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The Men Make Plans

Posted on Sun Jun 26th, 2016 @ 9:02pm by Lieutenant Seren Hawke & Vic & Lieutenant Commander T'Rowl N'Riss C.Phil & Lieutenant Janus Heyerdahl

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Kohanna - Alternate Universe

* The Korenna *

Externally there wasn't much of a reaction from N'Riss. Rather, he had always offered the same expression in nearly any situation. That was par for the course when dealing with a Caitian. Indeed, in his circles he was considered to be too excitable, but in these he was remarkably demure. Still, internally he was actually quite distraught. All four of them were off of this vessel, and he had felt personally responsible now that he was in command. Nevertheless, he had to do whatever he could to keep things under wraps.

"Murrr, does anyone have anything to report?" It felt like such an empty thing to say, but he couldn't think of anything else to ask.

Seren had dropped into his seat and was busily tapping the conn. “In pursuit,” he said. “Increasing speed to warp 6. They are still in range. For now.” He turned to Vic. “How long before their engines are converted and up to par with ours?”

“Not long,” Vic answered vaguely, “But I think the process might shut down the engines before it can complete the transition. If so, then we’ll be able to catch them. We should increase to warp 7.5, though.”

“And done.” Seren adjusted the speed. “At their current rate, we should reach them in just under an hour, assuming no problems Janus can’t fix instantly. If they do shut down, it will be sooner. If the ship doesn’t shut down for them, I’m betting Reva can.”

"We should have no difficulties sustaining Warp 7.5 as a cruising speed near infinitely, even in our current running condition, murr." Rather than actually speaking his lines as a commanding officer, being the head of the flight division on Starbase 900 had forced him to deliver them much as an engineer might possibly have done so. "Make me privy to any changes in status."

“Aye sir,” Seren responded out of long habit. “What do you have on sensors, Vic?”

“Their warp trail,” Vic answered. “Setting course and speed to catch up as quickly as possible. Reva killed the engines on Fisher’s ship; she’ll likely do the same on this one, given half a chance.”

With a murr, N'Riss looked back and somewhat cautiously blinked. "Keep a hold of their warp signatures on our scanner, but be careful not to make it painfully obvious that you are doing so. They can probably monitor our sensor pulses." He figured that a small bit of subterfuge could be used to their advantage in the end.

“Will do, don’t worry,” Vic said.

“We’ll reach the rift in an hour,” Seren informed them.

"We should use that hour to make whatever remaining preparations we have." N'Riss was intense as he said that, but he didn't appear to be.

The bridge comm beeped just then and Janus’ voice came through. “I’m working on boosting the warp drive, which should give us enough of a boost to catch them. It will take a few minutes, since they don’t cooperate as quickly for me as they do for Six and Reva, but no more than fifteen minutes. Janus out.”

“Excellent,” Seren replied and turned to N’Riss. “As soon as he’s done, we’ll hit top speed and get them in range. Reva should be able to buy us the time we need.”

Lt. Commander T’Rowl N’Riss
Lt. Seren Hawke
Lt. Janus Heyerdahl


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