are you?” It was no accident that her bare legs showed in the viewer. “Did you miss me?”

He smiled, looking over her bare gams. “Oh, yes, I miss you, dear. Your signal is rather strong. Are you in this quadrant? Stopping by? I’d love to see you in person...get my hands on those legs.”

“As it happens, I am on my way there now. Two days and I’ll be perched on your desk.” She smiled slightly. “Tell me, have you heard any news from Cardassia in the last couple of hours?”

His smile faltered and fell away. “Cardassia? Should I have heard something? Kaeli, has something happened? Are you coming here on the run? Should I have an envoy sent out to meet you and take care of any tailing parties?”

“Not at all. Everything is just fine and dandy but you might want to switch on your news channel. Or check with your agents on Cardassia. I’ll be happy to wait a few while you do.”

He frowned at her but turned to another console and pulled up new reports. He scanned them quickly, looking for anything from Cardassia. When he saw it, he cursed loudly. “This was you? And now you’re on your way here? To do what? Lead the Cardassians right to us? Start a war between our worlds?”

“Relax, my dearest Rekar.” Kaeli actually laughed now. “No one knows who it was. The word is that some animal ripped him to shreds. They are plentiful out in that forest where his cottage is located. A couple of his men in the woods were killed too by that same animal. I thought you might want to know. Things could be interesting there for the next few days.”

“I see that now: unexplained animal attack. Taking your report in person will be interesting, my dear. How soon will you arrive?”

“Two days. It’s a straight shot so I don’t foresee any problems. You’ll have time for me I assume? While you are licking your chops over the director of the new Obsidian Order’s death?”

He laughed. “Yes, precisely. Oh, and if your delightful Bajoran friend is with you, Tindam is here. I’m sure he’d love to see her.” His sarcasm was obvious.

“So he finally made his way home, did he? I’ll be sure to let her know.” Kaeli reached out, trailing her finger over the screen. “You can thank me for the death of Boroca when I get there.”

“Oh, I’ll have plenty of rewards for you,” he said, proudly, with an edge of a leer in his voice, “Big and... well, mostly big.”

Kaeli managed to resist rolling her eyes. “I’m sure you will. I have one condition, though. I don’t want an audience when I get there. You and I have some...things….to go over, hmm?”

His glee was nearly tangible. “Oh, then we won’t have one.”

“Good. I’ll call when we are in orbit. Meet me at your house. Till then, I have a ship to fly. See you soon?”

“Yes, I’ll wait for your call,” he said then waited till she closed the channel.

“Perfect.” Kaeli’s smile now was genuine. Belatedly she recalled what Rekar had said and called Isa’s quarters. “Sorry to interrupt but I have news.”

Naked, and not caring, Isa turned toward the viewscreen. “Better be good,” she warned.

“I just spoke to Rekar. He’s expecting us in two days but he did share something you need to know. Tinman has returned to Romulus.”

Frowning, Isa mulled that over. “Ah... joy? By now, he likely hates me again. That might not be a fun reunion. Perhaps I should stay on the ship this time?”

“He’ll find you either way. So this is you being forewarned. Rekar is all set for our arrival.”

“Okay. I’m forewarned, thanks,” she smiled and nodded. “I’ll be here.”

Kaeli closed the channel to Isa and sat in the silent room for a few minutes, considering the arrival on Romulus. Thinking of Rekar brought Jarad to mind, and the rescue when they had last been there. That led inevitably to her breakdown in Jarad’s arms as she revealed what she had learned on that visit. On impulse, she reached out and tapped the desk panel, opening a channel to 900. Just as it connected, however, she slammed her fist on the panel and closed it. With a grumble, she rose and left the Ready Room, returning to Patch.

Isaura Panossian


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