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Evening Drinks

Posted on Sat Jun 25th, 2011 @ 12:06am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Drake's Quarters
Timeline: Night of Diplomatic Arrival

Eli entered the residential section and finally stopped before the door which was the object of his quest - Professor Drake's quarters. He took a deep breath, hoping to catch her before she left for dinner. The frosty glass adorned with a lime was beginning to sting his fingers just a little. But it wasn't getting any colder so he might as well get this over with. With his free hand, he rang the chime.

Claudia walked to the door and opened it, she looked at the young man who stood there, "Mister Ziyad, some might construe this as stalking."

That caught the young man off-guard a moment. What the hell was it with this woman? "N-no ma'am, not at all. Jackson said you like a drink before dinner, so I volunteered." Oh, he was so going to kick Jackson when he got back to the club.

"Ah...Jackson" she said without smiling. She stepped aside from blocking the doorway and gestured for him to come in, "Please set them down on the table." she said as she walked to her sofa and sat down, "So tell me Mister Ziyad, have you thought on our last discussion?"

"To be honest, ma'am, I've thought of nothing but that." He hazarded a glance at the cats, then looked back to Claudia. "And I am just a little confused. You wanted real reasons, what I said to you was a real reason."

"Over the centuries I have learnt that people have an unbridled capacity for lying to themselves" she said as she crossed one leg over the other, she had been informed that the Delegation would be arriving, and she knew Ricks wouldn't be able to keep their dinner date. She stared at the young man, "Sit down Mister Ziyad." she said, it was warm and friendly, but it was tinged with the experience of always being listened to, "The reason you gave me for wanting to join Starfleet were very noble, but I sense there is something deeper that makes you want to join Starfleet." she sat back slightly in her chair, "You may not be familiar with my race, but I am El-Aurian and we are known as a race of Listeners..."

Eli's mouth dropped open. A real El-Aurian? Even out here they'd heard of the race of long-lived beings and he was in awe, though he was not really sure how much of what he'd heard was truth and how much was myth. He sunk slowly into a chair as he looked at her.

" That's amazing, Professor. Wait till my friends hear --" He stopped immediately and sad resignation overtook his expression. "I guess they won't hear anything from me, huh?"

"No they won't...your friends are behind you Mister Ziyad, a fact you need to come to terms with..." she said almost leading him.

He nodded slowly. "I know. I think they are part of it too, you know? I stand now in a position to be able to speak my mind without fear that I'll end up strapped to a pole in the town square and seared from the inside out simply for something I said."

"Your people have had a troubled past, but it is not your or my place to condemn a people for how they are trying to deal with a history they are ashamed of."

His gaze turned dark. "That's just it though, they aren't. If they were, they'd stop such punishment. They'd stop trying to sweep the past under the rug." HIs voice was tight and full of conviction. "Those who don't agree get put in my position - no home, no country. You want to know my other reason? There it is. Your Federation took me in without question, gave me a place to live, a job, a future. A home Professor." He stopped, somewhat embarrassed at his outburst, and looked down at his hands. By his reckoning, she'd either laugh now or have her cats eat him.

Claudia nodded slowly, "Thank you Mister Ziayd." she looked at him, "You may leave now. Please convey my thanks to Jackson." she stood up, obviously his cue to leave, "Come and see me again tomorrow."

"Thank you ma'am, I will." Eli stood, gave her a brief smile and made his escape while he was still in once piece. Once outside he shook his head to clear it. Why was it that every conversation with Claudia made him feel like he'd been swept into a revolving door, so that he wasn't sure if he was coming or going? Whatever, she was at least speaking to him now. That was progress and he started back down the corridor with a cheery whistle.

Eli Ziyad
Delivery Boy

Claudia Drake
Cryptic Educator


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