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Unexpected Company

Posted on Wed Jun 27th, 2012 @ 4:15pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Harding's Quarters

* * * Harding's Quarters * * *

Harding left the Nexus Club and when he stepped off the turbolift on his deck, he was still whistling 'The Way You Look Tonight'. The dance with Cass was still lurking in his thoughts and he went back over the conversation bit by bit. She was cagey, he had to give her that. He also knew that she didn't like him in the least. The feeling was mutual on his part. She was an annoyance for him, no doubt about it. She was also an annoyance that was stepping into a situation that could interfere with what he had to do, and be dangerous for her. Not that he would lose any sleep over her, should she become too great a problem.

Harding continued to muse over Cass as he walked. He was curious about her ties to Jackson. The computer told him that she had only just arrived, so how was it that she and Jackson were so close? He noticed she had sidestepped his hints about their relationship, neither confirming or denying anything. No matter, he would know the details soon enough. His next move would flush her out of the underbrush and reveal just what was what. He smiled for a moment as he reached his quarters, then resumed whistling as he entered.

The whistle died on his lips. He immediately knew he was not alone. "Computer lights."

The lights came up to a medium glow, revealing Jonas sitting in one of Harding's living room chairs. He had politely helped himself to Harding's bar and now held a glass of port.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Who are you this week? And how is my port?" Harding removed his suit jacket and draped it over the other chair on his way to the bar. The port was one he'd just acquired on his trip to 900 and he hadn't yet tried it.

"It's exquisite, very complex, with just a hint of sass." Jonas gave Harding a wink, knowing that his mocking of Harding's wine habit would annoy him.

It did.

Harding pursed his lips as he settled on the sofa. "Funny, asshole," he commented. "Answer my question."

"Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin, Stellar Cartographer. At your service."

"Stellar Cartography? That's new." Harding sipped his port and had to agree with Jonas' assessment of it, much to his displeasure.

"I'm hurt, Will. Do you think I'm not the scientific type? You recall my background."

Harding nodded. "I do. It includes munitions, engineering, manipulation and murder. That about sum it up?"

Jonas smiled. "Short and succinct, yes. You forgot information gathering. As we speak, our mole is cozied up to the aide of Admiral Hawke. When I saw them leaving the club, she was all bur tearing off his clothes with her teeth, thanks to your chemical contribution."

Harding raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Add sleaze to your list of qualifications then. I'm surprised you're not watching."

Jonas shrugged. "I have no interest in watching this one. I've seen images of Chase's ass too many times to count. After a while all his women look the same. I'll hear anything of note, trust me. I can tell you that the meeting between the CDO and the Archadian Prime Minister was tonight. I'm curious to see just how effective a half-Klingon diplomat is. It's an unusual choice. The amusing thing is that she is sleeping with my department head, who has the reputation of being made of stone, emotionally speaking. This station is just full of surprises."

"You can say that again." Harding smiled and took another sip of his port. "What do you intend to do about the target that got away?"

"There's time, Will. As much as it pains me to admit it, I grossly underestimated her. But first things first. "

Harding nodded now. "I have to say, you look much better as your normal age. You cut quite a dashing figure, which is good. We may need that."


"A little fly in my ointment is all. We'll see how it goes. For now, I'm enjoying the cat and mouse game. At least till I grow bored, but she will serve her purpose."

"And you say I am manipulative." Jonas shook his head. "I cannot hold a candle to you."

"So what do you want tonight?"

Jonas shrugged. "Just checking in to see how you've been is all. I'll give you some time to play your little game but don't lose track of why we're here."

"Is that an order or a suggestion?" Harding's voice was now chilly.

"Perhaps both. Once we finish this, you can take your little toy Natalia and enjoy yourself at your new facility." Jonas stood and crossed to the doors, waiting as they slid open. He turned and smiled once more at Harding. "Assuming you can hold onto her."

Jonas slipped out the door, leaving his verbal barb to prick at Harding. It did and Harding growled, flinging his empty glass at the closing doors. The crystal shattered, spraying the carpet.

"We'll see about that."

Dr. William Harding
Chief Medical Officer

SCPO Jonas Levin
Stellar Cartography


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