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Eyeing up the Competition

Posted on Sat Jun 18th, 2011 @ 10:51am by Major Patrick Smith

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900
Timeline: 45 Minutes before arrival of Diviitian Delegation

"Sir message from the Admiral. It's a report on the Divitians vessels. One larger ship roughly Galaxy sized and two small vessels about the size of our Danubes. These however have weapons signatures similar to that of a fighter. We are also to remain at a non aggressive distance and maintain the appearance routine patrols."

"Thank you Ensign." The Captain took a brief moment to absorb the information. "Send a message to the recon screen. Tell them to stay out there for another 5 hours then come back in. They have more than enough fuel to do that and it won't be a problem, just remind them to pay attention. Once they come back in I want them replaced, the ships refuelled and sent back out to continue their patrols. We stand a better chance of seeing someone with them out there. As T'Kyl'th and Jad will both be coming off then and will need some downtime I'm going to take out an extra patrol flight of 4 Peregrines plus myself and I will manage both the patrol and CAP from there."

=40 Minutes Later - Arrival of Divitian Delegation=

Seeing the specs of the ships from long range sensors is one thing. But seeing the close range detailed scans he was receiving from his fighters and the base was entirely different. Patrick had heard that the Divitians were more or less on par with the Federation when it came to technology but how close could be seen here. The smaller ships, if they proved to be as manoverable as even the peregrines, would make them pretty useful craft and the main ship. Well Smith was sure that could hold its ground against similarly sized Federation ships. This was going to be an interesting next while.


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