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Not Such A Damsel In Distressq

Posted on Sat Jul 7th, 2012 @ 9:57pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Jonas Levin & Lieutenant Natalia Bren M.D.

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Natalia's Quarters

* * * Natalia’s Quarters * * *

Jonas Levin approached Natalia’s quarters, his pace casual. His shift was over and in his view, it had been dull as dishwater. Commander Leroy had been there, helping with the mapping of the new wormhole based on the records of the team that has ventured through it. Jonas had observed the man from time to time and was still astounded at the idea of Mr. Stone-Hearted Leroy, who was about as full of emotion as the marble statue in the Arboretum, being involved with a half-Klingon. But some things would never make sense, and in spite of it all, he envied Patrick. Jonas’ last Klingon had been something to write home about and few women to this day could measure up. Perhaps he would see what Kh’ali had to offer before he departed 900.

The thought brought a smile as he reached Natalia’s doors. A quick scan told him the corridor was empty. It was only an instant till he’d bypassed her lock code and slipped in. He left the lights off, moved over and stretched out on the sofa. And waited.

Not long after Jonas had settled on her sofa, a blithely unaware Natalia came home and strolled into her abode. Here, she could finally let herself relax. She wasn’t expecting any visitors; she could have a glass or three of wine and settle on the sofa with a book, perhaps forget that Jackson was already romancing another woman. Thinking these thoughts, she had the computer bring the lights up and promptly jumped out of her skin when she saw Jonas.

Grabbing the closest thing at hand (a small vase she’d replicated to make the place look decorated), she threw it at him. “Bastard! Don’t ever do that again!”

Jonas laughed as he reached up, easily snagging the vase form the air with his hand. “Big mistake, Natalia. I could have shot you dead before you knew what hit you. Something on your mind dear?”

“Ugh,” she groaned. “Nothing that I care to discuss with you. What are you doing here?”

Jonas sat up and placed the vase on the coffee table. “Need I remind you that everything you do is my business and therefore to be discussed with me?”

“And what have I done recently that you think I should be discussing with you?” She glared at Jonas even as the worm in her belly wriggled slightly and a past host warned her to be careful.

“Well, let’s see. There’s the question of Jackson Banning who, according to Will, is getting awfully cozy, and I hope for the right reasons? There’s Harding as well, who seems to think you may be getting soft. And there’s the matter of Banning’s newfound friend. So have a seat, let’s talk.”

She rolled her eyes irritably. “Fine, let me at least get something to drink.” Refusing to be a good host to Jonas, she didn’t offer him anything. Instead, she poured herself a glass of wine then took the armchair in the living room. “If Harding thinks I’m going soft, he can go f... he has no idea what’s he talking about.” Natalia knew she’d presented both Jackson and Harding with a shrinking violet version of herself, the better to lure them both in to use for her own machinations. With Jonas, however, she was free to show her harder edge.

“As for that newfound friend, what does she matter?” She watched Jonas as she asked the question.

“Not much but I gather he thinks she could cause issues if she gets caught in the crossfire. Which means if she turns his head, you have much less of a hold on him.”

Disgruntled by the thought that Jackson’s attention could be stolen so easily, Natalia shifted in her seat and tightened her hold on her glass. “Then the young lady should meet with some misfortune. Be taught just why being near Jackson Banning isn’t a good idea.” Perhaps the other women in his world should be given notice to back off, as well, she thought, pondering just how to make that happen.

“Do you plan to do that with the Chief of Security as well? You know his hangup there, Natalia.” Jonas rose and moved over to the bar, pouring himself a generous scotch.

Frowning, Natalia drank the contents of her glass. “I do, but she’s not a threat. Too tied up in McKinney to give Jackson the time of day.” She smiled and added, “Convenient, since that leaves Jackson just distraught enough to not notice the little things.”

“But not distraught enough to run to you?” Jonas’ tone held an edge. “Did he buy your brother story? That should’ve helped.”

“What do you want me to say? ‘Yes, I misplayed my hand’?”, she snapped, knowing that she had, indeed, misplayed Jackson. She’d thought that by bedding him then rejecting him, he’d just try all the harder to get her back and end up digging himself in deep. Irritated, she went to the bar to pour more wine. “He did buy that. Fortunately, Harding has decent timing and arrived just in time to corroborate it. But I haven’t talked to Jackson since then.”

“Harding?” Jonas laughed as she joined him at the bar. “He was appropriately vague I hope? The only orders he knows of concerning your brother are to move out to this area. But you always were good at steering a conversation.”

“Thank you, darling,” she raised her glass to the praise. “Yes, Harding is so damned easy to steer. You’d think he’d grow a brain, but he seems completely clueless.” She settled back into the armchair. “So now what? The new ladyfriend needs to be removed from the picture. Can your man in Zeferino’s department handle that?”

“I think that is advisable, yes. You are close to Banning, when is good?”

“He’s planning a little getaway to Archadia in the next week.” Smugly, she smiled and lazily waved her wine glass in a circle. “He’s been so kind as to forward his plans to me, just in case poor damsel-in-distress Natalia Bren feels like she’s in danger. I’ll forward you the information, Jonas.”

“Good. That should be simple enough, so Chase can be useful for a change instead of getting the cushy job of sleeping with Miss Sarkozi. As for you Natalia, play nice with Harding, as Banning suggested to you in your quarters. And before you flip, yes I am listening to everything that goes on here.”

“Hmm.” The news irked her, greatly, but not enough for her to throw her wine glass at him. “I’m sure you got a thrill a few nights back, then. Chase, is it?” She nodded, thoughtful for a moment. Jonas had kept some secrets, that was one. “The now demoted from Assistant Chief of Security? He came in with some broken bones and wasn’t shy about his opinion of the Chief.”

“Ahh, I love the smell of dissent in the morning, to paraphrase that old movie. Just remember, if you play nice, he won’t get suspicious. Now before I go, there’s just one last thing. When Banning is recovered, he will have some injuries consistent with the Archadian military. They are already under scrutiny, and this will just confirm that something is rotten in Denmark. You will do his examination, and make that report. Understood?”

“Me? That might be a conflict of interest, there, Jonas. Since I’ve had him in my bed.” She grimaced, not at the memory of Jackson in her bed, no - that was a good, even great, memory. No, she was grimacing at the idea of acting distraught over Jackson being injured. “I’ll work that out. It will be handled.”

“Yes, you will. Things may be coming to a head soon Natalia. Once it’s done, I’ll make sure you are out of harm’s way. I promise.”

“Good. I know you’d hate to lose me as a partner,” she smirked at Jonas then grinned.

“Just make sure you do as you’re told and you will have nothing to worry about. My condolences, however, on losing your bedmate.”

“Meh, he was good,” she shrugged a shoulder, “but I’ll find a replacement.”

“Harding’s always willing.” Jonas’ smile was sly. “Just saying....”

“Ugh! Get out!” This time, she did throw the wineglass at him, to speed his exit from her abode.

“Watch your step Natalia.” Jonas gave her a slow smile, then departed. Out in the corridor, once her doors closed he spoke softly to himself. “The last one’s a killer.”

Jonas Levin/Mr. Lynch
Stellar Cartography/Section 31

Natalia Bren, M.D.
More Steely, Less Magnolia


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