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Denial Is Not A River In Egypt

Posted on Thu Aug 30th, 2012 @ 7:19pm by Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Suresh's Quarters
Timeline: Concurrent With 'Filling In Darwin'

* * * Suresh’s Quarters * * *

Suresh entered his quarters, still fuming from the incident at the Nexus, and the confrontation with Zeferino’s two goons after. His muttering had kept up at a steady low rumble as he descended in the lift and made his way to his own space. Sickbay? Stay overnight? Psych eval? The attempt was enough to add those two cavemen to his list, and even as he ranted and raved, a plan was forming in the back of his mind.

He was pleased to see that his quarters had been put back to rights while he was gone and was grateful to Lazan. His coat and tie were removed and draped over a chair, then the sleeves rolled up and the front unbuttoned, at least down to where it was tucked into his pants. What he needed now was a drink. He also felt the overpowering need to release some tension, and that meant one thing only. The thought brought a wave of guilt crashing over him. How could he possibly think of such a thing while mourning the loss of....

“Isha,” he whispered. Please understand. If I don’t I’ll go mad.” He poured a hefty glass of Andorian ale and took a drink. His fingers tightened on the glass as he closed his eyes. The vision of that wine bottle and the waiter who’d delivered the message rose and once again he roared aloud as the mindless rage hit.

* * *Seyla’s Quarters* * *

Pulling on a thin, so sheer as to be pointless, black robe, Seyla left her current client just as he was about to complete his business with her and stormed into her living area, which also served as her office and her meeting room and the place where she berated her girls. Right now, one of those girls was standing there, having called Seyla away from her client due to an ‘emergency’. Whispering, Seyla demanded, “What is so damned important that you’d draw me away right now? Do you realize I’ll have to start all over again?”

The girl ducked her head. “I’m sorry, Seyla, but there’s news you should know....”

Mere minutes later, the girl was in with Seyla’s abandoned client and Seyla was dressed, this time in a flowing dress made of layers of sheer blue material. Having wasted no time, she was just outside Suresh’s apartment when a horrible roar resounded from his quarters, making her jump. The sound also made her smirk; anything that could cause Suresh to scream like that had to be a good thing, in her book.

Arriving at his door, she didn’t wait for him to open it for her, she simply keyed in a code and then entered his abode. As she did so, she changed her demeanor and purred, “Suresh, I’ve heard you’ve had an awful night.” Wary of his mood, she approached him slowly, seductively. “Come, and tell me about it.”

“Seyla.” He ground out the words as if his jaws were locked shut. He drained the glass of ale before he turned and his dark eyes were wild as they took her in. “You are wary tonight. What did you hear?”

“Oh, just you, roaring. Some of these walls are as thin as my dress,” she smiled and moved into his personal space. “Let me help you, like I have before.” Her pheromones swirled in the air as she circled him, lightly touching his shoulders, chest and arms. Stopping in front of him, she pressed her body against his, “I know how to ease your concerns.”

He closed his eyes as he felt the tension already begin to go, helped along by the pheromones. “If you heard nothing, why are you here? Why not with that Security oaf you are so fond of? Did he run out of credits?”

“Oh, my pet Darwin? He is a darling, and done on the house, but he’s not around tonight. Rumor has it he was in Piper Medical just a little while ago.” There, she’d intentionally tipped her hand, revealed she knew something more than nothing. She’d also let Suresh in on a slight secret: that someone who wasn’t him was getting her services for gratis.

The tension returned, radiating out from him in waves. He wrapped his hand around her upper arm, the grip squeezing tighter. His voice now deceptively calm. “I will ask you again, what brought you here? Something you heard? Hoping to jump right into the space Isha left?” While his demeanor was menacing, he knew how right Seyla was. It was thanks to her that he’d been able to maintain his self-control when Isha denied him. She could take whatever he chose to inflict on her at any given time, but that didn’t mean he entirely trusted her.

Gripping his upper arm like he was hers, Seyla reminded the Romulan that Orions were just as strong. “Replace Isha? Pfft... as if. I have to fuck you; she merely fucked with you,” she hissed. “I did hear something, that you caused a scene at the Nexus Club. So, knowing how grief-stricken you are, I came here to see about easing your pain.” While she’d spoken, she’d turned on her pheromones, full-force. The heady stuff surrounded the pair.

He growled and slammed her back against the wall. “Don’t you ever...speak of her in that manner again, Seyla.” His voice was as sharp as the edge of a knife. “She did things for me that you never will.”

She laughed, undaunted by his anger or his violence. “And I’ve done things for you that she never would have done. Tell me, how often did she get you off? Never. You and I both know that. Ever ask yourself why? Ever ask yourself why she’d let other men pull her skirt up and fuck her but not you? No, never you. You were always relegated to ‘look but don’t touch’.”

The rage blinded him at her question and his hand went to her throat, tightening though he was unaware. “She never serviced. Never! She wasn’t allowed to and she stood by that.” But then the man named Jayne Cobb rose in his mind, an ugly spectre of the night Isha had defied that order and gone away with him. The man who’d turned out to be the CO of the station. The man who had sent the wine tonight. Suresh froze.

Seyla took advantage of his sudden distraction and smacked his arm away from her, breaking his hold on her neck. “Bastard. She did,” she snarled, rubbing her throat and staring at him. “What great revelation did you just have?”

“Only once. The man who introduced himself as Jayne Cobb at Saturnalia. He wanted her and she stepped in and agreed, despite my rule. They left together. When I visited the CO of this station to complain about Security down here, guess who he turned out to be?” Suresh’s voice was a low mumble.

“Jayne Cobb.” Seyla barked out a laugh. “So your pet goes off with the station’s top officer? Well, perhaps she was after someone with more power than what you have.”

“NO!” He pressed her back to the wall, his body molded to hers, his hands resting against the wall on either side to prevent her from moving away. “Why are you doing this to me, Seyla? Jealousy? Do you want what she had? Or just to torment me?”

“I’ve had more than she ever had,” Seyla purred, an incongruous response to his hostility. Her purr changed to a hiss and she added, “I’m not doing anything to you, except, perhaps, helping you find your balls again. Isha seems to have taken them to her grave with her. Where is her grave, Suresh? Was she put in a casket and shot towards the sun? You might want to go run after that casket and reclaim your manhood.”

Areinnye’n-hbah! He spat the insult at her, but did not retreat. “Why do you keep coming back here if I am such a worm in your eyes?”

“Two reasons. One, you pay well. Two, we have certain interests in common,” Seyla answered, always the businesswoman.

“And what are those, Seyla?” His tone had softened, the flood of pheromones in the air really taking hold of him now. His mind was muddled but his body certainly knew what it needed for his long-overdue relief.

Pressed against her like he was, she could feel the change in him. “We’re both on this station to turn a profit,” she went back to purring at him and ran her fingers through his hair. “We both deal in less than legal endeavours,” she traced his jaw with a nail. “We both like to make sure we’re on top,” she smiled, “ more ways than one. Need I continue? Or do you want me on top already?”

“I love you on top,” he murmured at her ear, his lips so close they brushed her green skin. “Tonight was a special sort of hell and you have no idea how much it means to me that you came immediately.” His voice had shifted, now laden with something akin to tenderness.

Coming from Suresh, the nearly soft sentiment was a shock that Seyla had to adjust to. Pushing both it and Suresh away, she backed him to the couch, shedding both her layers and his clothes as they went. “That, I can do,” she promised.

He fell back into the couch as she finished stripping him down. “I needed this...needed you.” Needed to stop thinking, at least for a time, needed someone to take control, just for a little while. Even if she really did not care, it was nice to pretend she least for now.


Blindingly Brilliant


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