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From The Sublime To The Ridiculous

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2011 @ 7:16pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Eli's Quarters

Eli's Journal, Stardate: 64017.62

Janice used a phrase yesterday that sums up my own yesterday perfectly -- from the sublime to the ridiculous. It came up in conversation over the behavior of a patron who had far too much to drink. This lady is normally very well behaved, rather demure, but with enough Samarian Sunsets in her, she had to be stopped from dancing on a table where three Klingons were enjoying their dinner. They were not charged extra for the show.

Where do I come in? Well, her words stuck in my head and it seemed the exact description of my day, except in reverse order. I started on the ridiculous side and moved up.

Just the thought of the earlier half of the day made Eli groan aloud and roll his eyes. If he'd ever proven himself a greater idiot then he had with Professor Drake, he had no idea when that would have been. At every turn he'd managed to put his foot in his mouth and munch on it for good measure. And she had called him virginal! Heat rose in his face once more as he recalled her mention of a Deltan orgy and boy, didn't that make one wonder? Well no, he cut off the thought right there. He really didn't want to know. And she had apparently invited Jackson to her quarters...nope, not going there either. Picking up his pen, he resumed writing.

My interaction with Professor Drake was not quite as stellar as I envisioned it in my head, unfortunately. Now, I have some ground to make up, and the real story to tell her. She all but called me a liar, which I'm not, but maybe she will understand that given the fact I know nothing about her, I was not about to spout off my life story right there in a public bar. However, she'll get her story, and I'll think of some way to get her to agree to allow me to take the entrance exams.

The sublime part of this tale happened later in the afternoon. I was summoned to the Admiral's office to be officially welcomed to SB900 as my request for political asylum was approved. At least I now have a home to go with the job, permanent quarters, and a little breathing room. I can also stop looking over my shoulder, waiting for trouble, at least as far as Enara Prime is concerned. I slept better last night than I have since I arrived. Lt. Dobry and I will begin the process of making me a Federation citizen, but Kh'ali says that will take some time. So be it, time is finally something I have once again.

Eli's pen stilled and he closed the journal on his lap. He was in regular quarters now and the rooms were somewhat larger than the tiny guest room. They looked even bigger compared to his non-existent belongings, but he wasn't bothered. He had time to fill these rooms, with both possessions and memories - new ones to go with his new life.

Eli Ziyad
Late-Night Philosopher


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