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Family Matters

Posted on Fri Jun 3rd, 2011 @ 10:26am by Chief Petty Officer S'ria Candor

Mission: The Ties That Bind

"Chief Candor, you have a sub-space message," the female voice over the comm announced over the hum of Engineering.

"Aye, this is Chief Candor. I'll take it in my quarters," she replied as she nodded to her fellow crewman near the panel where she was adjusting the matter/anti-matter containment field.


She spun the table monitor around and she hastily made her way inside her quarters. She didn't speak with anyone on the way there nor did she give customary greetings-of-the-day. She had been waiting for this message for some time. She had sent a message prior in the month without any reply. She didn't know if it was policy, lag due to the Gateway, or if she was being totally ignored. But it had finally arrived.

She slipped down in her chair with eager anticipation. "Computer, play message Juliet Charlie 1."

An image of her father, Jonathan Candor, a former Starfleet captain, appeared in civilian attire.

S'ria, I know it's been some time since you've been away. I know that the life of a Starfleet officer, commissioned or not, can keep you away from family. *He chuckled.* Hell, I remember when I served on the Oppenheimer, you're mother could have strangled me when I signed up for a second tour until she found out we were moving to Starbase 36. *He paused to reminisce.* You remember that? You were what? Eight, nine years old?

Well, things don't seem to change. Now, you're light years away, worrying your mother like I did. *He sighed.* You mother wants you to come home... just for a little bit. I'm sure you've got enough leave to spend a couple of months with us. I know Risa sounds a hell-a-lot better than Earth, but she said she's got some things to discuss with you. Important enough that she won't even send it via sub-space.

*He chuckled a bit thinking.* She told me to tell you to stay away from those other pointy ears because, as she puts it, they're more trouble than they're worth. The funniest thing was she didn't specify which ones, Vulcan or Romulan. I guess some things never change.

Oh, your bother starts college soon, and your sister decided to finish up her French schooling at Le Lyce Premiere de Paris or however you say it. They're going to be gone just as much as you are, and they're only a few thousand kilometers away. I'm sure you coming home for a bit would flush them out of their studies.

Anyway, I'm probably taking you away from something important and highly technical. That's why I chose command or any of that technobabble. Your mother and I love you very much. Oh and don't forget to bring some Kali-fal.

Candor, out.

S'ria stared at the monitor for a little bit, the frozen image of her human step-father, before she turned it off and went straight back to Engineering in the same manner in which she left. She knew that the particle/phase inverters would realign themselves.


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