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Posted on Thu Nov 24th, 2011 @ 5:26pm by Captain Li Hawke & Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Saturnalia, The Cherry Pit

* * * Suresh's Quarters -Deck 531 * * *

Suresh woke and stretched in his bed, a smile on his face. He couldn't recall being this relaxed in a long time. He'd gone dangerously close to his limit last night and she had let him. Isha... He sighed aloud, letting the after-effects linger. He still had a slight mental buzz going and as such, was in a better mood then he had been in some time.

He let the images, those he could recall clearly, drift through his mind. She had been so close, had actually touched him. That was a rare gift. What was it she had said there towards the end? He could not recall, but he did remember asking Lazan to find someone....ah yes, the pilot. The one she called Nine. The thought of the man brought a frown, but it didn't linger. Li had made it plain that he was not taking liberties with her that Suresh himself wasn't allowed. She had also made it known that he was not to be harmed. Suresh was willing to indulge her...for now. But he was curious. Slowly, he rose and paged Lazan, then dressed.

* * * Saturnalia - Deck 532 * * *

Lazan sat alone at a corner table, waiting for Patrick to arrive. He had been surprised when Suresh's call came but as it was his job, he made whatever request came happen. In this case, it was hiring a pilot. Leaning back in his seat, he propped his feet up on the table and crossed his arms as he waited.

When the explosion had gone off whatever may have happened between Nenita and Patrick had got thrown out the window as the pair got nabbed like a lot of others helping return things to normal. When the message arrived from Lazan to meet him in the bar it was of no surprise however he had expected it to be another few days. Walking into the bar wearing a heavy jacket which concealed one or two surprises for anyone wanting to chance their arm he walked calmly over to the corner table and sat down beside Lazan. "So friend. What can I do for you?"

"How's things up there?" He raised his head, indicating the upper decks. "Any damage? I dropped in to the promenade but nowhere else."

"They're a bit shaken still. Nothing substantial to the base but two ships are pretty banged up for what I hear. Haven't any details yet. How bad was it down here?" Patrick rather suspected it took the lower levels a lot longer to recover considering their position on engineering's priorities.

Lazan shrugged. "Not too bad. A few banged up but that's nothing unusual on a normal day here." He studied Patrick a moment before he continued. "Suresh has a proposition for you. He should be along any minute now."

"Interesting. I wonder if he fancies his chances again this time," Pat joked before leaning back in his chair to await Suresh's arrival.

"I think you'll find him in a better mood. Our girl was down here earlier to see him." Lazan smiled a moment, then lowered his feet to the floor.

"Really? She needs to let people know when she comes down here," he replied with a frown. The last thing he needed was for her to go missing.

"She is in no danger here. I'm watching and he is the last person who would harm her. He's too hooked." Lazan's glance shifted and he fell silent.

Suresh stepped in from the back and moved leisurely across the bar towards the table.

Following Lazan's gaze Pat spotted Suresh moving across the bar towards them. Sitting up in his seat wondering what kind of proposal he had for him.

"Gentlemen." Suresh actually smiled. His gaze swept over Patrick. "Nine, isn't it?"

The smile was the disturbing bit for Nine. "Sure is. I believe you wanted to see me about something?"

"I do. I hear you are a flyer. I am going to have an opening soon. If you are interested, that is."

It was Pats turn to smile now and so he did. "I've heard that one as well, and you'll be pleased to hear as well then that it's true and I am indeed interested. Getting jobs out here isn't as easy as you'd think."

"You just need to know the right people." Suresh sat down next to Patrick. "A few conditions, non-negotiable."

"Lets hear them then. I'm sure they'll be reasonable."

Suresh exchanged a quick glance with Lazan before turning back to Patrick. "Jobs come short notice. I usually have no more than an hour to get you on your way."

"Not a problem. I can get down and fly as soon as I arrive as long as your muscle has anything loaded." Assuming he could work out the controls that was, but Suresh didn't need to know that bit."

"Next, don't get too nosy about what you're carrying. You'll be given a destination, and one of my men will accompany whatever we're shipping out. No questions," Suresh continued.

"I'm used to that one," Pat replied. "How it is with most jobs. Personally I couldn't care whats in the package."

"Your payment will be handled by Lazan. Latinum." Suresh leaned closer, a glint in his eyes. His smile had faded. "The last is a bit more personal. Since you will be in my employ, that means you will be around...Isha. Keep your hands to yourself or you're dead." That news delivered, Suresh leaned back in his chair.

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Latinum is good. As for the that last one we both know she gets what she wants. I however don't want her so you're safe there. The last day was to push your buttons so to speak." He stood up and held his hand out to Suresh. "If that's all I'll be on my way and I shall eagerly await your call."

Suresh looked at his hand a moment, then stood and shook it. "Yes, you will." He withdrew his hand and sat back down. "That will be all."

Patrick turned and left, his thoughts his own for now and after walking the long way round via several different turbo lifts he finally made it back into the starfleet decks before heading to his quarters in the hope of some sleep... just in case a call came soon.

Suresh watched as Patrick left and once he as out of sight, he turned back to Lazan. "Keep an eye on him for me. Isha seems to think he's alright, and I know she reads people but she is what she is. He may simply be trying to get too close and making himself look good. And trustworthy, if you get me."

Lazan nodded. "And I'll make sure he keeps his distance from her."

Relief was evident on Suresh's face. "Good." He rose without another word and left the bar.

Patrick 'Nine' Smith
Re-employed yet again

Making It Clear Who's The Boss

Finder Of Talent


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