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Being Served

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2013 @ 7:26pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Zoudin Veist & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Aegina & Lieutenant JG Quentin Dobry

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia Prime -- Royal Palace
Timeline: Current

* * * The Palace - Archadia * * *

Aegina turned before her full-length mirror. Every hair was in place, every detail of her dress perfect. As this was an official state dinner, she wore a much more ornate version of the Archadian style in deep purple, gold, and an array of shimmering stones. She smiled, satisfied as she addressed Veist.

“Well, what do you think?”

He truly hated complimenting her, but it was part of his job--a means to an end. So he gave up his best. “Breathtaking,” he said honestly. She was a very beautiful woman and the dress did accentuate that, but he only trusted her as far as he could throw her and was only interested in her body, not her brain or her mouth. “You will turn many heads.”

“That’s the point, Zoudin. They are bringing a security agent with them and I’d prefer he not get too curious about anything he shouldn’t. I wonder if it’s to protect the savage they have as a Chief Diplomat, or to protect me?” She turned from the mirror and approached Veist, giving a delicate sniff. “You smell surprisingly sweet.”

“You’re not the only one wanting to turn heads,” he said. “I need to have some fun around here.”

Aegina laughed briefly as she regarded him. “From what I heard, it was your head being turned this afternoon. I didn’t think it was possible. Consider me surprised.” Reaching out, she adjusted the neckline of his shirt just a bit. “Do you really think she’ll be waiting for you?”

“Stranger things have happened.” He wasn’t keen on her manhandling him like she were his mother. He half expected her to lick on her thumb and wipe something off of his face. “Apparently you, or your spies, saw her. Could you blame me for trying? I don’t know about these sissy men around here, but I can’t go weeks and weeks without spending time with a woman. And since you seem to be off the table--or the bed, as it were, I’m having to look elsewhere.” He shrugged. “Tell me you’re not jealous?”

He wasn't exactly thrilled that she was having him observed. He was also not thrilled at all that he hadn't noticed someone following him. In his line of work he was usually much more cautious, but he chalked it up to the beauty he'd met at the fountain and let it go. The next time, however, he wouldn't be so oblivious.

“And if I said I was not?” She shrugged and stepped around him. “Try all you want. Maybe it will settle you down some.” Looking back, she gave him a smile. “Ready to to see the Klingon curiosity?”

“Sure. Lead the way.” Well, there went that option, he thought to himself. But at least he’d get a nice view of her walking out to meet the masses.

* * *

The team arriving for dinner materialized on the planet and Kh’ali stepped down off the transporter pad. She was silent till they were out into the corridor, then looked up at Gilroy and Dobry.

“Well gentlemen, are we ready for this?”

Dobry shrugged. “I’m ready to see this new Prime Minister. Given all the recent events, I'm curious.”

Gilroy grunted. He was none too pleased to be going back to the planet; his last few trips there had involved uncomfortable clothing and a mad dash away from the palace. At least this time, he was going down there in uniform.

“Agreed, Lt. Gilroy. You two, keep your eyes open for any little oddity and if you sense anything odd Quentin, you know the signal.”

Dobry nodded, slipping his hand into his pocket where his crystal was concealed. “Count on it.”

Noticing the sly movement, Gilroy simply met Dobry’s eyes then looked at Kh’ali. “We’ll have no issues, Commander. Shall we go?”

Kh’ali smiled to them both. “I'll bet when this evening is over we can’t say it wasn’t interesting.” She took a deep breath, let it out slowly and stepped through the door to meet their escort.

“I hope we can say that,” Gilroy grumbled and followed her out.

Palace Dining Room

A small chime rang as Kh’ali, Gilroy and Dobry waited in the dining room. Drinks had been served and the three mingled with a few others, mostly the palace security and two diplomats. The talk was friendly, if inconsequential, and they all turned at the sound of the bell. The staff was assembled along the wall and Kh’ali noticed Nick in the middle of the line-up. She was glad to see him there but hid her smile at the clothing, which she was sure was driving the man nuts.

“Prime Minister Aegina and her assistant, Zoudin Veist.”

“Good evening everyone and welcome. I’m so pleased that you could join us this evening.” Aegina glided into the room, greeting those she passed as she moved towards the group from 900.

“Prime Minister Aegina, it’s a pleasure to meet you. The honor is mine.” Kh’ali greeted the PM formally.

"Lt. Commander Kh’ali. Welcome to the Palace. I would like to offer my sincerest apology to you and the others who were mistakenly imprisoned upon the death of the former queen. It was such a tragedy and in all the excitement our security wasn’t thinking as clearly as they should have been.” Aegina gave her a warm smile. The woman before her was clearly not all Klingon, her looks weren’t as coarse and primitive as was usual for the race. She was somewhat surprised as well, but then the evening was still young. Turning now to the two men, she greeted them in turn. The one called Dobry was handsome and then there was Gilroy. The Fleet certainly seemed to like Klingons.

“Good evening Prime Minister.” Dobry bowed slightly as was expected for the male race on this planet.

“And Mr. Gilroy, nice to see you again.” Aegina looked him over and smiled. She’d heard the usual stories about the males of that race and for a moment, some rather racy images flashed through her thoughts before she pushed them away. Zoudin held back the urge to roll his eyes--her thoughts weren’t that hard to miss.

Had Gilroy been able to see the Prime Minister's thoughts, he might have smiled; it was good he couldn't, since his smiles tended towards scary grimaces. "And you, as well, Aegina."

“Of course.” Aegina turned back to Kh’ali as a waiter approached and slipped a drink into her hand. “Mr. Gilroy was most accommodating upon my election. Very politically savvy he is. He predicted the election outcome and was nice enough to offer his services for my protection while my security detail was assembled.”

“He’s one of our best,” Kh’ali agreed. “At the time, I can understand his actions. With all the uproar, we didn’t know if anyone here in the palace was safe.”

“We owe you a great debt for all the assistance.” Aegina slipped her hand into Kh’ali’s arm and led her away from Dobry and Gilroy as the conversation turned to matters of state that, in Aegina’s mind, the men were unsuited for.

Dobry watched them go, then leaned closer to Gil. “Wow.”

"Hmm?" Being called politically savvy confused Gilroy.

“She’s...interesting. And I mean that in every sense of the word, including the one that Kh’ali uses in little quotes.” Dobry shook his head slightly. “And you don’t want to know what she was feeling about you.”

Gilroy's brows rose. "What if I do?"

Dobry cleared his throat and shook his head. Leaning closer, he spoke quietly at Gilroy’s ear. Once done, he stepped back and raised his glass. “I warned you.”

The part-Klingon turned slightly pink and he straightened up. Clearing his throat, he commented, "I might have to wake Kai when we get home." He lifted his own glass and glanced away, watching Kh'ali and the PM.

“TMI, Gil, really.” But Dobry laughed. “Lucky man. And it’s time to mingle, I need to stay a little closer to them if I’m monitoring.” He gave the passing waiter his empty glass and took a new one before moving away.

In the far corner of the palace, Nick scowled in the direction of Veist but tried to keep his mind off of him and on his job. He had managed to get hired on as one of the male serving staff and was now dressed in what he would hardly call dress attire. He imagined himself lurking about in a tuxedo-type outfit, but it appeared that the Archadians really didn’t like their little serving men much. He was dressed in not much more than what could be called a toga. They did allow him sandals, however, but he was finding it difficult to hide a weapon as was his usual wont.

Wading through the crowd of people he held a platter of some sort of fishy-looking lump on bread. He hadn’t recognized anyone of importance yet and decided to make his way closer to the main cluster of diplomats and muckety-mucks, hoping to potentially hear something of importance.

As Nick approached, Kh’ali stopped him and lifted one of the tidbits off his tray with a smile. “Thank you, this looks delicious.” Her gaze held Nick’s for a moment.

“Tastes like shit,” he muttered but kept a goofy smile on his face as he’d been instructed. “You won’t like it.”

“I daresay,” she murmured back. “All clear?”

“So far,” he said. “I don’t see how you handle this crap, but more power to you.” He eyed a couple that he hadn’t been close to yet. “Gotta’ jet. I’ll check back later.”

Walking away he headed to the male and female who appeared to be bored senseless and offered them some of tasteless drivel he had on the tray. They snapped it up and smiled as they enjoyed it. “Shall I fetch more?” Nick asked, “or some drinks?”

“Please do,” the female answered.

He quickly disappeared into the kitchen for a well-deserved break and no intention of going back out there for a while.

Another chime sounded, announcing it was time to be seated for dinner. Kh’ali returned to gather up Dobry and Gil and then they moved on to the table.

* * *

Nick had been forced back out of the kitchen once dinner began. Begrudgingly he began serving those at the table their drinks, doing the best he could since he’d never really done this sort of thing before. He’d served drinks to all of the Starfleet bunch and Aegina, but as he came to Veist he was bumped by one of the other servers passing him. Exaggerating a bit, he spilled quite a bit of the drink down the man’s neck.

“Do watch where you going!” he snapped at the other server, trying to play it off as being his fault. “I’m sure the PM’s aide doesn’t enjoy his drink down the back of his dinner jacket!” Turning to Zoudin, he apologized profusely as the man’s anger showed easily. “My sincerest apologies, sir. I’ll fetch a towel so that you may clean yourself up.”

Having stood as the cold liquid ran down his spine, Zoudin glared at Nick but then at the other server. “You fool!” he blurted, then after a look from Aegina he calmed himself. “Forget the towel,” he said to Nick. “Prime Minister, my apologies, but it appears that I will have to be excused, with your approval, that is?”

“Of course Mr. Veist. We are all but done here, so no harm done. Have a good night.” Aegina smiled brightly at him before turning back to speak to Kh’ali, apologizing for the outburst. The conversation resumed as dessert plates were cleared away and the guests focused on finishing after dinner drinks.

Zoudin walked out of the room, removing his jacket and cursing the serving staff. He’d make sure to make their lives hell after this incident. His plan had been to just wear his dress attire to see Imara--he was dressed to the nines, after all. Now he didn’t have time to change before he’d see her. Looked like this would have to do and he’d have a good story to tell her.

Playing Nice

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Who Does know Which Fork To Use

Lieutenant Gilroy
Fork? What Fork?

Zoudin Veist
Wet Behind the Ears...and Down his Back

MCPO Nick Marcinko
Server From Hell

Lt. Quentin Dobry
Really getting Too Much Information


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