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The night before...the early.....morning after

Posted on Fri Nov 11th, 2011 @ 1:12pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kit'rin'e's Quarters

A deep guttural growl echoed through the main room of Kit'rin'e's quarters from the direction of the bedroom. The lights were low, but the living room itself had changed. It had lost its orderliness, appearing now as if a storm had broken, tossing the rooms contents out from the storm's center. Clothing was strewn in a path to the bedroom, the low light glistening from black sequins and rhinestones.

The growl came again, followed by a higher pitched cry, that shifted to a his name panted softly. The growl mingled with the cry and finally, a sudden silence blanketed the quarters. It was followed moments later by a cry of a different sort.

"Oh....oh my god.....get a towel!" The voice was Sulan's.

Kit'rin'e bound out of the bedroom in the hands and feet position, running like the feline he was. He returned with a towel in his mouth and ran back. The wound was deep, unfortunately it had to be. It saddened him that he had to do that to her but it was required. However, his own fur was marred, its usual snow white tinged pink in places. Her blood around the mouth however he too had wounds of his own from her actions. His fur sticking up in places instead of the usual smooth grace it had before. He stood up again after placing the towel in her hands and her shoulder. His body cracked a few times. A growl slipped his throat, then again as he tried to regain control of his breathing. Considering they arrived back nearly two hours ago when the mood got the better of them both.

She pressed the towel to her shoulder pressing down on it. Her breathing was shallow but she took a few deep breaths and forced her breathing to settle.

"Can you put some pressure on it for me? Your bigger hands might work better." She looked up at him and despite the deep shoulder wound, and various other scratches and marks, she smiled.

He couldn't deny there was a twinge of sadness, he'd harmed her, hurt her. Even through tradition demanded it, it was still a difficult thing to do. While she moved he pulled on a robe, grabbing one for her to wrap her in so they could go to Sickbay. He placed it beside her when she asked for his help. He put one foot onto the bed as he was stood to one side of it, showing off the double joints, his right hand came to rest gently on the small of her back while the other gently initially then more firmly pressed against the towel on her shoulder. "We should get you to Sickbay." He spoke.

His own wounds could wait, mostly scratches, a few bleeding ones but nothing as severe as her injuries, still, the wounds were made obvious by the stained fur.

He ran his tongue over his fangs and teeth, he could taste her. His lips and fur around them felt different since he'd yet to wipe his mouth.

"Umm... dressed only in a robe?" She moved to the edge of the bed and started to stand. A wave of dizziness swept over her and and she fell back on the bed. "Kit?" The name murmured.

She was right, she needed more. He hunted for her underwear. In the living room it hung from the branch of one of the three small Caitian trees, very small things about two feet tall. He smiled as he gathered it. He returned it to her and helped her put it on. Putting her dress on was out of the question, so he replicated a suitable top for her to wear. "The robe." He said holding it open, was very wide and very long. It would drag on the floor at her height, wide enough she could wrap herself twice in it at least. "Is to cover you up while we go to Sickbay."

"Do we have to go...right now?" The pain in her shoulder was only one of many but the other sensations from the past two hours were just as strong within her.

"I...." Kit'rin'e was lost, he didn't understand. "We..don't have to if you do not wish to." He replied, unsure as to why she would delay seeking treatment.

"Come here." She spoke softly.

He walked forward to her, slow and gentle in his movements when near her not wanting to cause her further harm. "What is it?" He asked.

Reaching up with her hand, she took hold of his and tugged him down next to her. "You worry too much. I'll be fine.... just tell me, do you do that every time?"

"No, just the once, the first time." He replied. He smiled with her gentle touch. "I think you bit off more than you could chew." The corner of his mouth rising in what could be seen as a smirk.

"Ha! Try again." She winked at him. "I mean it, then I promise we'll go to Sickbay."

"As you wish." He said standing back upright again, giving her a moment. He worried and even though she said he worried too much, he knew his abilities. A full bite from him could break bones, tear flesh, it took a lot for him to overcome that instinct, that drive but he did it. Leaving her with a non-life threatening wound as tradition demanded.

"I think this time I'll...." Sulan paused and closed her eyes. "Scratch that, pardon the pun, but maybe you're right. Time to get patched up. You too."

With some delicate movements Kit'rin'e had managed to get her wrapped up in the robe to cover her up. It took even more doing to get her to stand up and use him as support. "If I may ask, how will we explain this to the Doctor?"

"I'll tell them point blank. Better that then having them think I was attacked, and as bloody as you are, they'd leap to the wrong conclusions." She stood gingerly, and felt her knees give way.

He made the reflex mistake of trying to catch her, in doing so however pressed her wounded shoulder harder into his side. "Is that not considered...too personal information to tell them?" Intimacy he thought was a private issue for Humans, while it is so as well for Caitians he was under the impression that it is not something openly discussed with others.

She squealed aloud as he pressed against her shoulder and tiny black spots danced before her eyes. "Doctors keep such things to themselves, and it's better for them to know things they they can treat you appropriately."She stopped and leaned her head against him. "Gotta"

It took some doing and some start and stop moments which in turn caught the attention, puzzled gazes and expressions of some crew members. Even some offered to help calling Sickbay. it took three times as long as normal to get to Sickbay, but they did it, then the doors slid open.


Tora Sulan
A new patient for Sickbay

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer


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