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Posted on Sat Nov 24th, 2012 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Elder's Quarters

Days went by and Sha'la'ne heard nothing from Kit'rin'e or his new Mate, as time went on and the realisation dawned that sooner or later she would not be as important as she once was because of Sulan. She told herself that she was just doing what was expected of an Elder to ensure the safety and well being of a family member, but with no real family of her own and only Kit'rin'e being the closest thing to family she had. She didn't want to leave the station without doing something as a final goodbye. She doubted she would see Kit'rin'e or Sulan again, she knew it was a risk coming to 900 at her age anyway and she was advised against travel while on the Homeworld. She sat gazing out to the stars, her heart and mind a conflict within themselves as she thought about the changes Sulan had on Kit'rin'e but then also those he had on Sulan. This was a modern age, while tradition still stood for something to some cultures there were those that while not abandoning it, but flexing it slightly. Kit'rin'e due to his white fur, a rare trait amongst Caitians, would have had any female he so wished on the Homeworld had he returned regardless of his age. She'la'ne already knew of eleven potential suitors for him, but his mind was made up, he was Sulan's now.

It saddened her, feeling like she had failed him in some way by letting him leave the Homeworld for Starfleet. Perhaps if she were most insistent then he would have stayed, he could have been a musician and a good one if he continued how he was when he was younger. Alas however the stars and Starfleet called to him and he left once his time to do so came. She had to admit to herself that while she had expectations of Kit'rin'e he was doing his own thing. His mate was not Caitian. A matter of some controversy for Sha'la'ne. Still however she accepted his choice and despite the heated past between them, she hoped Sulan would take care of him.

Still, soon she would depart from 900 back to the Homeworld to live out her days, maybe they would come visit but after how things have gone so far she doubted it. She sent a message to Sulan asking if they would like to share a dinner meal with her, with Kit'rin'e as well the night prior to her leaving. At the very least ending things on a more civil and friendlier note than recent encounters provided.

Intelligence Department

The message arrived just as Sulan was preparing, and gladly, to depart the safe quarters. Too many thoughts whirled in her head, centering around Dr. Harding and all the lies Natalia had told her. She intended to see the doctor as soon as possible to get to the bottom of things. When the terminal beeped, she read the message and sent a quick acceptance. Sha'la'ne was another one that made her thoughts whirl in chaos. It was a new thing to Sulan to feel that she wasn't good enough no matter what she did, but she and Kit'rin'e would have to make their life together in their own way. She put the last of her things in the bag and as she waited for her mate, she sat at the terminal and sent off a request to see Harding.

It was not long before Kit'rin'e arrived, duty requirements had been taxing but a distraction from Harding that was much needed. "My Mate." He greeted her, pleased and comforted to see her after the day he'd had. "Are you all right?" He asked, rising from his slightly bowed greeting as usual.

"It is. I'm glad to be getting out of here." She smiled and reached for him, pulling him into a tight hug that engulfed her. "I got a message from Sha'lan'e, asking us to dinner. I told her we'd come as soon as we left here. She's getting ready to go home isn't she?"

He held her gently yet with a sense of missing the normality of a coupled life. He wrapped himself around her much like the first time and closed his eyes even as she spoke. "Yes she is." In a way it was a relief yet in another it was a saddening issue. He'd hoped to gain acceptance for his Mate, instead the Elder wanted nothing to do with her. Still, she would be coming home, at least that was the desire, he'd have to wait and see what was happening with his Mate first though. "Are you coming home or another safe location?"

"I'm all yours. Well except for tomorrow morning. I'm seeing Dr. Harding. But otherwise, I'm home for good. You'll have to get used to sharing your space once again." She smiled up at him. "We should go though, and not keep her waiting."

When she mentioned seeing Dr Harding, there was a noticeable change. "I do not trust him." How can one man, who'd pursued a group of individuals so fiercely, suddenly give up the chase. To him it seemed akin to asking a Ferengi to give up Gold Pressed Latinum. "I'd like to be there when you go." He asked, asking because he could not demand, it was not permitted. It was good though that she was coming home, it would make things easier for him in more ways than one.

"I'm actually taking Jackson, since this concerns him too, and the events twelve years ago. He knows more than I, and he will know if Harding speaks the truth. Besides," she lifted her bag from the bed and turned back to face him. "He might speak more freely, and I know you still don't like him so I'll spare you this."

Not what he was hoping for but her choice was made. "As you wish my Mate." He stepped aside so that they could leave. It would be good to have her home again, it had for some time felt empty, lifeless and in some ways a solitary prison with her scent no longer lacing the air in the quarters.

'I can't wait." She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the evening ahead. "I think I"m ready for this. Let's hope it's a peaceful dinner."

He nodded, he had no idea what lay ahead in light of the past interactions the pair of them had had with the Elder. Soon enough however, they arrived home, a fine chance to change into something more suitable. If this was going to be the last time they see the Elder for a while, they may as well at the very least make an effort for tonight. "We should dress accordingly." He softly spoke while walking towards the bedroom.

It wasn't long till both emerged, suitably dressed in native Caitian clothing for dinner with the Elder. Sulan was nervous suddenly, fidgeting and adjusting her dress. Every visit with Sha'lan'e had ended tensely, and she hoped tonight would be different. Sulan had had enough uncertainty and stress the past several days, she didn't want any more. They just had to get through this, then the Elder would be on her way home.

"Ready Kit'rin'e?"

"I am." He answered, uneasy to think about what lay ahead, he hoped things would change and that this ending would go on better and more friendlier terms.

Sha'la'ne's Quarters

The Elder had prepared a variety of meals and enough of them to feed a party of at least Eight. This was probably the last time anyone would see her and though she tried she knew that sometimes she could be overbearing in her zeal to see tradition satisfied. Still however, though she remained Elder, it was only a matter of time before that was passed on and her being part of the family came to an end. A realisation that hurt to some degree, having looked after Kit'rin'e since he was little but traditions dictated that needs must and Sulan was his Mate, her position stood.

All she could do now was wait, for Kit'rin'e and his Mate to arrive, hoping to put some rest between them before she left for the Homeworld again.

When they reached the doors to Sha'lan'e's quarters, Sulan reached out to ring the chime, then hesitated. She smiled up at Kit'rine' rather nervously, then took a deep breath. "I hope I'm ready for this."

Kit'rin'e could only smile, if it was at all seen in light of his fur masking a great deal under it. He didn't have time to comment as the doors opened. Inside was the Elder, dressed accordingly to her station.

"Welcome, please, come in." The Elder spoke softly steeping aside to let the couple enter.

This was a first for Kit'rin'e to see the Elder so calm since her arrival on 900 though he remembered what happened very well, even when she went to the Admiral.

"Good evening, Sha'lan'e." Sulan offered her hand. "Thank you for inviting up to dinner. It's a nice highlight to the day, now that I've been released from intel."

Taking the offered hand, once again engulfing hers in the Elders. "Thank you for coming." She spoke to Sulan, then addressed Kit'rin'e. She thanked him for coming as the doors closed behind him. Regardless of what happened, she still cared for him, even envious of his white fur at times but taking pride in making sure he was cared for and looked after since leaving the Homeworld.

"May I get you something to drink before we eat?" She offered, wanting to break the uneasy ice that had formed from the past between them.

"No thank you, I'm fine." When Sha'lan'e invited them to sit, Sulan did so. "I'm afraid I'm playing a little catch-up on what's been happening while I was secured in Intel. I hope your time has been enjoyable the past several days? I feel like I was away forever."

"Space is something I am still getting used to, being away from the Homeworld is a little....unnerving. Few of our kind leave for the stars, we like to keep to ourselves for the most part." Sha'la'ne answered. "Elders usually stay on the Homeworld to oversee the growth and development of offspring, make sure our ways are taught, traditions upheld and knowledge absorbed as they grow."

"Of all the females, there is one that is sacred to us. The Priarch. She is the embodiment of everything it is to be Caitian, though she is a living person I would guess the closest I could say would be something to a Bajoran prophet especially in a religious context." Kit'rin'e added on. "There are males who hold positions of authority such as Ministers or Overseer of a village however nearly all positions are female held."

"Should you marry, if you decide to honour him with such then once he conducts the trials a Minister will wed you and the Overseer will finish the ceremony to which the rest of the night is dedicated to the event with wonderful music, food and dancing." Sha'la'ne spoke softly having been to a few such events herself as a guest.

Sulan looked to Kit'rin'e for a moment, then back to the Elder. "He has described the process, yes. If we do decide to do that, would you stay long enough to attend?"

"Of course." She replied surprised she'd ask such a thing. "As Elder I would be one of the females to help prepare you for what lay ahead, your attire and hair and be present at the festivities as the night pressed on."

Sulan smiled finally. They may have had disagreements, strong ones, but the Elder finally seemed either to have accepted their mating, or resigned herself to it. It didn't much matter which but it was time to get past all that for Kit'rin'e's sake.

"Then stay," Sulan said.

"My dear." The Elder said pleasantly. "My time here has come to an end, I came to see and I have done so, my place is now back on the Homeworld." She finished, she doubted Sulan was prepared to marry any time soon, she left Cait the Elder and she would return as such until time demanded she surrender the position. Sulan ready or not.

'I think you misunderstood me," Sulan answered. "You said there was one reason you would remain here, so I"m giving you that reason."

For perhaps the first time since her arrival on board, The Elder was lost for words and this time, not in anger. Kit'rin'e was equally at a loss for words, puzzled and confused at what she was saying, or even what she was hinting at. The pair of them, a mirror image of each other lest the difference in fur colours.

Looking from one to the other, seeing the confusion, Sulan smiled. "It seems to me that you have some plans to make, Elder."

Sha'la'ne continued to look at Sulan, then to Kit'rin'e still unsure. A few words in Caitian between the two followed as the Elder sought to understand what Sulan was saying. Kit'rin'e however was the first to speak in reply to Sulan. "What are you saying my Mate?" His voice confused, puzzled.

"That there is going to be a wedding. So I know there are plans to make but maybe we can start on that tomorrow? I haven't been home in a while and I'd love to get settled in and catch up with Kit'rin'e." Sulan gave him a shy smile, then turned back to the Elder.

It took a moment for that detail to sink in, for Kit'rin'e and the Elder. They even exchanged a few glances, puzzled ones at that. She understood the need for time, she had been locked away for safety and being home was a welcome change to things and they did indeed have catching up to do. "Of course." The Elder replied, moments later the table set ready, lids were lifted, aromas filled the room and plates ready to be loaded. Aside from the expected Caitian dishes there were a few Bajoran ones too. "I hope they are acceptable, alien dishes were more difficult."

Kit'rin'e still had a bewildered face him, a rare moment when the fur prevented his expression from being hidden. He knew what marrying meant, just...something he never expected to happen to him.

Sulan rose, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Let's eat shall we?"


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