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Falling in the Pit

Posted on Tue Jun 5th, 2012 @ 7:33am by
Edited on on Tue Jun 5th, 2012 @ 7:50am

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Deep in the Cherry Pit
Timeline: Current...I think

Connor crouched down to eye level with the child, and looked into his eyes. They were quivering, looking in different directions and unable to follow as he moved a finger from side to side. The signs were there. Looking up at the parents as he stood up, Connor went straight to the point, "Your boy is showing signs of a brain tumour..." hostility and fear washing over their faces as he continued, "You need to get him to Piper Medical Center straight away...", and they grabbed the boy quickly, started heading away. The small crowd dispersed as Connor shouted out after them, "Why are you walking away?! What is wrong with you people...?!"

Running a hand roughly over his mouth, Connor stared after them. In the two days he had been down in the Cherry Pit he had discovered a growing number of those in need of medical care, welcoming his diagnosis, refusing his suggestions of treatment. Perplexed and frustrated, he snatched his backpack from off the floor, and headed away from the common area of that particular set of quarters, towards the small promenade deeper within the pit.

Feeling a rise in his anxiety levels, recognizing a need to take a moment to cool off, Connor moved to stand off to the side of what appeared to be a nearly empty corridor. He stood back against a wall, the cleanest part of one, and took in deep breaths as he tried not to obsess with his mind still going over the issue of civilians needing medical care, and not receiving it..refusing it. Why!? Fuck...count back from 20...

He closed his eyes and leant his head back.

Breathe deeply...


As he worked on pushing those thoughts aside, he could feel his nerves begin to calm..


What he had to do was find a bar called Saturnalia, a woman named Seyla, and pass on his message...


Connor opened his eyes, and noted with a sense of relief that he was now completely alone. Pushing off the wall he continued down the corridor, taking his time as he continued to monitor his breathing, despite some unpleasant odors, enjoying the feel of his lungs taking oxygen in and dispelling it.

After barely a minute his respite was disrupted as a man came down the corridor ahead of him. Connor didn't know the name of his species, although he had seen a number of them down there in the Cherry Pit. Quiet and unassuming, they really didn't reveal much about themselves. He moved to the side so he could pass, and briefly noted another man was now behind him.

An alarm went off deep inside Connor, and he wondered where the man had come from.

Before he had time to focus on the thought or what it meant, he was boxed in. The man in front of him didn't bat an eye or pull an expression as he quite suddenly reached out and grabbed the front of Connor's shirt, slamming him into a wall.

The force of the action cause air to leave Connor's lungs and his vision to be dotted. "Wha..!" he managed to get out before the second man punched him in the face. Feeling like he just been hit by steel, Connor turned his head, and was punched again. It took more effort this time as he fought to gain his sense's back, still able to feel hands moving through his clothes.

Connor stubbornly fought to push off the wall. He hit one of them, only to find himself effectively countered and punched again. Time seemed to slow down as he attempted to stand up fully, taking another blow and then another, fighting to remain conscious, trying to shield his head.

One last hit, he was knocked down. His hands gripped at the floor, slowly stopping as darkness overtook him.


Doctor Connor McKinney
Former CMO


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