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Posted on Sat Dec 3rd, 2011 @ 6:55am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant James Holbridge

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Command and Control

After a meeting with his aide, Lt. Hope Beckman, Rick had completed the overhaul of the station's departments. It had taken some time for all of the departments to weigh in with their figures and reports, but they were invaluable and had been used to make the final determination. As of this date, Strategic Operations was no more.

Looking at the information, it seemed to be a redundant department on the base and would have been just as easily served by the Intelligence department. Several members from Strat Ops would be transferred to Intel and would take on their new jobs there while continuing their former duties within that department.

He had also decided to fold the Tactical department back into the Security department. The two had been separated upon Rick's assumption of command so that they could work specifically on their own items, but it seemed that they would server a better purpose working together.

After signing the orders of transfer for some officers and crew to move to Intel and security, and sending information to LCDRs Hawke and Oz, he signed the orders for others to be spread throughout the task force or back to the Alpha Quadrant to BUPERs, the Bureau of Personnel, to be reassigned elsewhere.

One last issue, however, had come up. A former marine officer, now a Strategic Operations officer, needed to be spoken to specifically. His transfer would not be of the normal type.

Jim was carefully monitoring the explosion situation, with able help from Lt Tigan. The fires had been extinguished and most of the wounded had been evacuated to a hospital. Jim leaned over and studied the latest casualty figures, forwarding them to Tigan and the admiral's aide. He finished loading the data when he noticed a stern face staring at him. Jim quickly finished his task and looked up to face Admiral Wegener. "Afternoon, Admiral, what can I do for you?"

"I've just changed your life once again, Mr. Holbridge. Have someone take over your station so we can talk."

Without another word, or checking to see if he was followed as he'd ordered, Ricky walked off to a small office area just off of the Command & Control area and waited.

Jim looked at the admiral and waited then motioned Xann over to his station. "Sorry bout this, sir," Xann whispered. The starbase chief's network had been a-buzz with the news of departmental consolidation for several hours.

Jim just stared ahead, walking toward the admiral as if he were in a trance. He walked into the small office and faced the admiral. "I'm curious to know how you changed my life, sir." Jim was curious about the admiral's statement, hoping that he wasn't being drawn and quartered for the hangar explosion. "I will admit having one's department folded into another is a bit of a thrill!"

"I have a different challenge in mind for you," Rick said. "I want to move you to the satellite academy where you would be responsible for instructing cadets in flight operations, shuttles, fighters and all related academia. It would be a major responsibility for you to undertake as you would have a specific hand in molding the minds of future officers in Starfleet. The utmost care would have to be taken in ensuring that they are taught fairly and completely and that they are capable of passing your portion of instruction without fail."

Jim raised his hands. "Flight operations?!?! With all due respect sir, there are more qualified pilots on board the station than me! Besides I was under the impression I had lost my rating as a flier after the incident with Politician. Pol was a friend and I am responsible for him dying, sir. No matter how much the shrinks tell me that it was not my fault, no matter how much bullshit the deck chiefs try to fill me with, I know I could have saved him if I had done a better job!"

Ricky listened patiently. "You lose your wings when I say you do, Jim. And there may be more qualified pilots, but those pilots are busy being...well, pilots. And you will be classified as Academy Staff as an instructor." He put his hand on the man's shoulder. "And as far as knowing you could have saved him, now is your chance to make sure no one else has that happen to them. Learn from your mistakes, share those experiences with the young'uns and help them grow into their full potential." He smiled. "This is a very important position and only the best and brightest get to instruct. If I didn't think you were ready, you wouldn't be doing it."

Jim studied the face of the admiral, hearing the sincerity of his words, but still feeling the guiltof Pol's untimely death. It was a lot to consider. Jim would be responsible for giving the cadets the basics of flight, along with recommending who advanced in what type of craft advanced training. "Will I get to shape my curriculum my way, sir? without any interference?"

"Yes and no," Rick replied. "You have to follow all of the points of the established curriculum as set forth by the Academy, however, the way you teach that particular curriculum is up to you. As long as they are able to pass the standardized tests, you aren't barking at them like they probably did to you in the Marines, and also act as a bit of a guidance counselor at the same time, then you're golden."

Holbridge nodded and grinned. "I can live with that, admiral. I won't let ya down!"


a JP by

VADM Ricky Wegener
Delta Quadrant Bossman & Good Guy


Lt James Holbridge
Brand Spankin New Flight Instructor


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