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Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2016 @ 3:47pm by James Holbridge

Mission: Further Challenges


John Franklin sat in his cell, clad in only a pair of underwear and a thin cotton t-shirt, anxiously awaiting the arrival of his interrogator. He was back aboard Starbase 900, as per his orders from Gul Boroca. The final pieces of the plan were falling into place; all that was needed was to make the target aware of the situation.

The cell doors snapped open and Jim Holbridge walked in, accompanied by an armed and pissed-off-looking Amanda Fulton. The human man and Xenexian woman practically radiated unbridled hatred towards Franklin, who simply smiled and nodded at Jim. “Good to see you again, Bouncer.”

“Wish I could say the same, you scum-fuck traitor!” Jim said in a low voice as he sat down across from Franklin.

“That's no way to talk to an old friend, is it?” Franklin replied, still smiling. He held up his hands and jingled the metal restraints. “Can you take these off?”

“Not a chance in Hell. Why did you destroy that Talaxian trading station?” Jim demanded.

“They were Talaxians and expendable.” Franklin answered easily.

“You are a murderer, a mass murderer. I am turning you over to Starfleet JAG, cadet. Lieutenant Benson will be here to collect you within the hour.” Jim turned to leave.

“You will be in the cell right next to me!” Franklin's smile broadened.

“You wish, asshole!”

“Do I?” Franklin was amused. “Ever since you came back from your little trip to Cardassia, you have been violating your security agreement by bringing that El-Aurian woman, Rhona, aboard. Oh, here's a fun little fact, your girlfriend's home colony is established on an abandoned Cardassian prison world. Gul Boroca did not live to see you crash on the planet, and I am sure he would have appreciated the irony. It wasn't the Rokaran Shipyards, but it was similar. The 'colonists' were all Cardassian sympathizers who were exiled by the Federation after the First Cardassian War. Rhona...”

“You say another word and I will have you killed!” Jim snarled, leaping to his feet.

“....was the leader of a cell of saboteurs on Betazed and did time in New Zealand!” Franklin finished, right before Jim's fist crashed into his jaw. Holbridge knew Rhona was not associated with the Cardassians and Franklin was simply trying to steer the conversation, but the crack across the jaw had silenced the man.

“You have been AWOL from the Fleet for nearly thirty years. It's time to pay the price. Amanda, hold him here until Benson gets here.” Holbridge turned and left the cell.,

“I know who killed your wife!” Franklin slurred as Jim left the room.

Holbridge stopped, turned, and heaved Franklin to his feet slamming the man into the bulkhead. “If you want to live, you better tell me who!” Jim whispered in a deadly voice.

Franklin whispered into Jim's ear for several moments. Holbridge's face twisted into a mask of hatred and he threw Franklin across the room. Holbridge heard a bone crack loudly.

“YOU...MURDERING...MOTHER....FUCKING...PIECE...OF...SHIT!” Holbridge shouted as he kicked at Franklin's prone form. Amanda immediately moved in and was able to deflected Jim, using her superior Xenexian strength. Amanda held Jim against the bulkhead opposite Franklin, waiting for the rage to leave his eyes.

“Get him out of here before I kill him, Amanda!” Holbridge said in a low voice that shook with rage.


Jim sat at his desk, hands folded into a steeple. He was unable to believe what Franklin told him, but a cursory check of the information had proven to be accurate. The shipyard's security had been penetrated by the Cardassian Obsidian Order. There were nine different operatives employed at the shipyards, all of them in sensitive areas. Holbridge had ordered their immediate arrest and shipped them to Starfleet Security for processing, but the damage was done. Holbridge Industries was compromised, and until an investigation could be completed by an officer from San Francisco, the shipyard, and even the NGSC were temporarily out of business.

“Rhona, come in here.” Jim said quietly. When the red-haired El-Aurian woman came into the office Jim looked at her sadly. “Shut the door, babe.”

Rhona nodded and sealed the office doors. “What is it?” she asked softly, coming to sit in Jim's lap.

Jim made room for her and was grateful to feel her arms encircle his trunk. “Tell me about the Nexus ribbon,”

Rhona explained how the Nexus was a ribbon of energy that wandered throughout the galaxy and was thought to be the gateway to what humans called Heaven. “It's a place where all your fondest wishes come true, darling. Trust me, I was there.”

“I believe you. I need you to retrieve a report filed by James T. Kirk concerning a man called Sybok. Also, I need any and all research Sybok did on shield structures as they relate to intense gravomteric anomalies. I want to know how big a starship needs to be in order for those shields to be effective. Will you do that for me?”

“Of course,” Rhona kissed him firmly and went to do her job.

Jim tabbed a long-unused control. “Team One, this is Bouncer. Prepare to initiate TAPDANCE protocols,” he said in a tired, defeated voice. “Eddie, transfer the Specter to secured facility Two-One, full concealment. Collins, I need you on the Specter ready to refit the shield system to specifications Rhona will upload to you. Sam and Amanda, begin recall of all NGSC teams. That is all.”

Jim lowered his head to his desk and began to sob. It was all coming undone, and he had no more strength left to fight.


Jim Holbridge
Soon-To-Be Ex-CEO


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