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Honey! I'm Hooomme!

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2012 @ 4:52pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi
Edited on on Sat Jul 7th, 2012 @ 5:04pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Eli's Quarters

Chance had a PADD in front of him, had even read a paragraph of the text on the screen. But he hadn’t a clue what he’d read. Instead, his head was off, wondering where Eli was. Sure, he’d gotten the message from his sister that Eli was fine, in a safe place, would be home soon enough, but that wasn’t quite the same as having his lover at home with him. Sighing, he opened a commlink, but was denied. Apparently his sister was off, actually doing her duty. He checked his watch: late for that, but he knew that when Oz couldn’t sleep, she was likely to go to work.

He turned back to his reading and restarted from the top of the screen. Again, he made it through the paragraph, but still hadn’t a clue what it was about. He kept up a rhythmic drumming on the desk with the thumb of one hand. His concern for Eli shifted from mere worry to irritation. How dare Eli leave him to worry like this? He’d already gone through this cycle a few times in the last day.

The doors opened and a silent Eli stepped in. Without a word, he turned and locked the doors, and finally turned back around to face the desk and Chance.


Chance, who hadn’t moved on seeing Eli come through the door, stared at the boy. “I hope you have more to say than that,” his irritation bled into his words.

“Hey, I’m home?” He kept his distance, knowing what was all over him would end any conversation once Chance got close, and he knew they needed to talk first before anything else happened.

“Nice.” Chance smirked at Eli. “If I hadn’t called Oz about you goin’ off, I wouldn’t have known where you were all this time. I’d have been worried sick.” Gods, he sounded like a parent! That just made him even more irritated.

“Did she tell you where I was?” Eli leaned back against the doors, watching Chance. He didn’t want to be all the way across the room, he wanted to be right there, touching Chance, telling him it didn’t matter, but this had to be worked out.

His eyes narrowing, Chance answered, “She said you were someplace safe and that Lieutenant Darwin was with you.” Jealous feelings arched upwards at the mention of Darwin’s name. And why wouldn’t it? Darwin was quite good looking and worthy of more than one fantasy.

“That’s true.” Eli hesitated only a second. “I was at Seyla’s.”

“The Orion?” Chance’s voice pitched high with disbelief then he laughed, “And you were jealous of me possibly hooking up with a girl? Seyla could teach most of the women on this Station a few things about sex, I’m sure.” He nearly asked Eli what she’d taught him but something else caught his attention. His brow rose. “Wait... you and Seyla and Lieutenant Darwin?”

“It wasn’t like that, Chance. Take me out of the equation and you have a more accurate picture. I was on the sofa. It’s....complicated.” There was that word again. Eli sighed and rubbed his eyes. He was even hopeless with an Orion apparently. The thought was both amusing and dismaying.

“Oh.” Chance seemed slightly disappointed. Relieved, indeed, but... what a tale that would’ve been to hear. He found himself getting warm just from the idea. Even just thinking of Eli watching... Chance tried to get back to the conversation at hand. He sat up and then stood up to cross to the replicator for water. “Yeah, I guess that would be complicated. How did you end up in that...” threesome “...situation?”

“I left here and went down to Saturnalia. You’ll recall I was not exactly firing on all cylinders. She was there and sat down with me and was nice enough to listen to me moan about you and how I’d made a fool of myself. While we were talking a man stopped by the table and left this.” He fished the coin out of his pocket and tossed it to Chance. “All he said was ‘soon’.”

Easily, Chance caught the tossed coin and turned it over to look at both sides. “That’s a bit ominous.” He noticed that Eli was still near the doorway. “Are you going to keep your distance all night?” He halved the distance between them. “Really, I’m irritated, but I won’t bite.”

Eli groaned at those words. “She dragged me out, took me back to her place since no one would look for me there and I slept it off on the sofa. Darwin stayed the night I gathered so doused. Which led to stupid move number two when I got to Jackson’s earlier.”

“Got doused?” Those words coupled with the idea of Lieutenant Darwin had Chance’s mind diving straight for the gutter. He was getting a touch confused by the story; had he thought about it, he might have realized Eli’s current perfume was clouding the air. “Did you make a pass at Jackson?”

“No. But given Seyla and Darwin’s activities, the place was full of her special perfume. When I got to Jackson’s, Cassidy was there. She also said she wouldn’t bite and I promptly asked her if she would and kissed her.” He leaned his head back against the wall. “After I got the ‘I’m too old for you’ speech, she insisted on seeing me home. And there you have the adventures of Eli, the impetuous confessor of love and emotional chicken.”

Chance looked at the door, his brow furrowed. “She walked you home and ...just left? You didn’t invite her in?” He wasn’t quite sure who Cassidy was, but... she was apparently a girl... and, right now, entertaining a girl with Eli sounded like all kinds of good fun. He paused to use his brain: what was with the sudden desires? He sipped from the glass of water in his hand then looked at it, wondering if it might not be better put to use to cool off more than his throat.

“And it’s ‘emotional chicken shit’, not just ‘emotional chicken’,” he looked up at Eli and smiled slightly.

“As I recall, I was the one who finally said it Chance, and didn’t dance around it. I’m sorry I worried you though, I didn’t mean to. I just needed some space, then things got strange.” Chance wasn’t the only one affected by Seyla’s after-effects. Just the sight of his lover brought a storm of emotions from the night before, and a heaping helping of desire that he was doing his best to control at the moment.

“Oh, well, yes, I’ll be the first to admit I’m the chicken shit who hasn’t ‘fessed up to anything remotely like what you confessed to. Not that I don’t feel that way, I just haven’t found the words or the time or... you know, all that.” He cleared his throat and looked at his water again. It wasn’t cold enough to dampen anything other than his pants. “So did Seyla teach you anything?” He wasn’t sure where that question came from.

Eli blinked back at Chance. “All we did was talk about you, then run from a lunatic, then I went to sleep on the sofa, since I had two more drinks down there. Teach me what?” It took him a moment, then he groaned again. “No, and I’m not going there with her either. Jackson would kill me.”

Things weren’t settled between them, but Chance left his water on the desk and closed the distance to Eli. To hell with talking. Actions speak louder than words, right?, he thought at Eli and kissed him, cupping Eli’s neck with his hands.

Eli closed his eyes and gave in to the kiss that he’d dreamed of all damn night. Not always, Chance. What am I going to do with you? He knew what he wanted to do, but this was important to him, he hated the unknown.

Chance snorted lightly and kissed Eli’s jaw then nipped his neck. It’s called making love for a reason, Eli. Not making babies or any other hokey term, unless there’s something about Enarans I should be aware of?

No, thank the gods. Hope rose in Eli in a blinding flash at Chance’s words, passed through their link to him.

Already pulling at Eli’s t-shirt, Chance didn’t really see the need for more words, except for three small but important ones: “I want you,” he breathed in Eli’s ear.

Eli nodded. I wasn’t leaving you, I promise you that. He raised his arms to let Chance pull the shirt over his head. I can’t.

“You can’t?” The phrase startled Chance and he pulled back to look at Eli.

Leave you. That I cannot do.

“Oh.” Mildly bemused, Chance set the thought aside; he had other, more important things at hand. Such as why the hell were Eli’s pants so damned difficult to get undone? The zipper went down and so did the jeans and so did Chance.

Chance Conradi
Love in an Elevator

Eli Ziyad
Livin’ It Up......


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