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Shady Hues Of Blue

Posted on Thu May 24th, 2012 @ 5:06am by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: SB-900 Main Labs

Sitting at the desk with fingers steepled against his chin Patrick watched the monitor as the news of the returning Hammond were issued by Ops to Science Department Head.
News he received with some relief as wormholes can be quite tricky phenomena, one never knows what can be found on the other side of the door and if there is another side.
Fortunately this time the Wormhole was proving itself an asset for the Starbase, a clean shortcut to Beta Quadrant.

Patrick recorded the information in his mind making a mental note to inform Stellar Cartography to update maps with the new discovery.

A mild sense of dissatisfaction overtook him: the last period hadn’t been too good from his point of view.

The purging of Cmdr Balasz essence from Sakkath body had been taxing, psychologically at least. His rash action seemed to have saved the day then but what if he had proven wrong?

Sakkath could have been driven insane or worse as all the others telepathically linked with him in that moment. Patrick was sure that his course of action hadn’t left him in good terms with doctor McKinney but he hadn’t received information about being filed, for now. He hadn’t met the Doctor since so there was no way to assess McKinney’s attitude.

For some unknown reason after that day everything seemed to Patrick to be going the wrong way and he had become withdrawn. Used to frequent brooding moods, avoiding friends and Kh’ali too…
He’d also refused the opportunity to go with the Hammond to study the wormhole fist hand, sending Rutheridge in his stead.

No matter how he tried to distract himself a relentless mechanism of his mind strived to find an explanation for his current condition going round and round about a focus and never touching it. Perhaps he knew what that focus was, maybe he just didn’t want to admit to himself.
For once in his life he’d been subject to a situation he couldn’t control and forced to take a risk whereas he never acted without extensive forethought.


“Time to work.” he snorted shaking himself from his idling. He’d been losing time long enough now, chasing useless fears and bad dreams.

With a rapid typing of the console the jacket of Senior Petty Officer Jonas Levin came into view. A relatively new entry to the Science Department Mr. Levin had already distinguished himself for competence and skill in his field: Stellar Cartography.

Patrick regarded intently the picture of the officer, he was satisfied with the man’s work still there was some strange quality about him he wasn’t able to place the right way.

Leaning back on the seat Patrick tapped the badge: “Mr. Levin?”

=^= Levin here, Sir. =^=

“There is some updating to do with the maps in Stellar Cartography. The Hammond has returned from exploration of the wormhole. The passage is stable and safe and leading straight to the Beta Quadrant. I’m passing data and coordinates now.”

Lt. Cmdr Patrick Leroy


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