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The Squeaky Wheel

Posted on Mon Jul 9th, 2012 @ 9:27pm by Commander Sakkath & Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain Li Hawke

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: CO's Office

* * * Admiral Wegener’s Office * * *

Suresh and Lazan stepped off the lift and made their way to the Admiral’s office. Suresh paused a moment at the doors and checked himself over. Not that he really cared what the station CO thought of him, but it didn’t hurt to look respectable. He brushed back his hair, no longer shaved but now in a short, neat cut and nodded to Lazan before stepping inside. A woman sat behind a desk in the reception area and the thought passed through Suresh’s mind that he could make a fortune with her.

“Lt. Beckman?” He smiled to her. “I am Suresh, and this is my assistant Lazan. We have an appointment with the Admiral.”

Hope checked the schedule and did have a listing for a Suresh. "I will let him know that you have arrived."

She sent a message to the Admiral's desk letting him know that his appointment had arrived, and with a plus-one.

It was almost five minutes before she received a return reply allowing them access. No doubt the Admiral had taken a few moments to freshen up before receiving visitors.

"The Admiral will see you now," Hope said as she activated the doors, opening them to the visitors.

Lazan had taken a seat and seemed very interested in the state and cleanliness of his nails for several minutes, quite content to sit in silence with his legs crossed. He knew Suresh would be going mildly insane, unused to having to wait for anything, but the idea that he was about to meet both the Commanding Officer of this base and the man who had ‘hired’ Isha two nights ago was more than entertaining enough during the interim.

When they were summoned, Lazan stood, buttoning his jacket and smoothing it over his torso as was a habit of his. He let Suresh lead the way.

Rick stood behind his desk, as he did with all visitors, but not knowing these two men he opted out of his normal offer of a hand-shake. Once they made it into the office proper, however, he recognized the man with the pointed ears.

"Ohhhh shit," he mumbled to himself. "This is going to be interesting."

"Gentlemen," he said in his most official-sounding voice, "please have a seat.”

Suresh stopped once he was into the office and Rick spoke, recognizing the man in a second. “Oh shit,” he muttered softly. Standing before him was the one man in the universe who had managed to do what he had never been allowed. Heat rose behind his eyes and he closed them for a moment to settle down. Finally, he opened them and smiled. “Why Mr. Cobb, imagine meeting you here.”

Lazan was seriously amused, but kept it bottled up. He was going to have to lock himself in his room later, just to laugh about this. He kept his tongue locked between his teeth, though, knowing this would hardly be the time or the place. He stood behind and to Suresh’s right, his hands folded in front of him, simply waiting to be needed.

"Well, it is my office, so it's not exactly out of the norm." Rick sat in his chair across the desk from them. "So, Mr. Suresh, what is it that I can do for you today?"

“Well, Admiral Wegener is it? I’ve been asked by several merchants in the lower decks to discuss a complaint regarding some recent events.”

"Do tell," Rick prompted.

“Station security has recently begun a rather heavy-handed crackdown on the patrons of certain establishments, going so far as to arrest people in a bar who are drunk. I can understand if they are leaving, being disorderly and causing problems. However, in speaking to some friends in the upper deck bars, I was surprised to learn that no such actions are taking place here. They seemed rather surprised, in fact.” Suresh’s tone was polite and to the point as he spoke to Ricky, despite the overwhelming desire to fling himself across the desk and strangle the man.

"My orders to the Chief of Security," Rick said with a pause to glare at the man for his past history with her, "were to no longer allow the areas 'below the equator', as it is called, to fly under the radar for violations of Starfleet and base protocols. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that things go on down there that do not go on in the Promenade decks--abductions and the like," he said, getting another dig in. "However, I will agree that arresting someone for drunkenness, while inside a bar, seems contradictory to good policing and will look into this. But I will add, Mr. Suresh, that there is much less call for security in the upper deck bars, as you call them, than there is in the lower ones. From the reports I have read the number of assaults, disorderly conduct calls, domestic violence and thefts has almost gone off the charts down there, which is the reason for my orders of increased patrols."

“That is regrettable that such things occur, yes, and as Lazan will bear witness, I have recently begun to do my part to stop such things. All I ask is equal treatment. You mention the Promenade establishments lacking assault and disorderly conduct, you should visit the Wormhole on a Friday night sometime.” Suresh crossed his legs, apparently as relaxed as was humanly possible.

"I don't recall mentioning that assaults and the like were lacking from the Promenade decks," Rick said as he looked at Lazan. "Did I mention anything about assaults on the Promenade deck?" He looked back at Suresh. "I can have the computer play back our conversation if you wish."

Not waiting for a response, Rick leaned forward in his chair. "I said, and pay attention this time please, that the numbers of those type calls has gone off the charts down in the lower section establishments." One thing he detested was someone telling him how to run his station. "Security patrols are scheduled according to the amount of calls for service that are generated. The more calls for service, the more personnel. Lower those calls for service in your area, the security personnel will slowly go back to the way they were. It's as simple as that."

Lazan nodded as was his part to do. “As representatives of the merchants occupying the Cherry Pit, we have made every effort to ensure adherence to Starfleet protocols. But if I may, the formal Security presence... well, it is quite an unusual thing down there. It’s putting some of our clients, and more particularly their patrons, quite on edge.”

"That simply cannot be helped," Rick replied flatly. "They are security. It is their job to be around for safety and security of all occupants of this base. They will always be around, and should have been around more from the beginning. We are simply getting our units up to the standard in which they should have been in the first place.”

“I hope, too, that this is not a reaction to your Chief of Security’s recent troubles. I heard that Dr. McKinney was recovered and in bad shape. If I may be of assistance in helping to sniff out those responsible, I will do whatever I can. You are aware that he was offering medical care to those unfortunates who neehaded it? Most were suspicious but some took advantage of it. Most admirable.”

"Quite," Rick said, not divulging any information to the man. "However, and I think you may be developing a hearing problem, Mr. Suresh, this is not a reaction to any troubles with the security chief. As I stated, it is getting the security in those areas up to the level it was supposed to have been all this time. And your offer of assistance is noted, however, I'm sure our security staff has it all well in hand."

“I’m sure, but sometimes, the locals won’t talk to the boys in gold. But I appreciate your time, Admiral, and your willingness to see that enforcement is kept equitable. I am sure the businesses down below will be relieved.” He fell silent but Lazan, sitting on his side of the desk might notice Suresh’s leg had begun to bounce just a little.

"Since you seem to be the man-about-town, as it were, I will rely on you to let your associates know that security will not be going anywhere, at least not for the time being, but they will only be doing their duty. I can assure you that they will not do anything untoward or in violation of the policies and procedures set for by myself and by Starfleet Security."

“Nor would we ever dream of implying such,” Lazan offered graciously, smiling while also trying to delay Suresh from opening his mouth for even a few seconds.

“Of course, thank you Admiral.” Suresh flexed his fingers a few times as he spoke. Just a few more minutes and he’d be out, just a few.... “And should you wish to visit us again, we’ll be pleased to have your company.” Polite, stay polite. Suresh almost choked on the words.

"I may do that," Rick said. "I don't normally get to just wander around the station and enjoy what it has to offer, but I had a very good time the other night."

Now it was Lazan’s turn. “Oh shit,” he muttered, just under his breath so that no one could hear. There was going to be no stopping him now...

Suresh cleared his throat and stood, slowly. “I am pleased to hear it.” His voice was notably strained now. “You should feel flattered. Isha refuses everyone, it isn’t like her to agree to entertain....ever.” The heat behind his eyes was worse and he was sure he was going to break something any second now...starting with the Admiral’s hands for daring to touch her.

"You seem a bit upset, Suresh. Can I offer you some water? That may help settle you a bit," Rick said as he walked to the replicator behind his desk. "But, yes, Isha was very entertaining."

He turned back to him. "So...water? Or something else?"

Fantastic, Lazan thought. Just fantastic. They were prodding one another. What he wouldn’t give for Li to be here right now, aside from the fact that she’d be recognized instantly. At least then she could rein in the Admiral while he handled Suresh. But Lazan had no way to control Wegener, not without giving far too much away.

So he did the only thing he could think of. He broke into a sudden coughing fit, light at first, but suddenly sounding as though something quite terrible was going on his chest.

If Suresh had even a shred of decency in him, he might just ask for that water and then suggest they leave.

“Perhaps some water, yes. Lazan are you alright?” He patted Lazan on the back. “It is a bit dry in here.”

Lazan tried to nod in response, but Lazan patting him on the back only seemed to make it worse, evolving into genuine hacking. The Ferengi he paid for those isolinear rods on faking illness seemed to be worth the latinum.

"Good lord," Rick said, enjoying every bit of this. He ordered the water, took it from the replicator and set it on the edge of his desk for Suresh to hand to his man. "Are you going to be okay?" Turning to Suresh he added, "Maybe you should take your man to one of our many wonderful medical facilities. They do some amazing things there."

Lazan accepted the water, flashing only the slightest of dagger-loaded glances at the Admiral before downing it, seeming to improve with every sip. “No,” he wheezed, grasping his chest and undoing his coat. “I don’t th... think that will be necessary,” he managed.

Suresh took the glass from Lazan, holding it lightly in his hand. “Thank you, that seems to have done the trick.”

With a thick smile, and a bit of a condescending tone in his voice, Rick said, "Well, then, I appreciate you bringing your concerns to me, Mr. Suresh, but I believe this meeting has found its end. Your friend may need a little time to relax after that coughing fit. Please...feel free to make another appointment to see me if anything else arises."

Without waiting, he thumbed the door actuator and opened them behind the group, signalling it was their time to leave.

Lazan made a slight show of struggling to stand, but did so, accepting Suresh’s arm for a moment before graciously offering that his superior lead the way out. He made a mental note to replicate an inhaler at his first opportunity. This was going to have to be a condition now. Damn you, Li Hawke.

Once they had gone, Rick sent a note to Hope ensuring that Suresh was given the run-around the next time he wanted an appointment. The words, "Make it hell on him to get in here again," were prominent in the message. He then opened the computer and sent a message to Li. He would need to see her and fill her in on what had just happened.

Suresh led Lazan out of the office and by the time they cleared the door, he was moving at a rapid clip. He breezed by Hope without a glance and it was only when the outer office doors closed that a stream of obscenities began to flow from Suresh. It was the warning rumble before the volcano blew.

“It’s fine,” Lazan wheezed. “You know as well as I do that she didn’t touch him. It’s not her way.”

“Oh? He seems to think she did, and she isn’t saying. And now I find out he’s a fucking Admiral and the CO of the station!” Suresh took off down the corridor towards the turbolift. “This is not over, Lazan.”

“He seems to think she did because he knew it would upset you,” Lazan broke into a further fit of coughing, waving Suresh off if and when he ever showed some sign of concern. “He knew you when he was down there, obviously, but you didn’t know him. This is probably just another one of that Security Chief’s ploys.”

God help Lazan, but if he didn’t turn Suresh’s anger towards someone else this was going to get ugly.

“Find out what happened to McKinney, will you?” The lift doors opened, thankfully, before Suresh blew his stack. “Then I want Lemmy and Tater off this station for a while, send them out with the next shipment. I’m sure the organization needs some garbage men somewhere. Then exchange that necklace for something she will like and then we’ll alter it slightly. I want to hear what goes on next time ‘Mr. Cobb’ comes south.”

“I’ll link them up with Nine,” Lazan affirmed, “and put my agents on it.” He moved to the side of the turbolift and slumped against it. “I need to get to my quarters...” He was purposefully ignoring the necklace comment, at least for the moment. Isha should be the last thing on Suresh’s mind, but he’d be lying if he said he was surprised.

“Very well. And I will be in mine, I think that’s best until my urge to go back up and kill him passes.I’m sure I can find someone down below instead.”

“You can have Lemmy and Tater,” Lazan managed with a forced laugh before coughing again. Killing them would actually solve two of his problems, so hell, why not?

“Good point, then they won’t run their mouths. Silence is something Lemmy is incapable of. And why are you still coughing?”

Lazan smirked, then stood up. “Because I have a condition, clearly.” Lazan rebuttoned his jacket and smoothed his tie. “You can’t hold commitment against a man, can you?”

“Or method acting either.” Suresh smiled and his sudden calm was, perhaps, more frightening than his rage a moment ago. The lift stopped and the doors opened. “Go, I’ll be at home. I have some plans to make.”

He shrugged in response. “Very good. I will be available when you need me. In the meantime... I’ll take Lemmy and Tater off the books.” Lazan smiled darkly as he stepped out into the hall and half-bowed to his employer before setting off, unsurprisingly not towards his quarters.

Spitting Nails

Upper (Decks) Respiratory Problems

VADM Ricky Wegener
THE Big Kahuna


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