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Getting Started

Posted on Thu Nov 10th, 2011 @ 1:20pm by Lieutenant Kazvar Guten

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Lt Guten's Quarters

Standing in the lift he set down his bag and looked at the doors. He wasn't sure when they would open or where at. At this time he had no idea where his quarters where, but he knew the computer did. The lift hummed about as it moved thought the star base before coming to a soft stop. With a slight whoosh of air the doors slide open to a hallway. Picking up his bag he stepped out into the hall and looked at the wall to see what deck he was on. He silently thought to himself, "Deck 169, not used to such a large station. I will survive this just like everything else though."

Walking forward down the hall he looked at the side of each door. He was looking at the names on them to try to find which was his. Door after door went by as he continued to walk down the hallway. This was a much larger station then he had ever been on for more then a day or so. Finally he stopped as he saw a door reading, "Lt. Kazvar Guten." Stepping up to the door it whooshed open and revealed a small but adequate room.

Moving into the room he looked around to see who and what was there. It appeared that no one else was living there at the time, even though there was more then one bed. The bed to the right was close to the bathroom and had a window just above it, the bed to the left was by the replicator and had a window to the side of it. Turning right he went to the drawers and opened one, there was nothing in it, so it was definitely open for use. Setting his bag on the bed he opened it up and pull out his Zanzavarnian Robe first and placed it gently in the top drawer right in the middle. With that he reflected for a moment about his decision to come back to Star Fleet. Knowing it was the right move he pressed the drawer closed and opened the next.

Steadily he moved everything from his one bag to the drawer. He had learned that packing light was the easiest way to move when changing stations. After all his clothing was out of the bag only thing left at the bottom was a Padd and a blade, his Aba'Mash. It was a slightly curved blade with the handle curving the other way just to increase slashing power. The hilt was a bone from any large enough animal to carve one out of with an iron guard. The the center of the blade was made from a hard iron composite. The outside edge of the blade was a has a slightly blue metal folded in and enclosing it. This blue metal came from his home planet, and only there that he knew of. It was very poisonous and that was the reason for its use. The tradition of the males earning and receiving this blade was to show that they were grown an were ready to fight for their male race.

The tradition came out of the days when the males fought the females to live and become free. All that was mostly over now. When he first came to star fleet he still was only able to train with the blade for youngsters. In a closed ceremony he was given the Aged blade to celebrate the work he had done to unite his race through star fleet. His race was dear to his heart, and at the ceremony was the first time he shed tears since the death of his father when he was just a boy. Picking up the blade he slide it out of the scabbard and looked at the gleam. On one side was his full name written in his home language, on the other side was the Zanzavarnian word for United. United was what they were calling the new caste of females and males working together. It wasn't normal for more then your name to be on the blade, but they made his special because of what he was working toward.

Sliding the blade back into the scabbard he set it on the bed besides the bag. Picking up the padd from inside the bag he tossed the now empty back into the back of the open drawer and then closed the drawer. With that he opened the top drawer again and picked up his blade. Giving his blade and the robe one more look he placed the blade on the robe diagonally so it would he easy to pick up out of the drawer if he needed it. He then closed the drawer again. His old life was now fading to the past and the future was becoming the present.

Moving over to the small desk by his bed he placed the padd down and sat in the chair behind it. Turning on the padd he linked it with the Star Base computer and started setting up all his security codes and command codes. It wasn't an exciting part of going to a new station but it was a requirement. After all how to you override a command if you don't have your codes set in place. He didn't have any control over anything important in the Star Base, most of it was dock related. The ability to seal a docking hatch or open it could mean life or death, and overriding one could be just as important.

After finishing all his codes he brought up the docking list to see who was there, who was leaving soon, who was coming, and what repairs they each said they would need. Most were minor things or restocking of engineering parts. Things of this nature would now fall on him to make happen smoothly. Expanding the time frame to the next 8 weeks he looked to see how long each would be there and started planning for who would need repairs and how long they would take. He was used to planning things of this nature from when he was the Chief Engineering Officer of the USS Saturn. She took a lot of damage from many things in her day. Everything from saboteurs before she left on her first mission after being un-mothballed to Borg battles with the Zanzavarnians. The memories of those times started to come back to him as he sat planning things out.


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