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Death Becomes Her

Posted on Thu Nov 29th, 2012 @ 5:21pm by Zoudin Veist & Aegina

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Archadia Prime - Various Locations
Timeline: Current

* * * Southern Hemisphere of Archadia -- Kali’Pau Island * * *

It had been five days since Aegina had given the order for Captain Amalee Dorinel's death. It had now been twenty two minutes since that death sentence was carried out.

Zoudin Veist sat on Dorinel's bed in the rustic stone home that she had fled to on Kali'Pau island. The island belonged to her aunt and her husband and they had lived there for twenty years or more. It was made of field stone on the outside and, despite the amenities available to the world as it was they had very few electronic devices to make their day-to-day chores easier. Veist had admired the home as he snuck up on it earlier that morning, having had to swim just over two hundred yards to reach it. He'd waited until he'd seen the aunt and uncle depart the island in a personal shuttle so that he would be alone with Dorinel. Aegina's orders were specific: Dorinel was the only one to die. Luckily for Veist she didn't specify how she was to die.

Since he'd been on the planet as Aegina's personal aide he'd had an eye for Amalee. Everything about her captivated him and he spent many a moment undressing her with his eyes and imagining what a sexual encounter with such an exquisite and breathtaking creature would be like. Now that the aunt and uncle were gone, he could have his chance to find out.

She'd fallen asleep after her relatives had gone and after waiting twenty minutes or so he entered the home. Finding her in the bedroom he placed a small device over her nose and mouth that emitted a gas that would paralyze her. Once awake, all of her senses would work but she would be unable to move. He slapped her awake, boldly announced his plan to have his way with her and then, when finished--and he would take his time, she would die.

He seemed to enjoy the look of fear in her eyes when he began undressing her, and himself. After almost two hours of his unauthorized use of her body for his lustful desires, he dressed her again and poured a small vial of poison down her throat. He knew that the pain would be excruciating and he'd never used it with someone that was paralyzed this way. Watching her not react, when he knew that she was slowly and painfully dying on the inside, was something of interest to him. What would it feel like to experience that sensation?

He smiled at the memory of the last few hours with her and stood to smooth out the bed and make it look as it had when he arrived. He even took the time to position her body so that she'd look as if she'd died peacefully in her sleep. Brushing her hair was also a highlight for him.

Leaving the same way that he'd come, Zoudin snaked back to his hidden shuttle, some four kilometers from the beach and plotted a course back home.

* * * Prime Minister’s Private Study * * *

"I used an untraceable poison to kill her," Zoudin said as he was filling Aegina in on Dorinel's death. "It will look as if she'd died in her sleep from a previously undetected heart condition." He smiled. "Things like that are not unheard of, even on Archadia--I checked. But the stress of her hiding from the fear of someone allegedly ‘out to get her’ could have put too much strain on her that her wee little heart just gave out.”

“I see.” Aegina laced her fingers together as she rested her arms on her desk. “And you are sure you weren’t seen? It would be a shame to force you to use your own methods on yourself, Zoudin.”

"I am a ghost, my dear Aegina. I am absolutely positive that I was not seen." A small burst of anger ran through him at her doubts of his skills. Had she not sought him out? It was because of his abilities that she had taken him on, yet she questioned him?

He suppressed the fire within and stood, deciding to take a more casual approach to things. "Are there any other targets that you have on a list somewhere? As you know I have no qualms of eliminating someone else, and they would all appear as accidents or natural causes." He now sat on the edge of her desk at her left elbow.

She looked him up and down, not at all liking his overly familiar approach in her office. “There are three remaining conspirators, including the doctor. He was ordered to appear cooperative and came across as a complete idiot. But take your time, the last thing we need is anyone inquiring into a sudden rash of deaths here. Oh...there is one more thing.”

"Sounds as if an unfortunate shuttle or transport accident is in the doctor's future," he said. "But, yes, what else can I do for you?"

“There is one other little thorn in my side that needs removing. Not murder, but exposure is more fitting I think. Queen Melanippe’s little toady. I’ve checked him myself and he’s completely loyal to her. I offered, you see, out of the goodness of my heart. This idea of her life being in danger has gotten her wind up and her dear friend, me, is looking out for her best interests.” Aegina smiled now as she settled back in her chair. “What I want is for him to be exposed as a traitor, and for Starfleet to be the ones to discover it.”

"A simple task, but one that will take a little time to put into play and to become effective," Zoudin said. "A whisper here, plant a little evidence there, a dash of sarcasm and a hint of fuck you and..." he made a whooshing sound for effect as he slapped his hands together, "done. Besides, I've never liked the little suck-up anyway. I've been in his head, you know." He smiled. "Besides being a complete mess, his complete and utter devotion to her is sickening. You don't want to hear all of the things that he'd be willing to do for her."

“I can imagine.” Her tone was dry and she pursed her lips. “But I’d rather not. Though I doubt what he is willing to do is nowhere near what you’ve already done. Now then....” She made a shooing motion to get him off her desk. “Run along. I have a call to put through to that Klingon they call a diplomat. Interesting choice, I wonder if she knows how to use a knife and fork when she eats.”

He stood and walked back around to his chair but didn't sit. "Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali," he said, thinking back to having seen her while in the palace, and digging through her mind. It wasn't much of a problem to him to probe people's thoughts whenever he wanted. But he thought it only prudent, given his occupation, to know what potential targets might be thinking. "I seem to recall that she is half human as well. Maybe someone on that side of the family showed her some silverware at one point."

“I suppose we will see. I’ll have to pay them a courtesy call soon. You will accompany me of course. Until then, you have enough to keep you busy.” She gave him a nod of dismissal, then turned to the terminal that sat to the side of her desk.

"But of course," he said as he bowed deeply, his legs crossed and his arm going out in a sweeping motion. It was obviously unnecessary since only the Queen was to be bowed to. He meant it as sarcasm. She would probably ignore it, but having to kowtow her and the women around here made him a bit pissy.

He left her office and eventually the building itself. He did have things to do, and plan for, so he thought it best to get started right away.


At The Center Of The Web

Zoudin Veist
Plucking the Strings


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