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A Woman Scorned....

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2011 @ 1:44pm by Captain Claudia Drake & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Admiral's Office
Timeline: Morning After Delegation Arrival

Claudia smiled at the Lieutenant as she walked past her station into the Admiral's Office. Once inside she saw her former protege seated at his desk, "Jesus Ricks, you look like shit warmed up," she said in a motherly tone. "You never were one for doing the whole diplomacy and protocol dance-steps." She smiled and sat down opposite him, "I assume the delegation's arrival went okay?" She paused before adding, "Because if it hadn't you'd look about 50 times worse."

"Oh, Claudia," he said as she sat, "I'm so sorry about dinner. I didn't realize they would just be appearing like this. And, yes, it went okay. They apparently didn't want to get right to business. Their Speaker decided to relax a bit before we got started."

He placed his hand on hers. "I promise I will make up dinner as soon as I get a spare moment."

Claudia nodded, "It's okay Ricks, I know how busy you must be running this station, your duties come before anything else" she smiled as she took her hand from under his and proceeded to take a small PADD from her pocket, she placed it on his desk, she did not mention it when she spoke again, "You have a very feisty Chief Of Security."

He smiled. "Aye, I do. But she's good." He paused a moment, then asked, "And what has brought that up? Is she pestering you about something?"

Claudia laughed, "Oh it's nothing, she tried to play the whole 'put your pets on a leash' card. I did point out that they have been cleared by Starfleet Security and have been granted access to some of the most sensitive places in Starfleet." she smiled, "There was even talk a few years ago of giving them an honorary commission each," she smiled and placed her hand on her lap. "I am not willing to have them on a leash Ricks, they are sentient life-forms who choose to live with me, we share a bond. They have never once made any attempt to hurt another, well apart from that once...but he did put his hand on my thigh without permission."

"Well, if you wouldn't mind, do try and keep them away from the Divitians while they're on the base. I know your big ol' cats are well trained and compose themselves well, but I don't know what they'd think about big fish-looking beings walking around and the last thing I need is the Divitian Speaker being eaten alive." He smiled. "Not likely to happen, I know, but I can't take that chance--hell, Claudia, you know how I am with diplomatic bullshit. I get nervous, sweat like a whore in church and worry that I'm going to royally fuck it all up in the end."

"But you never do," she said sympathetically. "I will make sure they are on their best behavior around the Divitians, they are not seafood eaters anyway. They prefer prime Aberdeen Angus Steak," she said with a warm smile, "Although if that young sprite so much as attempts to look at my boys she will regret it Ricks." Her voice was firm. "I also don't think she is quite suitable to have several Cadets in her department yet, I was thinking three to begin with." A serious and professional tone in her voice, knowing Ricky would understand that usually a department that size would have upwards of 10 Cadets at one time.

"She won't bother your pets, Claudia," he said, "and whether you put any cadets at all in her department is entirely up to you. I trust your judgment in that area. But I must say, she is very knowledgeable and good at what she does. Please don't mistake her ideas on your cats sway your judgment of her abilities. Besides, she brought up the issue with me first, so she's not just going all John Wayne on you." He smiled. "But I trust that you will keep them in check, as you always have."

Claudia smiled at him, and stood up, "Well; I better let you get on with your work Ricks." she touched his hand and made her way towards the door.

"Claudia," he said as she was almost out the door, "I will make up for the missed dinner. Count on it."

Claudia didn't turn around as she reached the door and it hissed open, "Promises Ricky; promises."

A joint post by:

Professor Claudia Drake
Can we in fact pretend that she is anything but a woman scorned, like which fury hell hath no? We cannot.


RADM Ricky Wegener
It's not just about living forever, Ricky. The trick is living with yourself forever.


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Comments (1)

By Major Maxim Kamarov on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 10:26am

Pirates III rocked!