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Guess Who's Coming To Dinner -- Part Two

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2012 @ 5:28am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Nexus
Timeline: Just after part one

Patrick entered the Nexus, rather crowded at the moment, and moving through the flock quickly scanned the locale to find out his parents, spotting them in a table near the portals that gave sight to the docks.

In a few strides he was at their table “I’m here at last. Was everything fine ‘till now?” He greeted them taking a seat.

“Yes it’s all wonderful.” Amanda replied gingerly while Jeffrey grunted something. “Have you come alone?” She asked regarding her son.

“I’ve tried to call her but she’s very busy following a delicate diplomatic situation on Archadia.” Patrick responded looking around for a waiter. “I’ve left a message with her attendant. In any case it’s unlikely to have her come here tonight so… What do you want to eat?”

“Well you’ve been here far longer than us. You choose.” Jeffrey said before gulping down the last of his cocktail.

“Nothing too spiced though.” Amanda advised Patrick with a slight frown “Your father didn’t pass last medical check unscathed.”

“Aww… Those eggheads from medical are good for nothing.” Jeffrey complained putting the empty glass on the table “The only thing they are able to do is to forbid you from partaking from everything worth the pain in this universe.”

“Of that I’m sure.” Patrick smiled, then turned again to get attention from some waiter “It’s a pity that Mr. Banning’s not here tonight. He has a knack to have all the patrons quickly served and at ease.” He ended furrowing his brow.

“Mr. Banning?” Amanda asked.

“Yes the owner of this place.” Patrick replied while, by persistent waving of the hand, got the attention of a young waitress.

The waitress came over to get their drink orders and as she turned to go, Kh'ali appeared, crossing to their table. She had taken time to change out of uniform and now wore a strapless formal dress of deep green velvet, her long hair loose. She was nervous, which later she would find funny given that she regularly faced down diplomats and planetary leaders on a regular basis. Reaching the table, she smiled to the group.

"My apologies for being late, we are in the middle of some rather sensitive negotiations with Archadia, and a recent event has complicated things." She rested her hand on Patrick's shoulder and looked to his parents. "I'm Lt. Commander Kh'ali, Chief Diplomatic Officer."

“You’re quite welcome indeed.” Patrick smiled warmly “I thought you would have passed the hand for tonight. It’s a pleasant surprise. Take a seat.” He ended making space for her.

Kh’ali gladly accepted the seat offered by Patrick while at the same time it didn’t escape to her how Amanda stiffened looking at the hand positioned on her son’s shoulder and the glance the woman reserved her: a full head-to-toe scan worthy of a starship sensor.

“These are my parents. My mother Amanda and my father Jeffrey.” Patrick introduced them.

The burly man nodded rising the glass to her “We’re glad you made it possible to have you with us.” But the woman kept an icy silence.

"Thank you, I wouldn't have missed it for anything." Kh'ali smiled once more. "Hearing that you two had arrived on the station was a lovely surprise, I'm sure Patrick is happy to see you again." She shot Patrick a look, her eyes meeting his for a moment.

“Sure he is.” Jeffrey replied slamming his hand on Patrick’s shoulder. “He’s the last Leroy in the galaxy. Well Of our branch of Leroys that is… And the galaxy has great expectations on him. Isn’t that right?”

Patrick rolled eyes with father’s last comment “Here he goes again.” He managed to whisper. “Better to start ordering for dinner. I’m sure you’re hungry from the voyage.” He reprised then desperately hoping to change the subject of discussion but, as usual Jeffrey had become like flood.

“Should I tell you of the time when a young Patrick tried to become chess champion back on Earth?” Jeffrey continued addressing Kh’ali.

“It would be better to say ‘when you tried to make me one’, and no... I’m sure this topic can wait.” Patrick intervened. “Time to get the waiter.”

“Perhaps this young lady can advise us on some Klingon specialty for dinner?” Amanda asked candidly observing Kh’ali.

“No! No… I’m sure you don’t want this either. Er… their kind of food is just too strong for some palates,” Patrick stated voluntarily skipping the part about having to chase it around the table in some instances. Then leaned back on the seat, as expected the evening was quickly spinning out of control.

Amusement lit Kh'ali's face at Patrick's statement. "To be honest, my human side doesn't much care for a lot of the Klingon dishes either. Patrick's quite the chef, however. He's spoiled me, considering my schedule doesn't seem to understand regular hours. After the kidnapping, it was your son who put me back together."

“Kidnapped?” both parents asked at the same time.

“Yes. It happened during the visit of the Divitian diplomatic retinue.” Patrick answered beforehand to any coming question. “But that’s a long story there will be time to linger on it. By the way it seems to me a good idea to stay on neutral ground speaking of food. I think that some Divitian dishes have their appeal as I’ve discovered when I was on mission there.”

Without waiting for possible compliances Patrick quickly called the first waitress in sight and ordered herb-baked Bolohmar with white wine.

“Oh… It’s a kind of big fish.” Patrick explained realizing all eyes were on him “And is served in nuggets so it’s also easy to eat.” He ended then, relieved to see no vetoes staked against his choice. At least, with exotic food on the table, the conversation could have been steered more easily he thought.

He was wrong.

The dinner seemed to go smoothly with small talk and anecdotes until, earlier then expected, Jeffrey came out with the old story addressing directly Kh’ali: “Hey, hear this one. Has Patrick ever told you of that time when he’s been filed an official reprimand for disciplinary conduct? He participated in a brawl in a lounge of Outpost 742.”

“Aww… C’mon. Always that story. It’s been years now.” Patrick tried to stop his father’s flooding memory.

“Yes it’s been years and you were very ill-advised by that comrade of yours Leo Dexter. Captain Westmoreland had been a real gentleman then you could have been radiated from Starfleet and all time spent on your career would have been wasted. And I’m not sure it isn’t your record will have this spot forever.”

“A friend endangered himself and helping him seemed the only option then. I barely came out alive and I’m here now. That should be the important thing.” Patrick retorted in half-voice. *

“Now stop that you two. Would you? You’re ruining this beautiful girl’s evening.” Amanda intervened to the rescue. Then turned to Kh’ali: “You’re quite a surprise dear.” Amanda said as the last emptied plate was being taken away by the waitress. “I’ve always heard that Klingons are very temperamental.”

"I suppose it depends on the Klingon. I've met quite a few in my day that were, but then I've met quite a few of other varying species that were as well. In my case, the human side tempers that quite a bit, if you'll pardon the pun. I suppose the idea of a Klingon diplomat surprises a lot of people. More wine?" Kh'ali held up the carafe and indicated Amanda's empty glass.

“Thank you dear.” Amanda responded raising her glass.

“May I have some too?” Jeffrey asked hopefully raising his glass too.

“No you’ve drank enough for tonight.” Amanda stopped him shattering any possible hope “You know what the doctor said on your last visit.” She ended with a tone that did not allow replies.

“To the hell with doctors…” Jeffrey stated in a grumble that lost itself in some more unintelligible epithets on the category as he put down the glass on the table.

Patrick chuckled inwardly watching the well-known scene. He wondered how his relentless and competitive father, terror of many executive meetings, could be put down so easily by a woman. Then the answer came by itself: Amanda Bentley Leroy was no ordinary woman.

“I think we should go now. I’ve spoken with Lt. Beckman and VIP lodgings, by courtesy of Admiral Wegener, are waiting for you on deck 10.” Patrick said standing from the table.

“Yes. It is better for us to get some rest.” Amanda responded to his son’s invitation “Are you making the walk with us dear?” she asked turning to Kh’ali.

"I'd be delighted to." As they stood, she slipped her hand in Patrick's arm.

“Off we go then.” Patrick waved to the Nexus doors.

* Event narrated in post: Memories USS Berkeley January 2011

Patrick Leroy
Son under observation

Son’s fiancee under observation

Jeffrey Leroy
Disgruntled Father

Amanda Leroy
Backbone of the Family


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