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A Change of Plans

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2012 @ 4:46am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SB900 -- Wegener's Office

It had been a hectic past few days for Rick and his crew. With the criminal element on 900, along with crew issues and the like, it seemed like they were all in desperate need of a respite. It wouldn't come, however, as both Admiral S'iraa and Vice Admiral Wegener had received word from Starfleet Command: they, along with numerous ships from their current fleet, were being reassigned. Operations in the Delta Quadrant, where 900 is based, would now be under the purview of Alpha Fleet. Not a major change, really, just a reshuffling of who did what and where they did it.

Rick, having been a fairly new fleet executive officer was now being tasked with commanding a newly formed Task Force. TF101, commonly known as Titans 101, or just Titans. Thankfully he wouldn't have to move commands, just take on different personnel and report to different people. Plus, he was no longer the second in command of a large fleet. He was only in command of the few under him. But, as always, with news like this it required a confab of the "heavy-hitters", as he had heard those of flag rank being called. Admiral S'iraa's ship, the Dreadnought, had just docked at 900 and he was headed to Rick's office for a meeting.

S'iraa left the ship and walked briskly through the station towards the office of a friend, a man he'd served with before, only now with the new assignments everything had changed. This very change was just part of the meeting that lay ahead of him. S'iraa took no time to take in the sights instead heading to the nearest Turbolift. As expected he got many glances considering it was always something when an Admiral is seen.

When the doors parted, S'iraa was faced with a busy room, while not familiar with the layout of the station it was indicated by an officer in red where his destination lay. A young woman manned a desk next to a door. "I am Admiral S'iraa." He said softly, his voice even with the translator working still holding a hint of feline sound to it.

"Go right on in," she said. Without missing a beat she remotely opened the doors to Rick's office.

Rick sat patiently waiting for S'iraa. It had been quite a long time since he'd seen him in person. Their last meeting had been via holo-conference which was buggy, at best. But he was sure there wasn't much time for friendly banter as there was much to be done.

"Admiral S'iraa," he said as he stood. He had never really gotten the gist of Caitian rituals so he left the normal handshake part out of it. He made a mental note to contact his Chief Flight Officer, K'itrin'e, also a Caitian, for tips on how to greet their species without doing something wrong. "It's good to see you again," he said. "Please, have a seat."

He sat, not before coiling his tail about his wait lest he sit on it painfully. He wondered if the Admiral had read the briefing, wondering if it was the same thing he himself got. "Have you read about our reassignment?" He asked. "Many ships and establishments had also been transferred, but few were flag officers."

"I did read it. I must say, I'm happy I get to keep 900," he said, looking around the room. "I've grown to enjoy myself here, out on the frontier of space."

"Indeed, a welcome relief it is to not have to worry about those seeking to have a 'warship' decommissioned." Many times, especially after missions where the Dreadnought had taken any damage or loss of life, even minor, someone at Command wanted the ship gone. "My ship will need supplies, munitions and fuel, my new orders are taking me towards the edge of charted space for exploration of the surrounding areas." Not a task S'iraa wanted or felt suited for however it would mean distance between him and others. Peace and quiet.

"Anything you need, as always. In the meantime, I think it would be good if your crew and ours mingled a bit. We don't always get new faces out here and it would do us all some good. That is, if you will have the time?"

"Time is a luxury we can no longer afford I'm afraid. Our reassignments have taxed our ability to support long ranged or prolonged operations, our assignment to the newly formed Alpha Fleet has left us with a need to seek new sources of materials and supplies. That is part of what my ship will be doing though I do not envy the challenge it places upon you and this Starbase." S'iraa replied. Exploration was best suited to ships built for it, not ships as well armed as his.

"I understand," Rick said. "But in the meantime, we are at you and your crew's service. It will take several hours to get the Dreadnought fully stocked and serviced, so feel free to have a look around." They sat there momentarily before he spoke again. "I will admit, Admiral...being in a different fleet feels good. I liked where we were, but it feels like we're moving on to bigger and better things. More exploration, different races to encounter--hell, we've made some significant encounters out here in the DQ, that's for sure."

"Indeed." He had similar views with this new assigned fleet he was now a part of, what the future held however had yet to been seen. What could be seen however was something that would develop into something just as important, if not more. "I read a report that a vessel was destroyed while in proximity of the station, has anything come of that yet?"

It was never good to lose people, which brought a bit of a scowl to Ricky's normally stony look. "Nothing yet. Some unknowns planted a bomb in a hangar. One of our work shuttles and an alien vessel were both in close proximity. The explosion destroyed the shuttle and heavily damaged the larger vessel." He was still somewhat angered that they hadn't been able to track down the culprit. "The investigation is ongoing, however. My security and intelligence crew are some of the best."

He shifted in his seat. "Apparently, however, allowing some of the local civilian population to reside here has caused a portion of the base to become less-than-desirable, if you know what I mean. Our chiefs of intelligence and security are spearheading a crew that is working their way into any criminal elements to weed them, and their masters, out. I'm sure we'll have justice soon."

Any progress was progress even if in the smallest degree. "I will inform my crew they are free to roam the station during resupply, speaking of which, of what you have said are there any areas of note that should be avoided?" S'iraa asked, not knowing the station meant not being fully able to avoid trouble for himself or the crew.

"I would suggest avoiding the Civilian Entertainment & Quarters area. Decks 530 through 532. It's taken on the moniker of Cherry Pit. That's where our intelligence and security forces are working to quell the potential criminal elements on the station. The Promenade, however, is from decks 271 to 286. More than enough entertainment, plus we have the biggest holodecks in the Delta Quadrant." Ricky smiled. "I'd be more than happy to give your crew priority usage of them while here."

"I am sure my crew would enjoy that, they have endured much prior to our reassignment, they could use the down time I believe." S'iraa responded. "I will take up no more of your time, my Mate and I have plans this evening and I must prepare."

Ricky stood so that he could see the senior officer out. "If you require anything of me, or anyone else here, just let me know. I guess we're just about as home-away-from-home as it gets out here. We try to make our guests as comfortable as possible." He nodded slightly. "Thank you for coming to see me."


A joint post by:

Admiral S'iraa
Commanding Officer
USS Dreadnought


Vice Admiral Ricky Wegener
Commanding Officer
Starbase 900


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