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I Remember Everything

Posted on Thu Aug 16th, 2012 @ 5:23pm by Suresh

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Suresh's Quarters

* * * Suresh's Quarters * * *


Everything was black. He'd ordered the computer to kill the lights, but he had no idea how long ago that had been. He sat, still as stone in the same chair he'd been in since a transporter beam had whisked his Isha away forever, since the message had come from Lazan that she was gone. It was the only thing in his quarters that was still upright and in a normal position. Everything else was chaos. Some rare poison, Lazan reported, the name of which he couldn't even recall now. Not that it mattered.

Nothing mattered really.

Everything was numb, save his feverish mind. Frantically it combed through every single memory of her, every moment spent in her company, or watching her across the room, across the bar at Saturnalia. He remembered everything.

He tried to feel her touch, what it had been like the night he'd held her in his arms, before Security arrived and carried him off to the brig. Nothing came. He remembered, but the rest was numb. He tried again, the attempt more desperate now and still...nothing.

"Computer, lights."

The lights came up to a dim level, enough to see the ruin that was the living room. He fell from his hair, crawling across the floor, heedless of the remains of the decor that blocked his way. The wall. He had to get there. He had to reach the glass.

The shattered bits of her wine glass lay sprinkled below the portal, the exterior station lights illuminating them like a spray of diamonds. So pretty...and so deadly. He swept through them, tiny shards biting his fingers. He found what he was looking for and scooped it up, a larger piece with a wicked edge, the point needle fine. Holding it up to the light coming in, he could see it looked clean, so there was no chance he could use it to go out the way she did. Besides, he had a mission now - to find the one responsible.

But first, he had to feel. He sat with his back against the wall, just below the portal and, taking the shard in hand, placed it to the skin of his left forearm and began to carve a name.


He would remember everything....forever.


You are someone else ...I am still right here


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