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'Ello 'Ello

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 4:09am by Captain Claudia Drake & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Chief of Security's Office
Timeline: Current

Claudia walked towards the Chief of Security's Office, she pressed the announcer and waited to be called in. Once the voice came, she walked into the room.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, but I was passing by and I thought I would introduce myself." She offered her hand to the young woman.

"It's not a disturbance, Ma'am," Oralia briefly shook the woman's hand. At the same time, she looked past Claudia then finally smiled. "No roaming wild animals this time?"

"No, they are sleeping off their supper in my suite...and they're not so much wild as they are domesticated" she smiled, "How goes the life of the person entrusted with policing the station? I hope the cell's are not too filled...well actually no I do hope they are, means less of the bastards are out and about on the station being naughty." She smiled, and took the seat opposite the Lt. Commander, not waiting to be offered.

"My life is just fine, Commander Drake," Oralia answered, her expression neutral as Drake took a seat. Was the woman settling in for a conversation? "The Brig is empty enough; I'm sure there's room for a commander and her two animals." Why she was being adversarial, she couldn't have said. Or, maybe she could, if asked. All she knew for sure was that the presence of the Professor's animals irked her: those sorts of animals should be on a planet, living the wild life they were born to live.

"I'm glad" she said with a slight smile as she crossed one leg over the other, "I wanted to speak to you about the posting of Cadets to your Department when the first cohort starts."

Untroubled, even amused, by the Professor's manner of brushing her comment under the carpet, Oralia nodded. "How many cadets are we talking about? What sort of experience will they have coming in? What do you hope to have them gain by working in my department?" She knew from her own experience that cadets were sometimes idiots when first unleashed upon the world. She didn't relish the idea of having those idiots in her department, but she'd be as accommodating as possible.

"Initially we will be having 1st year Cadets under-going their generic training, so no real specialist knowledge or experience. I will be expecting you to train them in the general principles of security, namely in this case the policing of a station." she looked at the woman, "These Cadets are the future of Starfleet so I would like them to be placed within a nurturing environment that will see them reach their potential rather than having them used as an extra pair of hands, as I know is the habit amongst among some officer." she sat back in the chair and laid her hands on her lap, "As for my leopards, they have been given permission by Ricky to escort me where-ever I go on the starbase." she smiled sweetly at the Chief of Security.

The sweetness was returned, but there was a core of steel in Oralia's gaze and voice, "Feel free to have them 'escort' you, just make sure that they are on leashes, otherwise I'll be forced to confine them. The risk to the base's personnel and its civilians, not to mention the dignitaries who come through here, is too great to have those cats wandering around without leashes." She smiled diplomatically; the leash requirement wasn't limited just to the Professor's animals. "As for the cadets, I'll assign Lieutenants Gilroy and Darwin to developing an appropriate task list and lesson curricula for them. I'm sure they'll contact you to review it." The Chief knew that she'd have a hand in the preparation as well, but at the present time, she had a full plate on her desk.

"Leashes are out of the question Lieutenant Commander" this time her voice was as firm as iron, and as cold as a Vulcan's, "My leopards are fully trained and share a telepathic connection with me, they will not, nor cannot, act out to hurt anyone. This is understood by the Commanding Officer of this Station and Task Force and has been agreed upon by him, now if you want to take the matter further, I suggest you speak to him." she stared directly into the young woman's eyes, "As for the training of Cadets, I have already drawn out a rudimentary security syllabus related to Academy curriculum. I have had a glance at your departmental make-up and believe you will be able to cope with 3 Cadets at most on any one rotational period."

"I will speak with Admiral Wegener," she calmly answered. "Lieutenants Gilroy and Darwin will review your suggested syllabus and make changes as necessary. I'm sure that, with as large as my department is, we can handle more than three cadets, but I'll leave that assignment up to you." Her smile was sweetness and sunshine, covering over her determination not to proverbially blink in the face of the Professor's stare.

"The syllabus will remain unchanged for the first few cohorts Lieutenant Commander, any changes after that point will have to be reviewed by myself and the senior staff at Starfleet Security to ensure uniformity between all Cadets currently under-going training." she stared at the woman, "To be frank if you are quite happy to hand over one of the most important roles any officer can have to two of your subordinates, I think 3 Cadets will suffice until you understand the importance of educating future generations." she remained impassive as she looked directly into the woman's eyes.

"Those two subordinates are among the best officers I have, Commander, and I will delegate tasks to them as I see fit. Educating future generations is important, but my primary responsibility is to insure the safety of the personnel, civilians and dignitaries on the Starbase. If you would like that primary responsibility to be something different, then I recommend you speak with Admiral Wegener." Oralia smiled genuinely and stood. "It seems that we'll have some clarifying to do, but that will have to wait, Ma'am. I have a pressing appointment elsewhere."

Claudia stood up, "Then please do not allow me to keep you any longer than is necessary Lieutenant Commander." she said with a polite bow of her head, "I also have a meeting scheduled." she made a move towards the door, "Fleet Admiral Nacheyev dislikes being kept waiting on sub-space." with that she walked out of the room. Internally she made a note to delve further into the woman's service record.

As the door shut behind the Professor, Oralia called Gilroy into her office and sat back down, chuckling over the Professor's attempts to scare her with her name-dropping.


Lt.Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino


Professor Claudia Drake
Resident Busy-Body


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