Sections of the Delta Quadrant

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description Crime, dark agents, systems failures and the past come to haunt Starbase 900 and the crew, including the Cadets, must band together to get through it all alive.
Start Date Wed Nov 30th, 2011 @ 7:18pm
End Date Thu Nov 29th, 2012 @ 7:18pm

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Title Timeline Location
Darwin's Terrible No Good Very Bad Day
by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Current SB900 - Alternate Dimension
Death Becomes Her
by Zoudin Veist & Aegina
Current Archadia Prime - Various Locations
Protective Custody
by Marina & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Commander Leto
Intelligence Suites
What Now?
by Seyla & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad
Same Night Chance Died
Tohr's Acquisition
by Ignatius Reilly & Eldren Tohr
Understanding Condolences
by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Ignatius Reilly & Commander Sakkath
Bowled Over
by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin
Morning After "Jaded Darwin" Varies
Evening The Score
by Eldren Tohr
SB900 - Traders' Quarters
The Door That Would Not Open
by Commander Patrick Leroy
SB900 Main Laboratory
Jaded Darwin
by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Mallory (Jade)
Family Notification
by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Ignatius Reilly
Oralia's Quarters
Wishing Ill
by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.
Piper Medical
Sickbay - Chance
by Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D.
Piper Medical Center
Laying Down The Law
by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh
Alternate Dimension SB900
by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan
Elder's Quarters
by Janice Gree & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V
Piper Medical
Emotions Awash
by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Cassidy Wilde & Janice Gree
Piper Medical Center
Through the Grapevine
by Seyla
Making A List... Checking It Twice
by Lazan
Waiting...And Waiting...
by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino
Concurrent with 'Seeing Through His Eyes' Piper Medical Center
The Plot Thickens
by Lieutenant Leona Aliso & Major Patrick Smith
Current Hangar Deck
Tell Me Where It Hurts
by Mallory (Jade) & Lieutenant Commander Terrell Kona & Lieutenant Norval Tigan
After 'Panty Raid' & before 'Too Close To Home' C.H. Mayo Medical Station
Anger Management Required
by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Admiral Ricky Wegener
Alternate Dimension SB900
Exercise in Futility
by Lieutenant Leona Aliso
Current Secruity
Things To Make You Old
by Eldren Tohr
Contemporary to Hell Of A Time To Be In Jail Bajor & SB900

Mission Summary

After the incidents on Archadia III, with the USS Arizona and USS Melbourne, involving Section 31's attempts at confusing the Archadians into believing that their protectorate status as a Federation world meant next to nothing, in an attempt at having SB900 and TF101 unceremoniously kicked out of the system, things have finally been put right. The Melbourne crew is still dealing with attempts at catching a Section 31 agent, Mr. Lynch, and has a saboteur on their ship in custody. This has led the senior task force staff to realize that S31 is alive and well in the Delta Quadrant and that there must be agents planted on Starbase 900 and possibly other ships in the quadrant.

The Archan Ministry has extended an invitation to the Task Force Commanding Officer, Commodore Lucius Hawke, and other personnel from Starbase 900, to come Alakein City, the capital city of Archadia III, to begin repairing what Section 31 agents had ruined. This meeting, and subsequent meetings to follow, must be successful if the task force is to remain in this system and keep a valued ally that has become an important part of the Federation in this Quadrant.

Starbase 900 has its own problems, however. The Intelligence crew is working diligently to infiltrate the crime syndicates that have set up shop in the civilian sections of the base, primarily in the Cherry Pit. Working with station Security staff, the syndicates, which are growing each day, must be contained and 'handled' or the base may fall victim to its own hospitality of civilian personnel from the quadrant.

Adding to the problems, random systems failures begin popping up around 900. The problems will be traced back to the computer systems and the working thoery becomes a virus implanted into the system.

When newly promoted Captain Claudia Drake, the satellite Academy's Dean of Education, returns from Earth, problems arise for her as well as she becomes a target of something from her past. But with the Archadians, the crime syndicates and the systems failures becoming a priority to deal with, and Claudia's closed-lipped way of dealing with things, the Cadets begin to suspect something is wrong and must step up to help their Professor before her past gives her a raw deal on her own life.

Will Section 31 become a major problem in the Delta Quadrant? Will they begin working with the crime syndicates to further their plans in the area? Is the virus causing the systems failures the responsibility of the syndicates or Section 31? And will the Cadets be able to grow up quick enough to figure out what's going on with their Professor and save the day?


Mission Information

Section 31 is not exactly a "favorite" of many people in AF, but the story has already been set up and we're gonna' run with it. There will be S31 agents on 900, and other ships in the fleet, but there is little really known about the agency. So here is what we are going with:

1. There are NO MORE than ten (10) agents on SB900.
2. There are NO MORE than five (5) agents in other ships in the fleet. They WILL NOT become a part of this story as they are not currently on 900.
3. There are still two (2) agents on Archadia III. The away team will run into them causing more issues on the planet and will have to deal with them while still trying to repair the damage they have done.

As for the rest of the mission information, Professor Drake will be running the storyline for the cadets and her area. They will no longer have their own mission and will post in this one.

LCDR Zeferino will be running the mission with the crime syndicates.

Commodore Hawke will be the star of the mission down on Archadia III but, as Peach also writes for LCDR Hawke, she may designate someone else to "run" that particular part of the overall mission.

Commander Frost and Lieutenant Guten will be running the portion of the mission with the systems failures on 900.

While I have noted specific people "running" the parts of the missions, anyone and everyone is able to be involved in them as they will, for the most part, affect everyone on the base with exception of the away team mission to Archadia III.

Good luck and have fun!!