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Coordinating Chaos

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2011 @ 11:00am by Lieutenant James Holbridge

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: MAIN OPS


A deep rumbling sound, followed by severe vibrations rocked the Holbridge family unit. Little JJ, awakened from a sound nap began to wail while the twin girls clung to their mother's legs, looking around in fear. Jim, home early for a change came bolting out of the bathroom and headed for the bulkhead communicator. "Report!"

=^=Explosion of unknown origin has occurred in Hangar 51=^= the computer replied.

"Initiate site-to-site transport: Main Ops" Jim ordered, pulling on his duty vest.


Jim felt his body resolve before he finished the order, wishing he had reassured his family before he left, but the station needed him at the moment. Jim strode up to the master situation display. "I have the deck," he stated. "Somebody give me an update on what just happened."

"There was an explosion in Hangar 51, no casualties reported as of yet." Chief Xann called out.

"Engineering reports damage control teams en route. Structural Integrity is at 44% and falling, shields and SI fields holding. Medical teams are en route as well, encountering mainly shock casualties, broken bones, and percussive injuries." Chief King added.

"Clear the hangar of all personnel then lock it down. Commander Zeferino will want to give the area a going-over. "Computer, how extensive is the shock damage?"

=^=Shock damage to multiple on board systems, including environmental control weaposn control, data flow management...=^=

"Get some Ops people working on the environmental systems immediately!" Jim ordered, hoping Commander Sakkath would have done the same thing. "Mr Xann, any theories as to what caused the explosion?"

"No clue, sir." Xann replied. "It sure is odd how all of this stuff happens with foreign dignitaries on board."

Jim nodded his head, adding that observation to the report he would file.

=^=Fires in the hangar are contained,=^= reported Master Chief Hurich. =^=I need some time to go through the debris and check for smoldering debris...=^=

"Affirative," Holbridge agreed. "I'll be locking the hangar down until Commander Zeferino can look it over. If you need anything give us a call."

Jim cut the channel, then looked at the casualty lists coming in. 14 dead, 57 wounded and counting Jim thought quietly. Better send this to the admiral. Jim quickly signed the report then forwarded it to all the department heads and command elements.


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