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Posted on Sat Oct 27th, 2012 @ 7:37pm by Captain Li Hawke & Suresh & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Cassidy Wilde

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant

“I’ll see you at home, love,” Oz kissed Jackson, momentarily interfering with his effort to look presentable again. He needed to get out on stage and intro Janice. She was halfway to the door when she turned and asked, “Hey, mind if I steal Cassidy? Turn Lao’s into a girls’ night out?”

“Sure, she’s due to get out a little early. I’ll have Eli cover for her. We can go to no host after the set.” He gave her a wink. “Don’t do anything I wouldn't do, which leaves you wide open.”

“Does it really, Jackson?” She raised a brow and looked at him. “I’ll take that to mean: don’t go home with strange men, since I doubt you would do that.”

“You’ve got it. You girlies have fun.” He gave his bow tie one last adjustment, then stopped to kiss Oz before hurrying out.

Swatting him on the ass as he passed her, Oz said, “Oh, we will.” She made her way to the front of the club and caught Cassidy by the arm. “C’mon, you’re off duty and comin’ with me,” she smiled.

“What? Off duty?” She grinned back. “Where’re we goin’?” If there was one thing Cass had learned, it was to stay on her toes and be ready for anything around her friends.

“Lao’s. I’m going to introduce you to Li Hawke, one of my other friends, and we’ll have a good time, eating dumplings and drinking sake.” Oralia gestured toward the door. “C’mon, I told Li I’d meet her there... and we might be running a little late.” She looked toward the stage, where Jackson was starting Janice’s intro, a minute or so late.

“Oh boy, Lao’s dumplin’s?” She tossed a look towards the bar to where Vic was and mentally taunted him about the dumplings, but promised to bring an order home for him. Glancing back at Oz, her brow furrowed for a moment. “Li Hawke?” She remembered that name. “Isn’t she Admiral Hawke’s daughter?”

As they left the Club and started walking to Lao’s, Oz nodded, “She is. She’s also the Station’s Exec. Been friends with her for... oh, seems like ages.” Shying away from the memory of how she’d met Li, Oz smiled.

Cass felt a hint of something...avoidance?...but it was vague and none of her business. “Vic gave me an orchid a while back. He got it from Admiral Hawke. It’s lovely. I think he said they both raise them.”

“It wouldn’t surprise me. Li brought me an orchid while I was recovering. Those things are hard to get to bloom. I think if it weren’t for Iggy reminding me, I’d have killed it by now. Hey, how’s Iggy’s reading skills coming along?”

“She’s doin’ well. I don’t have to tell ya that she’s very intelligent.” Iggy was like any young child that was very bright. She needed challenges to prevent her from becoming bored, but she also had a short attention span. So they took breaks and would do other activities for a little while and then get back to work. “She asks a lotta questions, which is good.”

“She’s not asking inappropriate questions, I hope,” the Security Chief laughed then waved as she spotted Li at a table. “There’s Li,” she said.

As the two women entered and Oz waved, a pair of dark eyes from the table by the large aquarium was watching them closely. Suresh lowered his menu slightly for a better view as they crossed to a table already occupied - by her. Li Hawke. It seemed that fortune was smiling on him this night. The waiter bringing his dinner momentarily blocked his view, then he refilled his sake cup and settled in to enjoy his dinner.

Across the room, Li smiled as they approached. She rose and kissed Oz’s cheek. “Good to see you, Oz.” Then she turned her attention to Cass. “Hello.”

“Li, this is Cassidy Wilde. She works with Jackson and Janice at the Nexus,” Oz introduced Cass. “And Cass, this is Li, if that wasn’t obvious,” she laughed and took a seat next to Li.

Li offered her hand to Cass. “A pleasure to meet you. Ladies, have a seat. The sake and dumplings are already on their way.” Even as she spoke, both appeared and once the sake cups were full, Li raised hers. “And congratulations to you and Jackson, Oz.”

“News travels fast, I see.” Smiling, Oz tipped her cup to Li and Cass then drank.

After greeting Li and getting settled into her seat, Cassidy smiled at both women. “It generally does travel fast...good...bad...people like to talk. Especially about happy news.” Taking a sip of her sake, she waited until they all placed their drinks back on the table. “By the way...who is in charge of the festivities?”

“Well that was one of my questions for the night actually,” Li answered. “Girls have to do what girls do. Cravings had just the thing too.”

“It does?” Leaning in closer, the sunny blonde looked quite curious. “What kinda things?”

“Festivities?” Oz was a pace behind the two mind readers. “Oh... wait, wait,” she held up a hand, “We don’t have to do anything special.”

“Just a night out to kick up our heels, that’s all. If I know Jackson, they will likely make theirs a poker game. He refuses to play poker with me anymore, just for the record.” Li took another sip of her sake then speared a dumpling and took a bite.

“Well... you’re a Betazoid, how could anyone play poker against you and win?” Oz bit into a dumpling.

“I play fair, I swear. He never believed me though.”

The waiter approached once more with a fresh bottle of sake. “From the gentleman with his compliments and congratulations.” This was directed to Oz, then the waiter moved away.

“The...,” Oz was fairly certain the ‘gentleman’ wasn’t Jackson. She looked around the restaurant and stiffened when she saw Suresh smiling at her. Nodding at him, she acknowledged his gift with a tight smile. To Li and Cass, though, she complained in a quiet voice, “Ugh. Blue fish is here, Li.”

Li was silent for a few beats, then nodded only slightly. Despite the fact that fear rose in her, making her fingers tingle, she showed no outward signs. Cass knew nothing of her situation, and she couldn’t afford for Suresh to see any reaction either. Falling back on her experience, she appeared perfectly at ease. She spoke now, just loud enough to sound normal and for Suresh to hear.

“Friend of yours Oz?”

“No, not quite,” she shook her head.

The tension coming off of both women hit Cassidy like a wave, but she didn’t react outwardly, picking up easily from Oz and Li that they didn’t want the Romulan to be aware of how uncomfortable his presence made them. It was too late to pretend she hadn’t seen him or met his dark-eyed gaze. Of the three women, she was the only one that managed a polite smile at him, in an effort to draw his attention away from the others. It was brief, only an acknowledgement and then she turned back to Li and Oz. More like not at all, she sent the thought to the Betazoid across from her.

The only acknowledgment from Li was the slightest nod. She refilled her cup from the new bottle, then raised it to him in a polite thanks, as she would have done any stranger who sent a drink over. Her gaze did not remain on him long, however. Instead, she turned back to the dumplings and had another, eating it as calmly as if he were not there. Once she was done, she refilled the glasses of Oz and Cass.

Suresh smiled to himself, then rose, crossing to the table. His smile was polite as he looked to Oz first. “Commander Zeferino. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Mr. Banning is a lucky man, if I may say so.”

Gods, does news travel.... How the hell does Suresh know? She’d never admit it to Suresh, but Oz knew she was the lucky one, not Jackson. Still, she smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Suresh.” Her thanks sounded sincere and, for once, she wasn’t being rude to the man. Looking him over and thinking there was something different about him today, she paused then said, “Li Hawke, this is Suresh... one of the residents of the Cherry Pit. Suresh, this is Commander Hawke, the Station’s Exec. And I’m sure you recall Cassidy from the Nexus.”

“It is impossible to forget Miss Wilde. I’m glad to see you again. We should have another dance, very soon. There’s just something about holding a woman close, having her follow your every move that takes hold of the soul, yes?”

“Suresh.” Cassidy inclined her head gently, watching him. “Yer lookin’ well. If ya’d like another dance, ya know where ta find me,” she said, keeping her smile in place to cover her confusion and dislike for the man. The first and only time she’d met him, he’d been drowning in so much grief, he almost pulled her under with him. He was not grieving now. She wisely didn’t add to that ‘you’re looking well’. Somehow she had a feeling if she said he seemed much better than last time, it wouldn’t go over well at all.

“Indeed I do. You can count on that.” He turned his dark eyes on Li now. “And Commander Hawke, the pleasure is all mine. I’d heard the station had a new XO, but I wasn’t prepared for one as breathtaking as you. Admiral Wegener is lucky to have you. As would any man be.” He smiled warmly to her.

“Suresh.” Li returned the smile only slightly. “And thank you, you are most kind.”

He nodded, watching Li only a moment. It would never do to watch her too closely, especially in front of the Chief of Security. “Very well ladies, I will leave you to your dinner. Enjoy.” His gaze swept over Oz once more and he returned to his table.

Before Li and Cass could draw her back into conversation, Oz watched Suresh curiously then excused herself. “Be right back, you two,” she said, getting up and following the Romulan. At his table, she slid into a seat next to him without asking first. “Suresh, you left so quickly,” she chided him.

“You think so?” Suresh smiled and reached for his sake. “I didn’t want to interrupt a night out without the men. Well, without yours. I have no idea if Miss Wilde and Commander Hawke have anyone they care about or not.”

“You’re different, Suresh. Different than just a night or two ago, at least, when you were asking me how I had moved on. Did something happen?” She sat back and smiled at him. “Did you find a new love?” She was speaking to him almost like she was talking to a friend. Almost.

“There is no replacing her, you know that. Perhaps I have just gained a little perspective, that’s all. What you say has some merit, however. It certainly worked in your case.” He sipped the sake, then filled the other cup that sat waiting and passed it to Oz.

A few days ago, that pointed barb would have found a target. But Oz had come to terms with certain facts of her life and the barb just fell flat. “Yes, it did, though Jackson is far from being a replacement,” she said, smiling like a woman in love. She accepted the sake and sipped it. “On a less personal note, though, Suresh, I’ve heard some rumblings about things happening in the Cherry Pit. Namely, about slaves being shipped through the SB. You haven’t heard anything about that, have you?” Her tone was innocent and, indeed, her question wasn’t actually about Suresh’s slave, as Darwin and Gilroy hadn’t yet updated her on that situation. Her question was about the trader Aliso had arrested recently.

“Surely you don’t think I’d sully my hands with something so crude do you? Slaves are a messy business, and unless dead, they talk too much. And dead, they are useless and therefore worth nothing.”

“Hmm... just wanted to check. With your standing down there, I thought you might have heard something about the Syndicate coming through here,” she mused and finished the small cup of sake. “Well, I’ll leave you to your drink and dinner, Suresh.” She stood and made her way back to Li and Cass.


As Suresh and then Oz departed the table, Cassidy waited until they were out of earshot. “Interestin’.” Pouring more sake for herself and Li, she commented on the difference in the Romulan’s mood. “The other night, he was a completely different man. Emotionally speakin’, that is.”

“Oh? How so? Thanks.” Li took the cup and had a sip. “He seems very intense.”

“That’s an understatement. He and Oralia were havin’ some not so nice words with each other several nights ago, to the point I felt I needed to step in before things got worse.” Cassidy sipped at her sake, then picked up her chopsticks to get a dumpling. “But the thing is, he was so full of sorrow. I almost wasn’t able to block it out...I was choking on it.”

“Any idea why, Cassidy?” Li took another dumpling too. “And remind me, I need to take dinner home for Sakkath. He’s almost as big a fan of this place as I am.” A secretive smile appeared on Li’s face as she recalled their dinners together here.

Thinking back on that night, Cass had to sift through the memories. It wasn’t difficult to recall the image that she’d picked up from him. “Someone he loved died. A woman with red hair and violet eyes.”

Li’s expression grew serious. “That’s terrible.” She was quiet as she ate. “I suppose even those we see as the hard, intimidating type have more beneath the surface than is apparent.”

“Indeed.” Paying attention to Oz and Suresh without being obvious, Cassidy worked her way through two of the delicious dumplings. “Oralia told me about him being behind her kidnapping.”

“Yes. We were lucky in her recovery.” Li left it at that. Lao’s was no place to go into the details. Too public, Cass was civilian and Suresh was too close by. She decided it was time to change the subject. “I am glad to see you’ve recovered from the incident down on Arcadia. You’ll be glad to know that most of the loose ends are tied up. Especially those that posed a danger to you. Levin is dead, Cassidy. I don’t know if you’ve heard but I thought you might appreciate knowing.”

Cass went still for an instant, before recovering. “I hadn’t heard that yet. Thank you for lettin’ me know. I do appreciate it. It’ll be nice bein’ able to put that behind me. Vic and I can relax now, knowin’ it’s over finally.”

“You can, I’m just sorry that you suffered at the hands of Natalia. Ultimately, it was his doing. How’s it going over with Oz?”

Giving a casual glance over the smaller beauty’s shoulder, she watched Oralia and Suresh for a few seconds then looked back. “He’s doing a remarkable job of playin’ nice at the moment. They both are.” She smirked briefly, then bit into another dumpling.

“Well, that got me nothing,” Oz muttered quietly as she sat back down. “Except a cup of sake.”

“Sure it wasn’t poison?” Li quipped and smiled.

“Reasonably, since he’s drinking from the same... oh,” Oz laughed and shook her head, having clued in on Li’s joke a touch late. Maybe he’d blame Jayne Cobb for that, too.

Li lowered her voice a touch. “I heard there was an incident at the Nexus. That seemed to be a difficult night there all around.”

“Indeed. I think Cass caught the worst of it that night.”

Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me. Ian Bren screaming at me because the Bren symbiont remembered what happened between me and Natalia, dancing with Suresh...being overwhelmed with everyone’s emotions...” She smiled despite everything. “The night ended well for me, though.”

“Oh? Do tell.” The waiter arrived with more dumplings. Li thanked him, requested Sakkath’s usual order for when she was ready to go, then turned back to Cass.

Cassidy added an order of dumplings to go as well before the waiter scooted away. “That was the night Vic asked me to stay with him.” Realizing that sounded a little vague, she elaborated. “It was when he asked me to move in with him.” Reaching up, she tucked her hair behind her ear and laughed softly. “He was very convincin’.”

“So you’re moving in with Vic?” Oz was surprised. She hadn’t even known Cassidy and Vic were... oh, yes she had known that, but she hadn’t been aware they were serious. “That’s great,” she smiled. “When’s the moving day?”

That got a good laugh from Cass. “Umm...we didn’t wait. We did our moving the next mornin’. Oh hell, I mean we moved in together the next morning. He was so incredibly romantic...he said he didn’t want to be without me anymore now that I was in his life.” Cue the sappy smile.

“Well then, seems some more congratulations are in order.” Li raised her cup and clinked it to those of Oz and Cass. She then looked from one to the other. “What? Don’t look at me, I don’t have any great big news.”

“Oh, thank goodness. The only big news you’d have would either be bad: divorce, or outstanding: a baby. And since Iggy hasn’t crowed about you two mating or anything.... nevermind,” Oz realized she’d just about put her foot in her mouth.

“She is a tad obsessed about matin’,” Cassidy agreed with a grin. She didn’t bother adding the discussion about how the eating of mates between humanoid couples was quite different.

“Little bit,” Oralia nodded. “Jackson at least had the forethought to negotiate a ‘no-Iggy zone’ with Iggy. And now I’ve put in for new digs, so Iggy can have her own bedroom.”

“Good thing I’d say. I’m more open-minded than most but the idea of a giant spider watching? Umm, no.” Li took another bite and once it was gone, continued. “So, the party for the girls. When?” She had obviously skipped right over the baby mention.

“Of us three, Li, I think you’re the busiest, being the XO and all,” Oz said. “Maybe you should say when and we’ll fit it in.”

“Two days? If I know Jackson, I suspect he’s in a hurry.” She grinned at Oz.

Laughing, Oz shook her head. “Actually, we have it sort of planned, in a way, maybe, I think,” her doubt showed and she suddenly snorted and laughed harder. “All’s I know is that I’m not planning anything big. If he’s lucky, I might plan what bikini I’ll wear. His brother is due in town in another week, so the wedding won’t happen till after he gets here.”

“Not plannin’ anythin’ big,” Cassidy repeated. “That sounds a bit vague.” She didn’t blame Oralia for not wanting to go through all the hassles and headaches of planning a big wedding. “Are ya plannin’ a beach weddin’ or somethin’ like that?”

“Something,” she nodded, “We discussed just going up to Wegener’s office, but having a sun-drenched day at the beach with a local constable sounds just as nice... better, rather. Couple of witnesses is all we need. And then we’ll have a big party up here.”

“Down on Archadia?” Cass asked, busying herself with refilling everyone’s sake.

“Yup, and we’re going to mimic Evan’s wedding day photo and send it to him. Let his wife wonder who the hell the brunette is,” Oz chuckled then glanced at Li. “This all came about because Jackson’s twin got married and sent a photo. I saw it, and was terribly confused about how Jackson could have married someone during the few hours that I was in jail on Archadia.”

Li began to laugh, softly at first, then longer, finally wiping her eyes. “That’s rich. Jackson hasn’t been able to even register that other women exist since he met you.”

“I know! That’s what had me confused,” Oz laughed with Li and finished off the sake in her cup. This time, she poured the sake for herself and the other two.

“I hope you’re prepared for Woodford, Oz.” Li continued. “He experience.” She turned to Cass to explain. “He’s the next to eldest son in that little dynasty.”

Cassidy was feeling the effects of the sake. How many had she had? Enough to feel a slight tingle. “If he’s anythin’ like Jackson, I’m sure he’ll be interestin’.”

“He makes Jackson look tame. There was this time down in Chile, on Earth. Nenita and I and he were in town on business. I have never seen a man who can salsa like that. It should be illegal. Likely is X rated.”

“Sounds like we need to make sure there’s salsa music around,” Oz said.

Holding up the small cup of sake, Cass grinned. “I second that idea.”

Over by the aquarium, Suresh ate his dinner without haste, casually watching the three women. He smiled as he refilled his sake, pleasant thoughts swirling in his head. Life had suddenly come full circle and here he was, observing two of the three women who mattered most in his life, and another who might prove imminently useful. All so very different their roles were...Oz who stirred his thirst for revenge, Seyla who stirred his desire, Cassidy Wilde who stirred his perverse sense of humour, and then there was Commander Hawke. Li.....Isha....who stirred his obsession.

As he glanced up, a large, bright blue fish swam past in the aquarium behind him. He’d heard Oz refer to him as ‘blue fish’ even though she hadn’t known he was aware. What tickled him now was the knowledge that the lovely blue fish which was his namesake was a vicious carnivore. He found the analogy oddly pleasing. And amusing as hell.


Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino
One Fish

Cassidy Wilde
Two Fish

Commander Li Hawke
Red Fish

Blue Fish


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