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Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2011 @ 2:10pm by Captain qeraQ'

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Uss Hammond

The council discussions had gone on far longer than qeraQ' had hoped, sapping at his patience. At numerous points he had wanted to go down and remind them that time was their enemy, each time being persuaded by Dobry to take a seat again. It seemed that the wider implications of the evidence presented had caused a paranoia in the Council and each remaining member felt like he had to state his position on the matter. Eventually the discussion had returned to the original vote and then the amendments started.

It was during the fourth request to remove the Presidential veto over some right or other than he had stood and walked out noisily, it later turned out that on seeing him in this way one of the council members had raised a point of order and called for the session to be held behind closed doors. On his return he had been barred from entry, and so, with nothing further he could do on the surface for the moment, he had returned to the Hammond to refresh and catch up on the reports that had been sent to him.

It felt odd to be catching up on reports from the station. He had not been on the station for all that long before heading to Divitia Prime, but he had come to know a few of its foibles. On getting back to the Hammond he had been eager to catch up on the latest developments, and found himself relieved that Kh'Ali had been found. There were a number of concerning developments still to catch up on, the reports from Master Chief Brooke summarising the situation had filled in the broad picture but his engineering background made him crave the details.

Scrolling to another report he stopped, it was a performance review, important enough for him to read, but he realised then just how tired he was. He stood and walked to the replicator, ordering a Klingon brew of coffee to which he added some rak'taj liquor, one of the few luxuries he permitted himself from the home world. He was not find of the replicated Raktajino that had become increasingly popular since the Dominion war, it was too sweet.

Taking a sip he walked to the window and looked out, the planet looked back at him, showing the extent of the damage to the atmosphere. When they had first got here there had still been hints of the beauty of the place left, greenery had hung on in places. Now the dark death of the land had taken over yet more of the surface and huge clouds high in the atmosphere showed the boiling of the oceans beginning. There wasn't much time left for Divitia prime. He felt useless, there was nothing he could do until the council had made it's decision. Useless like...

He didn't think of his wife often, B'trana. The sound of her voice in his head made him touch a scar on his neck. She had given him that... A mark of love and ownership that he had never had treated. He could hear her in his head, whispering and purring in his ear, the precursor to violent lovemaking and the knowledge that his body would feel alive from the pain in the same way hers would.

He almost never thought of her, now at least, in the days that followed her death he had also lost his arm. He moved his hand from the scar to the stump of his arm. Love and loss, physically marking him for eternity. It was part of the reason that he had never opted for a prosthesis, that and the fact that he didn't feel he needed one. He could still best most people in hand to hand combat without it. Being Klingon gave you an advantage, people started a fight expecting to lose.

A chirp at his terminal made him turn away from the windows and interrupted his thoughts before they could become more somber. He touched the pad on the desk.

"Sir. There is a communication for you from the surface. The President's Office."

"Put it through to me here." he sat in front of the terminal pulling his hair back gently into a clump and fixed it. A decision had been made at last and he didn't intend to look like he had just got out of bed. The image of the President's office appeared on the screen, the crystal and glass office still looking impressive despite the peril that faced the planet. The camera panned to the President sitting at his desk, looking more haggard than he had in days.

"Mr. President, has the vote concluded."

"It has Commander, we had to make some concessions but it appears to have worked. The revelation that some of us were working against ourselves has caused quite some turmoil. for the first time in generations the Council has been dissolved. Very soon the news of the betrayal will begin to spread and we may face yet more disorder from the citizens."

"We will provide any assistance you require, a few more marines would help you to how a strong force to any trouble makers."

"That will not be necessary, but I thank you for the offer. One of the concessions that we had to make prevents further military assistance from the Federation. The agreement was very comprehensive. I have been given 6 months to rectify the environmental situation and save the planet, the Speaker will be responsible for the day to day operations and decisions as the chair of the Speaker's assembly, a group of 12 senior council members. The speaker will only have a casting vote." he paused and looked at the Klingon. "You said to me that you would leave if I asked it, Commander."

"I did." he was blunt, not sure quite what was coming next.

"One of the conditions of this agreement is that I ask you and your people to leave the planet, save a small diplomatic team should you wish to continue with diplomatic relations, I for one, hope that you do. I tried to fight to stop this, and outlined the plans that you had given me, to the Council. They agreed that the reduction in power consumption would be worth the inconvenience and risks of drilling into the crust, and understood that we were not capable of this in the near future. I have been formally instructed by the last instruction from the Council before it was dissolved to approve your plans, but following the completion of the works you are to remove all personnel from the surface. Any equipment you want to leave will be treated as a donation of goodwill from the Federation to the Peoples of Divitia."

qeraQ' was a little shocked. He had been expecting to be leaving only if the vote had failed, but on reflection it was a calculated move by the President and the Council. The people would be outraged by the events of today, and the admission that they had caused their own problems. There would be unrest, and given that many already looked to the Federation as culprits, outsiders and untrustworthy at best, they needed something to use as leverage - a Political gesture of goodwill to the people who voted for the council.

"I understand, but please consider allowing a small scientific team to remain in addition to the diplomatic team. We have expertise in this field and can provide help and guidance."

"I am afraid the terms were very clear Commander. I understand your gesture, but it is felt that with the technology you have already given us and the reduction in power consumption, that our own scientists and personnel should be more than adequate to get the situation under control."

qeraQ' could tell from the body language of the President that this was done under duress. there would likely be people watching who were sceptical of qeraQ' agreeing to leave. His next actions were important for the way these people looked at the Federation for years to come.

"Very well. I will instruct Commander Sakkath to make the necessary arrangements to evacuate our non essential personnel from the surface. Once complete we will initiate the drilling and necessary ancillary works. Following this we will evacuate our remaining personnel and leave your space, following a period of 6 hours for us to monitor the seismic situation on the planet for any adverse reactions. I will report back to Admiral Wegener and relay your offer to set up a diplomatic office on the planet. I am sure he will be happy to accept."

"That course of action seems to be in order, Commander. Let the agreement be made in the intentions of right and truth, and allow us to depart as friends." this was obviously a traditional phrase used for agreements, thought qeraQ', he tried to think of something to respond with, but sealing the deal with blood and a dak'tahg didn't seem wholly appropriate. An awkward silence enveloped the comlink before the President began again. "I believe you Klingon's have a saying... Live long and prosper?"

qeraQ' couldn't help but roar in laughter, an inappropriate response to a gesture of cultural compromise. "I apologise. The phrase you used is a Vulcan one. It is safe to say that Klingon's and Vulcan's are two races that are not often confused. I will accept the gesture though, and to you Mr. President... 'IwlIj jachjaj - may your blood scream, Qapla'!"

The president nodded at the return of the gesture and the channel was closed.

"Computer, please send a message to Lt. Commander Sakkath notifying him that he can commence operations, and to begin the evacuation of our personnel from the surface. Please also send a copy of that last communication to all senior staff on this mission, and to Admiral Wegener and Lt. Commander Kh'ali on the station."

The computer chirped in acknowledgement and qeraQ' leant back in his chair. It looked like he would be returning to the station sooner than planned...

A post by
Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer
Starbase 900


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