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Sand In My Shoes

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 5:09pm by Cassidy Wilde & Jackson Banning V
Edited on on Tue Jul 17th, 2012 @ 5:34pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: The Beach on Archadia

* * * The Beach - Archadia * * *

Jackson stretched on the lounge chair as the breeze ruffled his hair and made the palm over head rustle. He adjusted his sunglasses, then reached to the small table that sat in the sand between the two lounge chairs. He couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes and feeling around blindly, he caught the closest glass. The frosty drink was pure heaven going down and he sighed with satisfaction. Softly, he sang a snatch of a very old Earth song.

The heat wave and the crowds
Are just old news
But I've still got some
Sand in my shoes...

“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about Cass. Why the hell didn’t I do this ages ago?”

She’d been listening to the sound of the surf and the wind through the palm fronds when the sound of him singing distracted her. He had a nice voice, of course.

“Hmm...because yer a workaholic? Glutton for punishment? Kept waitin’ for the right time? Forgot what it was like just relax and breathe?” she answered quietly. “Take yore pick. I’d go with one, three and the last one.” She sighed and rolled over. “I think it should be mandatory that ya get away from everythin’ at least one weekend a month. Just for the mental break from it all.”

“That’d be nice but not likely. It’s funny Cass, when Jan and I were first told the Berkeley crew was movin’ over to 900, we began to look at what was available on the station. The Nexus was a club but not as it is now and not doin’ too well. we both share a love of the time of the Crooners and decided to make a go of it. Something a little higher class, dressy, luxurious. There’s other places to unwind on 900, be casual, be rough and wild but that’s not everyone’s style. Little did we know it would take off like it did. We’ve had to double the staff in a year and most nights, as you’ve seen, we have a wait list.”

Pushing up on her elbows Cassidy picked up her drink and took a sip while thinking about the club she now worked at. “If people want ta unwind and cut loose, they can go ta The Wormhole or any number of the other clubs, bars or pubs. You’ve created something special with Jan in The Nexus Club. It’s not just a club, bar or restaurant. It’s an experience that is like a step back in time in a way. Obviously people like it or they wouldn’t be lined up ta get in. The food is excellent, the drinks are delicious and the entertainment is first class. What’s not ta like?” Returning the glass to the table, she twisted around and sat up to watch the waves coming in.

“It sure did become a success far beyond what we ever expected and I’m glad. It was a chance. But that success has, at times, run us ragged.” He paused for another drink, really liking the pleasant buzz that was beginning to overtake him. It was beginning to dull the sharp edges of the ache that had take up residence in his chest. The sound of the waves, the breeze, the knowledge that he didn’t have to move if he didn’t want to was helping the alcohol along. It occurred to him that this place would be wonderful for Oz. He left it at that, forcing his mind to move on along as a waiter appeared and he ordered another round. Then he realized he’d lapsed into silence, but had no clue how long.

“Ya know what the best part is? We don’t have ta move unless we get hungry or hot.”

Swinging her legs off the lounge, she put her feet on the sand and looked at him. Taking off her sunglasses and pushing her hair back, Cassidy gave him a small smile. “Ya wanted ta be a beach bum, Jackson. That means relaxin’ and kickin’ relax. Stop thinkin’. I’m gonna go in and cool off.” Rising gracefully, she reached over and ruffled his hair before sauntering off towards the water. The black bikini she wore accented her sleek curves and showed off a well toned body that remained hidden most of the time by her day to day and work wardrobe.

“What is this relaxin’ that you speak of woman?” he called after her, then laughed aloud. She had a point but watching her stroll to the water, damned if he could remember what it was. “Jeeeeesus, Jackson. Get yer mind outta the gutter.” Maybe he’d been listening to Jan too long. Or Iggy. All her talk of mating and then eating said mate. It was a wonder he didn’t have nightmares.

Spinning around, she looked back at him. Lucky for him, she only heard the first part. “What? Good grief, Jackson...are ya tellin’ me it’s been that long that ya don’t remember?” Hands on hips, she narrowed her eyes at him. “I can’t take ya anywhere.” Cass grumbled good naturedly under breath. “Am I gonna have ta teach ya what ta do all over again?”

“I heard the steel drum band here is pretty good an’ they’re playin’ tonight. You know I can dance, Cass.”

“Pfffft!” She waved her hands at him. “Mr. Formal and perfect lines. Ya can’t waltz or foxtrot to steel drums, Charleston.” Imagining the music in her head, she started dancing right there on the sand, not giving two hoots who was watching...and there were quite a few people watching. Tossing her head, her long golden hair spun with her turn as she swayed and shimmied her hips. Arms in the air, she gave Jackson her sunniest smile and taunted him.

“You’ve only been here a few days, Cass, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He grinned back at her as the waiter arrived with some more mental lubrication.

“Whatever. I think yore bow tie’s been on too tight for too long.” Laughing, she turned and walked into the surf. When the waves were to her hips, she dove under the water and disappeared, a flash of golden hair surrounded by blue.

“Cass, honey, you have no idea how right you are,” he whispered. The new drink went down as easy as the first and the cold drops of condensation dripping down onto his bare chest felt delicious. He made a mental note to do something really nice for Jan when he got back for handling things while he was gone. Like maybe send her down here for a nice long weekend to frolic in the sun. Immediately, the image of her disrobing in her dressing room hit him and he rubbed his eyes. Yeah, gotta get rid of that.

The salt content of the water was a lot lower than the oceans back home on Earth. It was enough she could taste it on her tongue, but it didn’t sting her eyes as much. As a result, she stayed under the water longer, swimming with strong strokes, looking at the colorful schools of fish and scanning the bottom for seashells. Did they even have the same type of marine life? Slowly floating to the surface to take another breath before diving down again, she glanced at the fish, noting the differences. So they were rather odd looking to her, but they were still fish. Popping up briefly, she took a deep breath, filling her lungs and dove under again. It didn’t occur to her that Jackson had no idea how well she swam or how long she could hold her breath.

Jackson sat scanning the water, simply watching for now. When she popped back up, he yelled to her. “Bring me a good shell for my desk will ya?”

She waved to let him know she heard him, then kicked for the sea floor. Five minutes later, Cassidy finally came out of the water, her fingers curled around two beautiful, pearlescent shells. Water ran down her body in rivulets and dropped to the sand as she returned to where their lounge chairs were on the beach.

“Here ya go.” Smirking, she leaned over just enough to let her wet hair drip water on him.

“Oh they’re gorgeous.” He held out his hand, then snatched it back as the water hit him. “Hey, watch that, I might melt.”

“Really?” She tossed her head back and laughed. “Water only melts sugar and wicked witches,” she informed him, still giggling. “Yer neither.” Cass took great joy in shaking her head, flinging water all over him. “Melt my ass.”

“I most certainly am sugar, just ask anyone. Even Vic. He’ll tell you.” Jackson’s smile was slow and lazy as he looked up at her. “Sweetest ever discovered too.”

“Ya can’t use Vic as a character witness, Mr. Banning. He’s worked for ya too long and is a personal friend. He’ll say whatever ta put ya in a good light. That’s a conflict of interest,” she shot back. “Sweetest ever discovered...sure. Here’s yore shell.” She reached out and slapped the small treasure down on his stomach. Immediately she realized her mistake. She shouldn’t have touched him.

He wrapped his hand around her wrist, his smile lingering. “Maybe yer right, Cass. My grandma always said that salt doesn’t melt, it just lumps. That’s prob’ly closer to the truth.”

Her jewel-toned gaze dropped to where he had a hold of her, then up to meet his eyes. She swallowed. “So now yer salt? Make up yore mind, Lumpy.” The corner of her mouth curved up into a half smile.

“Smart ass.” He smiled up at her and let go of her wrist. “Jan would likely agree with the salt assessment. Especially after I surprised her in her dressin’ room.”

“Better than bein’ a dumb ass any ol’ day.” Sitting down on the edge of her chair, Cassidy looked at him. “Surprised her? That doesn’t sound good.” Tilting her head, she tried to imagine what he could have done to...Ooooh.

“Whatd’ya do? Catch her in her unmentionables?”

“Actually I was there first. She came in and just started strippin’ down before I could say hello, stop, or kiss my ass. Didn’t seem to bother her any, but then again, this is Jan.”

“Oh.” She wasn’t really sure what she should say to that little tidbit, so she said something nice. “Well, she certainly doesn’t have anythin’ ta be ashamed of. Jan’s got an amazin’ figure. Vic sure seems ta go ga-ga over her. I believe he was goin’ on about professin’ his love for her the first night I showed up.”

“One small correction, Vic’s ga-ga over you. He worships Jan like I do, and she mothers the pair of us endlessly.” Jackson nodded to emphasize his point.

Cassidy frowned slightly and shook her head. “He’s just bein’ nice ta me.” Turning, she scooted back onto the lounge and stretched out on it.

“Yeah, you jus’ keep tellin’ yerself that, Cass.” He reached for the drink and after a sip, he continued. “Can I ask you a question?”

Bending one of her legs, she shifted until comfortable. Glancing over at him, she shaded her eyes; her sunglasses temporarily forgotten about on the table next to her unfinished drink. “Of course ya can ask me a question.”

“Why didn’t you tell me what happened with Eli?”

Oh bother. Heaving a sigh, she sat back up and tucked a leg under the other one. And here she’d thought Eli would have been either too embarrassed by what happened or too out of it from Seyla’s powerful scent to recall things clearly.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and venture a guess he told ya ‘bout kissin’ me? I didn’t want to embarrass him. It’s not like he was firin’ on all cylinders that night. The poor boy was stoned outta his gourd from spendin’ the night at Seyla’s while she had company.” Running a hand through her damp hair, she shrugged. “He didn’t mean it and it meant nothin’. No harm done.”

Jackson nodded. “I just wanted to be sure you were okay with things. He felt like complete and utter crap. And was embarrassed as hell. He’s not really the intrusive type.”

“Yeah, I kinda sensed that ‘bout him. I’m perfectly fine and I’m not upset. He was confused, worried and intoxicated. Not a good combination, which is why I walked him home. Besides, it wasn’t me he wanted ta kiss.” Cassidy bit her lip. “He’ll probably never talk ta me again now.”

“Eh, give ‘im a day or two, he’ll get over it once he sees yer not mad or embarrassed. You gotta remember, he’s nineteen. And a fish outta water too.”

“Trust me, I know how young he is. I kinda had to inform him how old I was to discourage a question he asked me that I know he never would have asked if he wasn’t hopped up on Orion pheromones.”

“What question was that Cass?”

Her cheeks pinkened slightly, but she didn’t look away from Jackson’s bright blue gaze. “When I realized what was wrong with him, I offered ta take him home to my place to get cleaned up before takin’ him home ta Chance. He thought it would be a better home comin’ if he remained...funky. Somehow, at some point he asked if I wanted ta change my mind and take him home with me...instead of him goin’ home ta Chance.” She shrugged.

“That was likely the pheromones talkin’. Not because yer not the type to make any guy follow you home, but because of Eli. Vic says the young man’s in love and I agree. My guess is that Eli’s gonna apologize about fifty more times when ya get back.” Jackson sucked down the last of his drink and set the glass aside.

Leaning forward, she rested her elbows on her knees. “Yer not tellin’ me anythin’ I didn’t already know about Eli. I know it was the pheromones, so he has nothin’ to apologize for. At least not again. I’d already put it from my mind, it’s that much of a non-issue for me. I don’t want him feelin’ bad about it.”

Jackson smiled at her and nodded. “He’ll be glad about that. Last thing he wants is to offend a friend. How much do you know about his situation?”

Picking up her glass, Cassidy looked at the contents, swirling the drink around, but didn’t take a drink. “Not that much, really. I know you and Jan are his guardians and that he can’t go home,” she replied, looking back up.

“That’s it in a nutshell. Political refugee at nineteen. He’s doin’ alright though, little by little.” He shook his head, then leaned it back against the lounge chair. “So how’s the water?”

“Positively divine. Cool enough to give relief from the heat, but not enough to be chilly.” As much as she didn’t want to be reading his emotions, for some reason she couldn’t seem to shut off that particular connection. He was hurt, confused and because of it, seemed hesitant to do anything now. Dammit. He was thinking too much. Taking a deep breath, she got up and reached down to take his hands.

“Come on, get up. Yer goin’ in and I’m not takin’ no for an answer.” She pulled at him insistently. “Yer supposed to be havin’ a good time, remember? Yer thinkin’ too much.” Letting go of one of his hands, she gently rubbed the frown line between his brows.

“Yer right, I am.” He caught hold of her finger and smiled. His gaze held hers a moment as something Eli had said to him flashed through his thoughts, then was quickly pushed away. Swinging his feet over the side of the lounge, he he rose and pulled himself up by her hands. “Race ya to the water.”

“Hey!” She squeaked and took off for the water at a dead run, kicking up sand as she sprinted. He had the advantage of longer legs, but she was still fast as hell and not sporting a buzz from drinking.

He took off after her, but lagging behind thanks to said buzz. Still he reached the water and kept running and as soon as it was deep enough, he splashed her, then dived under a wave.

Dipping under the water, Cassidy slicked her hair back and kept an eye on where he was under the surface. She owed him a splash in the face and patiently waited for him to come up. He was in for a big surprise if he thought he could get away with splashing her without facing the music. Following him, she waded until the water was too deep and had to kick off the bottom to swim.

He stopped before the water got too deep for him and stood waiting. When she popped up, he smiled. “Better watch the undertow.”

“What undertow?” She’d gone right through this area before and hadn’t felt any currents pulling at her.

“This one.” He swung his leg beneath the water, sweeping her feet from beneath her.

Her shriek was cut off when she fell under the surface of the waves. A second later, she came up sputtering and coughed a few times. Clearing her lungs, she glared at him. “You dirty...”

This time she sank on purpose so she could shove off the sandy bottom. Launching herself at him, she smacked into him, bracing her hands on his shoulders and pushing for all she was worth, trying to dunk him. “Yer goin’ down, Jackson!”

All he did was laugh as he scooped her up and started back to shore. “Oh really?” The cooler water had something of a reviving effect on him and cleared his head. Once they were in shallower water, he set her back on her feet. “Tomorrow, we’ll go for two outta three.”

Stepping in front of him, Cassidy cut him off and placed a restraining hand on his chest, a determined sparkle in her eyes. “Yer on. I’m not gonna give up on ya that easy.” After a moment her grin faded as she looked up at him. “Please forgive me for speakin’ outta turn, but I have to tell ya somethin’. It’s not going to hurt this badly forever,’ll get better. I promise you.”

His eyes widened for a split second, then he glanced away, his gaze sweeping over the beach. For a moment, he was surprised again at how much she sounded like Jan. Finally, he looked back down at Cass. “Let’s hope yer right.” His voice was rough. “Why don’t we go get cleaned up for the evenin’? I seem to recall you had questioned my dancin’ ability.”

“Not so much questioned it as I wanted ta see if ya could loosen up and shake yore hips. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.” Pursing her lips, she added one last serious thought. “I am right. Take it from someone that had her heart thrown away at one point because things got complicated. It heals, even when it doesn’t seem possible.” Feeling that was more than enough to share for now, she rose up on tippy toe and kissed him softly, then turned to head back to their chairs.

Jackson blinked, then brushed his wet hair back as he watched her go. Wonders never ceased. Neither did unexpected changes in his life. Par for the course. He shrugged and followed her out of the water.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Beachbum
The Nexus Club

Cassidy Wilde
Hostess & Beach Bunny
The Nexus Club


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