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The Princess & The Frog

Posted on Fri Jun 15th, 2012 @ 3:15pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

The Nexus Club was in full swing by the time Harding arrived. He’d been called on his way there when Sakkath awoke and he’d detoured to Sickbay in a hurry. The details of what had brought the Chief Of Ops there were sketchy yet, as he was still getting himself back together. Lt. Commander Hawke, the CIO and apparently his mate, had been very vague on details but then, her current collar was grey, he expected as much. He was familiar with the Hawke family and all of them, save their mother, had an intel/black ops background. No matter, he’d get to the bottom of it, at least as far as it concerned Sakkath’s health.

But now, he was off duty and he had other things that occupied his thoughts - specifically a small blonde fireball. She could be useful and he intended to lay a little groundwork while he enjoyed himself. She wouldn’t be easy but she was an unforeseen loose end that needed tending. The doors opened and he waited as a couple departed, then stepped inside. The opulence immediately impressed him. The lush velvets, the perfect lighting, the old earth music, the couples dancing, the wait staff formal. It appealed to him immensely. Close at hand, he saw Cassidy Wilde at the hostess station. Perfect. A group in line before him was shown to a table and Harding stopped to wait for her return.

On her way back to the hostess podium, Cassidy wove between the tables, smiling readily at several of the guests that met her gaze as she passed. The lighting in the club played up the tiny crystals on all over the black silk of her gown and the diamonds at her ears and wrist. She looked as if someone had scattered countless stars all over her. The effect was mesmerizing. Moving past the last table, she looked up, an easy going smile in place.

“Welcome to The Nexus Club...” Oh bother. “...Dr. Harding.” True to her upbringing, and her promise to Jackson, she remained polite and would...unless he gave her reason to not be.

“Table for one, or will a guest be joinin’ you?”

He smiled warmly at Cass. “Good evening, Miss Wilde, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Tonight, just me I’m afraid. Though if it gets busy and you need to add someone to the table, I have no problem with that.”

Picking up a menu, she inclined her head. “Nice to see you again as well. Right this way,” she spoke only loud enough to be heard over the music, her tone soft and melodic.

Glancing around, she smiled as she saw a table off to the left side, towards the middle of the club and led the way. Her stride so graceful she seemed to glide. Nothing that could be seen as a bad or good table by being too far from the stage or too close. Best of all, it was right where Vic or anyone over at the bar would be able to see him clearly.

Pivoting in place, she faced him and gestured at the table. “Will this suit you for tonight?” Cassidy was aware her accent had gone all proper again, but wasn’t going to worry about it. Whether or not she dropped her ‘g’s’, or said ‘ya’ instead of you, et cetera, et cetera, it didn’t change who she was.

“Lovely, thank you.” He took her hand and raised it to his lips. “Miss Wilde, if I may, might I ask a few minutes of your time when you take a break?”

Holding still, she watched him calmly wondering what he wanted. Giving him a small nod, she answered. “Yes, you may. I have a break coming up soon.” Reclaiming her hand by offering Harding the menu, she smiled. “Can I get a drink from the bar for you while you look over the menu?”

“Lagavulin, neat would be wonderful. You are most kind.” He smiled once more and as she departed, he took his seat.

A glance over to the hostess station showed there was no one waiting to be seated, so she went directly to the bar. Looking around, she didn’t see Jan on this side of the club, but Vic was heading in her direction.

“Hi Vic. Can I get a Lagavulin, neat please?” she asked, resting her hands lightly on the bar.

“Sure. How’s it going?” He reached for the bottle of scotch and began to pour. “I see out favorite persona non grata is here.”

“It’s goin’ well, thanks.” Her smile didn’t falter, but her gaze became sharp. “Favorite frog,” she muttered under her breath. No one was close enough to hear her less than flattering description of the less than good doctor, except Vic.

“He asked me for a few minutes of my time when I go on break. Do ya think ya can shoot a glance over ta make sure no funny business starts up?”

“I’ll be glad to. Eli’s ready to step in when you take your break, so any time now is fine.” Vic passed her the scotch. “I can’t wait to hear what this is about.”

A mischievous grin lit up her face. “Neither can I, considerin’ the last time he and I saw each other, I might have been a little less than cordial ta him.” Cassidy caught his curious look and she shook her head. “He provoked me.” Taking the drink, she winked at him. “Thanks, hun.”

“Sure thing, I’ll send Eli up front. You need anything, just wave.”

Wiggling her long fingers in a jaunty little wave, she returned to Harding’s table to deliver his scotch. Apparently even Vic was aware to some extent of the little worm’s character. “Lagavulin, requested, Dr. Harding,” she placed the drink on the table. “Has your server been by yet to take your order, or did you need some more time?”

“I’ll hold off on dinner for just a but, I’d rather enjoy the drink and the company.”

Curiosity always kills the cat...Murphy’s a bitch with all her stupid laws...and by all that is holy, you’d think a doctor could get his teeth fixed. That is just a shame...doesn’t Starfleet provide dental? Cassidy kept the thought to herself, but the smile on her face was real.

“Alright. If you’ll just excuse me a moment, I’ll inform them I’m taking my break. I’ll be right back.”

“Certainly.” He raised the glass to her, then took a sip as she moved away from the table. He continued his perusal of the club and decided that Jackson was doing very well for himself. Harding’s research had also turned up a business partner, one Janice Gree. He spotted her across the room now, speaking with a young man in a tuxedo and long-ish hair. His attention travelled on to the dance floor where several couples swayed in time to an old Dorsey tune.

Cassidy had to make a slight detour to seat a couple before she made it back up to the bar. “Vic? Could ya be a sweetheart and get me a lemonade please? I’m goin’ in,” she stated dramatically. “Harding wants to talk, so I’m takin’ my break.” She paused. “Hmmm, better make it a raspberry lemonade. I’ll need the good stuff,” she teased with a wink.

“Sure.” Vic made short work of mixing it up, then handed the tall glass over. He waved to Eli, then turned back to Cass. “Watch him, I hear he’s a real piece of work.”

She smiled, giving off the very air of relaxed confidence and charm. “Oh, I’ll watch ‘im alright, but he’s nothin’ but a slimy little ol’ worm come up outta the mud. Worms don’t do well in the sunlight, sugar. They tend to get burned.”

Vic laughed out loud as she left the bar. Eli arrived and was directed up front, then Vic watched as Cass closed in on Harding. There was a lot of truth in her words and as he got the next drink order set up, he was willing to bet the man didn’t stand a chance.

Humming along with the music, she returned to Harding’s table and placed her glass down before pulling a chair out and settling in it regally. Smoothing a hand down her skirt, she aimed a small smile at him.

“Now I have my own drink to enjoy, along with the company. You asked for a few minutes of my have it. Was there something in particular on your mind you wished to discuss, Dr. Harding?”

“Yes, there is.” He placed his glass back down on the table as he looked at her. “First, I’d like to apologize for my behavior this morning. It was over the line and most unbecoming and for that I am sorry. I’ve had a bit of a stressful situation on my hands of late and tension sometimes makes us act out when we should not.”

An apology? Now she knew he was up to something.

“I’ve found that stress brings out the best and the worst in people. It just depends on the person as to how they deal with it - whether they rise above it or sink below it.” She went quiet for a moment; thoughtful. “I’m sorry to hear your situation has been stressful,” she offered graciously. “Apology accepted.”

Forgiveness was divine, but it didn’t mean she’d forget a single thing. Then again, all she had done was accept his apology - nothing more. That wasn’t the same as forgiving him in her book. Cassidy always said what she meant, so there was no chance for anyone to misunderstand her. If they heard what they wanted to, that was on them.

“Thank you. Jackson always did have impeccable taste in women, and you are simply stellar.” He took another sip of the scotch. “Would you care to dance?”

That wasn’t what he had said about the women Jackson associated with this morning or the night before, herself included, she noted. More proof Harding would say whatever suited him best to portray himself in a better light. I’ve got your number, you two-faced little... “You are very kind to say that.”

He seemed to be under the assumption there was more between her and Jackson than there really was...just like everyone else...but something cautioned her not to confirm or deny the status of her relationship to the charming and handsome co-owner of The Nexus Club.

“Jackson has impeccable taste in everything,” she gestured to their surroundings, then offered her hand. “A dance would be lovely, doctor.”

Harding stood and took her hand, then led her out to the floor. “So it seems, yes.” He took her in his arms as ‘The Way You Look Tonight’ began to play and surprisingly, he was an accomplished dancer. They glided across the floor as smooth as glass. This close, she would note that Harding had a ‘clean’ scent, nothing offensive but rather pleasant.

Moving in perfect time with the music and following his lead, Cassidy maintained a ‘proper’ distance, but was close enough to really let him have it as she opened up and laid on the charm by simply being herself, or how she would be with anyone else at least. Closing her eyes, she started to sing along with the song, her voice rich and clear.

“...when I’m awfully low...when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you...And the way you look tonight...”

Harding smiled as she sang along. “I think the lyrics are most apt. You do look stunning tonight, and I cannot recall the last time I enjoyed a dance so much. A pity you have to return to work soon.”

They took another turn and she glanced up at him, thinking she’d be enjoying the dance too, if it weren’t with him. None of her true thoughts or feelings showed though.

“Thank you, it’s the dress,” she said dismissively, not giving his compliments much credence. He trying to flatter her to get her to blush prettily and drop her guard. Clever, but not clever enough. “I love dancing.”

Tilting her head, she looked up at him and played along. “You are a splendid dancer, Dr. Harding.”

“Thank you, I’ve always enjoyed it. My former wife was an amazing dancer, and I learned for her.”

She gave him a small smile, but refrained from any sort of comment on his former wife. The former Mrs. Harding was better off most likely being away from him. The silence stretched between them for a few verses of the song; comfortable on the surface in appearance, but she was getting bored with all the pleasantries. Time to give a little nudge and see what she could find if she started kicking over some rocks.

“Dr. Harding, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course, what is it Miss Wilde?” Harding himself seemed very much at ease as they continued to dance.

Lifting her chin, Cassidy leveled a direct and unwavering look at him, watching him closely. “Why did you feel the need to give me a warning?”

It had felt like there was more to the warning also, as if he had been trying to weave a bit of a threat in it as well. If that was how he wanted to play, he would find out she didn’t intimidate easily.

“That’s somewhat complicated, and not exactly a topic for such a public place. If you seriously want to know, stop by my office tomorrow. Main Sickbay - Piper Medical Center.”

“It’s only complicated if you make it that way,” she replied smoothly, narrowing her eyes slightly.

The question now was, did she seriously want to know? Yes. Enough to venture into the worm’s lair? She had to bite the inside of her cheek to not laugh. She was pretty sure there was an old twentieth century movie even titled ‘Lair of The White Worm’. Ha! Harding had his very own movie. He did have a rather pale and pasty complexion. Probably from living under a rock. Giving herself a mental shake, she gathered her thoughts and got back on track.

“Is there a particular time that would be best for you? I don’t like the idea of bothering you at your place of work.” Her ready smile was mostly gone now. Only a ghost of it remained at the corners of her mouth, giving him a glance of her more serious side.

“Earlier in the day is better.” He leaned in closer to speak at her ear. “Some things just aren’t for the public to overhear, but as you’re already involved, though accidentally, you might as well know what you’ve fallen into.”

“Lucky me,” she quipped lifting a shoulder in a delicate shrug. Cassidy couldn’t resist the opportunity to mislead him a little. “Earlier in the day?” She leaned back, removing her ear from ‘breathing on’ distance, though her grin held a hint of mischief. “I’ll see what I can do. I don’t like dragging myself out of bed if I don’t have to.”

“Understandable, given your job here runs late.” The song faded and Harding released her, offering his arm to escort her off the floor. “Thank you for the dance, it was lovely. I shouldn’t keep you any longer, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

When they reached the table, she slipped her hand off of his arm. “Thank you,” she replied as expected. It would be rude not to thank him for the dance and he was still playing nice for now. “I believe my break is over, so I shall leave you to order and enjoy your dinner. Until tomorrow, Dr. Harding.” Gentle nod of the head, don’t make the offer to help him should he need anything else while here, smile pretty, she reminded herself.

“Goodnight Miss Wilde. Until tomorrow.” He settled back in with his drink, his gaze once more moving over the club as his thoughts turned inward.


Dr. William Harding, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer/The Frog

Cassidy Wilde
The Nexus Club/The Princess


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