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All the News that Stuns

Posted on Sun Dec 4th, 2011 @ 4:27pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Varies

Grinning slightly, Chance briefly bent over Eli and kissed his sleeping lover. Straightening up, he mused for a moment on just how Eli made him feel. There was a tinge of fear in there: fear that something might happen to Eli, that they might not continue on as they were. He shook off his inward-looking thoughts and moved to the console in the living room.

There, he attempted to open a commlink to his sister, Oralia. Both of his attempts were thwarted by the computer. =^=Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino cannot be located.=^=

"'scuse me?" Chance asked rhetorically, his face twisting in confusion. "How is Oz not...?" He debated trying to contact Connor, then recalled the last conversation he'd had with Connor and how Connor had left Oralia. The doctor wasn't on his list of people to like, let alone talk to. Chance frowned heavily then keyed in a few commands and sent Oz a text message. It looked like, perhaps, he'd be free for dinner with the parents.

As he sat there, pondering that, the computer chimed and the console switched to a view of a male's face, "Cadet Conradi?"

"Ah...," Chance nodded and folded his arms in front of his bare chest. Talking to one's sister while shirtless was one thing; talking to someone else while shirtless another thing entirely. "Yeah. Who're you?"

"Lieutenant Gilroy, Security. One of your sister's many minions," Gilroy smirked at his own admission. "I should have contacted you sooner, Cadet. Oralia is missing. We're being diligent in our search for her and I'm sure she'll be recovered shortly."

Chance had sat through Gilroy's brief monologue, his jaw hanging open. He'd stopped listening after hearing the word 'missing'. His state of undress was the last thing on his mind as he stood up and walked back into the bedroom where Eli was. "Hey," he rudely nudged Eli awake, "Oz isn't free for dinner." He looked and sounded shell-shocked.

A mumble came from the pillows, then finally Eli sat up. His eyes were only partly open, his long hair mussed in every direction. "Wha--?"

"Oz... she... uh... she's not... they can't find her," Chance said. "So, looks like I'm free for dinner."

Eli rubbed his eyes as he began to wake, but Chance's words yanked him fully awake. "They can't find her? How can they not find her?" He could feel the worry rolling off Chance and reached out to wrap an arm around his shoulder. "I'm sure she will turn up soon."

Moving into Eli's embrace, Chance nodded. "Of course she will."

"She has good people, and they'll not stop till they figure this out." He held Chance tight, his mind racing. First Kh'ali, now Oz? That reminded him that he really needed to go see Kh'ali since she was back. He had skipped his weekly report-in to Aure'l, Vulcans made him nervous. Slowly he stroked Chance's back. "Try not to worry till they tell you it's time to worry."

"Vulcans aren't so bad," Chance randomly chose that line of thinking to comment upon. "I could stay here while you have dinner with the folks. Or I could go, your choice."

"I'll leave that to you, niali. I don't expect it will be a very pleasant, social affair, and may end with my early departure depending on how things go."

"Maybe I'll just get dinner at the Nexus, at the bar," Chance said. "I'll be close in case things do go poorly."

"Thank you." Chance could feel Eli's relief. This was going to be difficult, to put it mildly and he had no idea how it would turn out. Withdrawing from Chance's mind, he slipped around him to get off the bed. He also didn't want Chance feeling like he would be the reason Eli lost his family. That was way too much baggage. "I should get dressed."

"Yeah, me too," he nodded, still a little blank. "You go first, I'll shower when you're done." If they did that another way, Chance would make certain Eli was late for supper.

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The two young men reached the doors of the Nexus and stopped. Eli took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and nodded. "I'm ready, I think. Let's go."

The doors opened and when they stepped in, they were greeted by Janice She gave Eli an understanding smile. "They're here, I've already seated them." She reached out to squeeze Eli's hand. "Are you both going over?" She looked to Chance with the question.

"Nah, I'm heading to the bar. Dealing with them, right now, is more than I can do," Chance said, slightly apologetic. He squeezed Eli's arm. "I'll be nearby. Shout if you need me."

"I will."

Eli nodded to Janice and she led him through the tables, which were lightly populated just now, much to Eli's relief. Granted, the conversation would be conducted in silence, but actions speak louder than words, they say. Janice left him at the table with a smile to his parents, then hurried off. Eli remained standing until his father motioned for him to be seated. He did so, then turned to face his mother.

She gave him a stony-faced look. I'm here because your father made me come.

I figured as much. I'm glad to see that I mean so much that you have to be coerced into dinner with your son.

That drew a sharp look from his father. Do not take that tone with your mother. Maran fell silent, waiting for Irina to answer.

How could you be my son when you lie with men? It's unnatural, Irina argued.

Maran nodded. We have never condoned such behavior, Eli. Where did you get this....tendency? The word desire had risen in Maran's mind, but he'd decided that was not the best choice of words, given Irina's state of mind.

Eli sighed, the audible sound jarring the silence of the table. It's not about what he is but who.That's what matters. He paused as the waiter left a bottle of wine and, much like Janice, made a hasty retreat.

Irina looked at Maran and it was clear that a directive had gone from her to him, involving the wine. She held her glass as he poured. Who he is? How did he manage to corrupt you? Is it because you two live together? Did you pick this ..., her eyes shifted to Maran then back to Eli, ...tendency up because of your telepathy?

Corrupt? He didn't corrupt me. He's a good man, and he cares for me no matter what I've done or haven't done, or where I came from. Eli took a deep breath to steady himself. Don't you see? This is why I stood up for what I believed in, to try and get our people to be more open-minded. And I ended up an exile. Apparently the movement I inadvertently started isn't succeeding. He glanced to his father now.

That is mixing two things, son. The future of this 'movement' remains to be seen. This is a personal matter for this family and it runs counter to everything we hold dear. And have you thought about what this means for him? He will be tied to an exile, as you noted. He could be in danger, you certainly still are. And I know that you spend a great deal of time in his head, I'm not sure that is wise either.

Dabbing at her eyes with a napkin, Irina looked away and saw Chance at the bar, turned to look towards them. She frowned and asked, Are you including him in this conversation? Is nothing sacred to you, Eli?

This involves him too, I just didn't want him at ground zero. You both know now what I feel for him, more than he does even. It doesn't change who I am. Don't make me choose between you. Please.

Maran's gaze moved from Eli to Chance over at the bar, then back to Irina. He blocked Eli, and thus Chance, from his thoughts as he 'spoke' to Irina. He is serious. Perhaps we should consider this before making a final decision.

Maintaining their private conversation, Irina replied, I've read Chance; he loves our Eli. Her harshness faded somewhat as her concerns shifted to whether Eli was happy. From all the evidence so far, it seemed that Chance was a big part of what was letting him be so. But what does this say of our parenting? I thought I was a good mother. How could we have gone so wrong?

That got a smile from Maran. That's tradition talking, Irina. We raise them as best we can but eventually, they have to fly solo and see where it takes them. He will be who and what he is meant to be. His choices are not ours, but his own. He must live his life, not ours. He paused to study Chance once more, then turned back to Irina. Are you sure about him?

Eli sat nursing his glass of wine as his parents talked about him. He would give almost anything to peek inside their heads right now, but they were locked down tight. There was nothing he could do but sit and wait.

Irina, too, looked steadily at Chance. Sure about him? I'm certain he loves Eli. That sort of emotion can't be faked, not at our level. But... he is Terran. The word held notes of disdain and distrust. You know how they carry odd ideas about the universe.

True, but perhaps Eli can arouse his curiosity, give him a broader view of.... He blinked and took a hasty drink of his wine. Sorry, bad choice of words, my darling. Eli's life is difficult enough as it is, do we need to make it moreso?

By her actions, it was clear Irina wasn't happy. Dabbing at her eyes again, she nestled into the crook of her husband's arm. No, I suppose we don't, dear. Her gaze settled on Eli and her eyes teared up again.

"Well?" The silence both at the table and in his head was really getting to Eli, so he purposely spoke aloud.

Maran cleared his throat. "Given that this young man seems to love you without reservation, and makes you so obviously happy, we are willing to see how things go with you. One step at a time, Eli, but that is all you can ask of us. We both need time to adjust."

Eli's hand tightened on the wine glass. He got the gist of his father's words, but had stopped really processing anything after the 'love without reservation part'. He stared at his parents dumbly.

* * *Meanwhile* * *

Frowning at his half-filled glass, Chance glanced over at Eli and his parents. He'd been privy to the conversation, up until a moment ago when things went silent. He hadn't realized how much he'd gotten used to having Eli in his head. In the absence of another, his thoughts turned toward Oralia. What the hell had Gilroy meant by 'she's missing'? Had she gone off somewhere, to the planet or another ship, for duty? 'Missing' meant missing... location unknown. He sighed and his frown at his glass turned into a morose stare.

"I've seen longer faces on horses, Chance. What gives?" Jackson appeared behind the bar, holding a glass of his ever-present lemonade.

"Which would you rather hear about: how Oz is missing or how Eli's parents think I've corrupted him?" Chance lifted his glass and swallowed the remainder of its contents.

"Oz is missing?! Care to share some details there, kiddo?" He caught on to the most urgent news first, though he shot a glance at the couple seated with Eli.

"I don't have any," Chance shook his head. "Lieutenant Gilroy called just a bit ago and told me. But...," he sighed, "...I sorta left the conversation before he could tell me more. He did say that they're looking for her."

"Good. If anyone can find her, It's Gil. They'll know she hasn't left the station at least, and that idiot that phased Kh'ali out is dead now. They will find her." He decided it might be best not to mention the gossip about Oz getting phasered in the Promenade turbolift. "And I bet she makes whoever has her regret it."

"She knows how to make men regret, that's for certain," Chance's words spilled out before his brain-to-mouth filter kicked in.

Jackson let that go, despite the fact that he agreed. "Well, just keep up hope, Gil's very good at what he does." He glanced back at Eli and his family across the room. "Umm, they don't seem to be talking much. Mental?"

"Yup. I got kicked out of the conversation a few minutes ago," Chance looked over at them as well. "I hope that's not a terrible sign. They don't much appreciate a same-gender affair."

"Seems to me they, at least their race, don't appreciate much of anything that bucks the status quo, which is why Eli is here and not at home, with me and Jan playin' parents instead of them. I'm sure they're nice and all, but I gotta wonder about folks that make that into somethin' to keep them apart. They have enough keepin' 'em apart as it is."

"Yeah. Well, hopefully their silence, and that they're still at the table, is a good sign," Chance opined.

"Maybe." Jackson watched the trio across the room for a moment. Suddenly he prodded Chance. "They just started talkin' and Eli looks like he's starin' into the eyes of a Medusa."

Twisting, the cadet looked over again and he winced, worried about what that look said. "Um, 'scuse me, I'm going to go interrupt 'cause that doesn't look good." He slid from his seat, then paused, "Hey, could I have just one more hit here?" He indicated his empty glass.

"Certainly, I think you'll need it." Jackson refilled his glass and returned it. "Good luck."

Tipping his glass at Jackson, Chance walked over towards the Ziyad party. The tense little party.

Back at the table, Eli finally got his brain in gear. His father's words still echoed in his head, and now he realized that they had taken the first steps towards a grudging acceptance. Still, the main thing was Chance.

"Umm...will you excuse me a moment?" He looked from Irina to Maran, but without waiting for an answer, he rose hurriedly, pushing his chair back. He reached out mentally to Chance once more. Chance...

"Right here," Chance said, catching Eli just before they bumped into each other. Quietly, he asked, "You okay, babe?" His eyes searched Eli's.

"They said...and they are going to...Is it...?" He stopped, unsure how to ask what was foremost in his mind. Too late, he recalled that he was connected to Chance and the thought was already there in his head.

Chuckling as he smiled, Chance squeezed Eli's arm and leaned in for a brief kiss. "If it is true? Is that a bad thing?" Might be, in their view, huh?

"No on both counts." He pulled back from the kiss and wrapped Chance in his arms, holding him tight. "They'd rather try and get used to this, than to lose me altogether."

"Good. Wise parents. Are we joining them for dinner or should I go fend for myself?"

Eli was quiet for a moment, listening, then nodded. "It's getting a little late and I need to be at work in an hour. They suggested dinner in their quarters tomorrow."

"Oh, okay, tomorrow, then," he nodded and waved at Eli's parents. "Then I'm going to head..." out and find Oz "...home."

"I'll be in the usual time." Eli gave him a lopsided smile. "I just need to go...firm up the plans with them tomorrow. They're staying for the early show."

"kay," he nodded and moved for the exit.

Cadets 4th Class Chance Conradi & Eli Ziyad

Maran & Irina Ziyad

Jackson Banning


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