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He's Back! With A New Girl! Again!

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2016 @ 10:22pm by James Holbridge & Sam Elliott III & 2nd Lieutenant Jordan Holbridge

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole

Near Loch Uaine, Hamilton Hall
Unknown Planet
Alpha Quadrant

JD Holbridge, Sam Elliott, and Amanda Fulton looked around the landing zone, establishing a defensive perimeter. JD immediately pulled out his combat tricorder, conducting a quick, but through scan of the area. Sam and Amanda continued to scan the surrounding area with their eyes, allowing the boy to mess with the technology.

The young Holbridge scowled. “I am reading approximately 470 life signs several kilometers west of our position. Human and one El-Aurian.” His expression brightened. “One life-sign matches my father's biometric data! We found him!”

Sam nodded. “We will take our time, kid. We don't know if your dad is being held prisoner, hurt, or worse. We will approach his position and form a plan when we know what we are up against.”

JD knew Sam was right; even though he wanted to recover his father, he knew rushing in was foolhardy. “What's the plan, major?” JD asked, using Sam's former rank.

“We hump it to your dad's location, double-time! Amanda, you have point, JD will cover our six. Combat spread. I want goggles on and scanning for trouble!” Sam ordered as he put his combat eye armor on. CEA glasses read the data from the wearer's combat tricorder and displayed it on the lenses so that the wearer's hands could maintain control of other priority items, like weapons or equipment. Matt Collins had developed the CEAs during the early days of Team One, and now the Delta Quadrant Marines and Security forces of Starbase 900 carried them as standard combat equipment.

The trio began a quick-march pace to Jim's location. The forest around Loch Uaine was a lush, green paradise; tall trees stretched up to the sky while a carpet of green grass swished in the breeze. The trio remained cautions, scanning for any sign of trouble, but none ever popped up.

As the trio neared what looked to be a transcendental village, JD's CEA suddenly flashed an image. A villager in a kilt sporting a month's growth of a beard was walking down the main thoroughfare with a very attractive woman. JD scanned the couple and his jaw dropped, his father was holding hands with the El-Aurian he had detected earlier. Without thinking, JD broke cover and walked towards his father. “Dad!”

Bridger turned and was startled to see an armed young man walking rapidly towards him....there was something familiar about him......Daddy........can I have a hoverbike, Dad?...why are you and Mom living apart, Dad?.....are you coming home, Dad?........ Bridger's hands flew to his temples as long-hidden memories crashed through his mind.

Rhona hurried to Bridger's side. “Are ye alright, love?”

JD looked in astonishment as a strange woman embraced his father. “Who the hell are you, lady?” he demanded.

Rhona turned to face JD. “I am the woman who loves this man, sure. Who might you be?”

“I am his son!” JD replied, teeth gritted.

Sam and Amanda trotted up beside JD, seeing Jim Holbridge writhing in pain on the ground. “Thank God we found him!” Sam breathed as he went to help his friend.only to wind up facing a red-haired she-devil that suddenly flashed a small knife. “Easy, sweetheart, I work for that man. I going to see if he's wounded!”

“Touch him and I'll gut ye like a fish!” Rhona hissed.

“Honey, take it easy!” Bridger/Holbridge gasped. “That's Sam Elliott, and he works for me. The angry young Marine is my son, and the gold-skinned Xenexian woman is Amanda, my liaison officer to the Archadian government in the Delta Quadrant, and my name is Jim Holbridge.”

Rhona's eyes went wide. “You...remember who ye are, love?” Her eyes showed surprise as she lowered her knife.

Jim rose to his feet, brushing the dirt off his clothes. “Sam, JD, Manda, it's good to see you all. Rhona, we need to talk...”

“There's nothin' to say. Ye'll be leavin now, and that was what I agreed to when you came to us.” Rhona's voice carried a note of sadness.

“I don't want that...” Jim began, stopping when he saw the look of pain in his son's eyes. “Go to the house, sweetness. I'll bring my friends in a few minutes.”

JD turned away from his father to hide his tears. The shock of seeing his father with another woman had broken through his Marine facade. Jim approached his son. “Jordan, I want to explain....”

“There's nothing to explain! Mom's dead and you replaced her like you would change your underwear after pissing in them!”

“, not at all! I crashed here and Rhona was told by the village elders to help me regain my health. As we spent more and more time together, feelings developed and we fell for each other. I know you miss your mother....”

“You talk about Mom when you....Jesus Fucking Christ!” JD exploded. “What kind of bastard are you??”

Jim started for his son, murder glinting in his eyes, only to be stopped by Sam. “Don't do it, boss! He's your son!”

Holbridge whirled on Sam. I have been missing for a few weeks and when I finally regain my memory and see my son, he calls me a bastard? That's not how I raised him!”

“How did you raise him, love?” the voice of Rhona asked.

Jim turned to see Rhona staring at him. “I raised him to be respectful to his parents.”

“Did me ears deceive me or did you say that his mother was dead?” Rhona pressed Jim.

“Yes, his mother died a few months ago.”

“Well, if it was me in his place I would have done what he did, too.” Rhona said gently taking his hand. “You're lad is a grown man, and a warrior to boot. That bein' said, I'm surprised he took it so well.”

Jim nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I think you're right. As usual!” Jim grinned at her.

Rhona motioned to JD. “Come here, lad.”

JD walked slowly over to the woman, his head hung low. Rhona picked his chin up so that his eyes were looking into hers. “Your mother was a good woman.”

“How do you know that?” JD asked sullenly.

“Only a good mother can inspire such loyalty in her child. I can see some of her fire in both Bridger....I mean, Jim, and you.” Rhona said gently. “I am honored to have loved a man who has made such a fine, handsome soldier.”

JD smiled, blushing slightly.

Jim looked at Rhona and grinned. “Nice flattery, babe!”

Rhona's eyes sparkled as she led JD towards the house she and Jim shared. “Tonight we celebrate, for tomorrow you take your da home.”

JD looked at Rhona with a grin of his own. “I think Dad might want you to come, too.”


Rhona and Jim were sitting outside on the back porch of the house. Inside the house, a celebration was happening as Rhona's father and Sam took turns drinking shots and belching. Sam was holding his own against the larger man, and let loose a loud belch.

“That man runs my business!” Jim laughed, snuggling Rhona closer to him.

“Any man that can belch like that cannae be all bad! And from what you told me, the man has kept ye in clover for a few years, now!” Jim had spent most of the evening telling the villagers about his life in the Delta Quadrant. Most of the people were delighted that Jim had regained his memory and wanted to go home, but not more than a few were worried that Rhona would accompany him.

Jim held her close. “Are you coming with us when we leave tomorrow?”

Rhona looked at him. “I need to tell ye something first. First, I am not a Scot, nor even a human. I am an El-Aurian refugee that has been here for nearly thirty years.” Rhona put her fingers on his lips. “Let me finish, love. Nearly a hundred years ago, the Enterprise-B was heavily damaged. Captain James Kirk was killed in this accident as well, but he didn't die. Both he and I had fallen into what is known as the Nexus, a gateway to another place in time. All of your fondest wishes can come true, you can right the wrongs in your life forever. I don't know how long I was in the Nexus, nor did I care. I was utterly content. I never wanted to leave, but an explosion near the Nexus caused me and some others to be expelled. We wound up on a giant starship that crashed on Veridian III. After we were rescued, I tried for several years to get back to the Nexus, but I realized that it would never happen. I began to wander the galaxy aimlessly, and I wound up here. I made a new life for myself here using my own two hands.”

“So, that's a no?” Jim asked softly.

Rhona turned to face Jim. “I have hidden here for too long. I want to see the galaxy again, maybe even find people like me.”

“I know of a couple!” Jim grinned at her. “I'm so glad you're coming with us tomorrow!” Jim leaned over and kissed her, which Rhona returned with equal passion. Unbeknownst to either of them, JD watched them and smiled, hoisting a beer in his father's direction.

“Get some, Dad!” he said softly.

Jim turned to face his son and smiled. “I intend to!”



Jim Holbridge/Bridger
Found His Marbles

JD Holbridge
Found A New Mom

Sam Elliott
Found Out He Can't Match a Scotsman in a Drinking Game


Amanda Fulton
Found Her Boss


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