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New Matters of State

Posted on Sun Oct 21st, 2012 @ 8:08pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener
Edited on on Sun Oct 21st, 2012 @ 8:17pm

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Prime Minister's Office
Timeline: Present

Aegina looked in the mirror and adjusted the position of the filmy silk that draped from her left shoulder down to her right hip. It was a delicate overlay to the bejeweled top and wrap skirt in vivid purple that marked her new station on Archadia. Her long dark hair had been trimmed to a more modest shoulder length but still left wavy. She looked down at the large green gemstone that adorned her ring finger - the official ring of state - and smiled. She had to admit that Lynch, or Levin as he was this particular mission, was right. She loved it when a plan came together and this one certainly had. The loss of Jonas? Well, if the Fleet hadn’t taken care of him now, she would have. It was a question of sooner or later. Sooner suited her much better.

“So it’s official? Levin is no more?” She turned to the young man she’d brought in as her new assistant. Until yesterday, he’d been a black-eyes Betazoid. Now, his eyes were a stormy grey, typical of Archadian males. Even better, he had the good fortune to enjoy some extra special perks from the new Prime Minister. It didn’t hurt that she held information that would have him hunted and court-martialled in a second, should it fall into Fleet hands. Oh yes, he was hers through and through.

Zoudin Veist, which was the name he had assumed as the new prime minister's aide, sat back in his chair across from her desk. He had no qualms of reading her thoughts at any given time and didn't exactly enjoy knowing that she felt that she owned him. However, she was right...for now. But she would have to be careful. For thoughts like that would make a Betazoid-cum-Archadian a bit vindictive and apt to read her mind on a regular basis to reap all of the little secrets from her mind that she wanted no one to know about.

"He is deceased, Minister," he spoke levelly. "He made a failed attempt to take out the Trill he had been working with, and the current host. One of the Starfleet Intelligence personnel damn near tortured him right then and there." He exhaled sharply through his nose. "I hear it was pretty gruesome."

He recalled the story that was relayed to him about Levin’s death. It didn't make him shudder or get goosebumps, but it was, indeed, fairly gruesome. He would have to find out the name of the Intelligence officer that put Levin out of his misery.

“Good.” She turned and crossed to her desk, settling into the chair. “I can certainly understand why Maline was so busy.” She scanned a padd that lay before her. It contained a list of names that brought a smile. “It seems this place had gotten a little messy. First order of business is a little house cleaning. We have some rats to get rid of so they don’t go spreading tales. The first has fled already. Dorinel’s hiding out down south with her family. Since she was so very helpful, I think she should have the honor of being attended to first.”

He cleared his throat lightly. "If I may be so bold, Minister, I would like the honor of attending to that personally."

“You have an interest in our Captain Zoudin?” She studied him with her dark eyes, then finally smiled. “It’s risky.”

"Nothing in particular," he said. "But since she was more involved in this scheme than most I would like to make sure that she is taken out and not left to a fool."

What he didn't tell her was that he could play the subservient male to the overbearing females on this planet, but he abhorred the thought of it. He may have a little fun with the former Captain of the Guard just before snuffing her life out.

"Besides, I haven't been able to get my hands dirty in a while." He smiled wickedly. "It might just be fun."

“See to it then. The rest, since they are all still here, you are to oversee but not do directly. The last thing I need is for some do-gooder protecting my interests to see you as a threat to me and have you arrested.If that happened, there’s nothing I could or would do for you.” She dropped the pad and leaned back in her chair as she watched him. “There’s something I’d like you to see too.”

He frowned a bit, hoping to have been able to annihilate the entire family, but with what he had in mind for Dorinel he may just be busy while the others were taken out.

"Anything," he said.

She turned her terminal and replayed the feed from the Queen’s meeting with the two Admirals and the women. “Enjoy.” And then hit the panel to begin playing.

He watched with interest, marking the names of each of the Starfleet personnel introduced and made a personal note that the one called Hawke seemed to be Betazoid, or some other race with the same abilities. Once the replay was over, he looked to Aegina.

"We can use this, you know. They did mention that you may also be at risk. Playing that up would be a good cover for any involvement you may have had before you took this position."

“Exactly. I knew I kept you for more than mere entertainment. And once the rats have all been disposed of, our way is clear. Maline is an idiot who can’t see the sun when it’s shining in her eyes.” Aegina shrugged. “She won’t be a problem. And that oh-so-loyal porter? Leave him to me.”

"As you wish," he replied. And damn he hated playing the subservient male to her. "Do you have a time frame in which you wish Dorinel taken care of? I can act now...with your permission, of course. I can also arrange for her family to be taken care of at the same time."

“Just her and as soon as possible. She’s on the coast, an accident at the beach won’t be difficult. If they all died it would raise too many questions.” She paused to consider the man before her. “And I’m not heartless you know. I don’t intend for your life to be all work and no play. But what sort of reward appeals to you, Zoudin?”

He touched her mind and found that she was genuinely interested and that this wasn't some sort of trap. He spoke his mind.

"I must say that it is very difficult playing the dunce to the females around here--excluding present company, of course," he added. "I'm still learning the ways of the Archadians, but the possibility of not having...playthings," the best word he could come up with, "while here is unfathomable. As long as the conditions of my employment under you do not change, that alone would appease me. I can amuse myself other than that."

“Just as long as you remember who you come home to when called.” A playful smile tugged at her lips. “And I’ll remember why I keep you.”

He was genuinely surprised. He'd never thought of their relationship as being even remotely sexual, but he was a solidly built man--it helped for a man in his line of work to be in top physical form, and he was handsome. However, he knew without even reading her that it would just be a means to an end for her. He could live with it, though. She was definitely beautiful, more so before she lopped off her hair, but his mind began to wander as he thought of what he could possibly do with her in bed.

As his mind returned from its filthy little field trip, he leveled his gaze at her. "I am your faithful servant, Aegina."

It was the first time he'd called her by her given name. He wanted to see how she would react to this bit of familiarity from him.

She stood and leaned across the desk towards him. “See that you remember that, and remember that your life is in my hands now.” She paused and looked him up and down, her gaze lingering. “And don’t ever use my first name in public. If the Prime Minister cannot control her own minions, what will the rest of the planet think?”

"Only when we're alone," he said. "And never fear. I will be the perfect little subservient male for you. If anyone questions it, I'll scramble their brains before they can breathe a word." He tapped his temple as a reminder of what he could do.

“Of course.” Her smile returned as she moved from around the desk and stopped by his chair. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?"

He wondered why he didn't just scramble her brain and be done with this shit. It must be the way she was raised--women being superior to men--to think that she could control him just by having damning information on him. But he would play the game with her.

For now.


Prime Minister, Archadia III

Zoudin Veist
Game Player


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