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Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2013 @ 7:24pm by Jackson Banning V & Vic & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

After Ian’s departure from the bar, a break in the orders allowed Vic a few minutes to breathe. He moved down the bar, glass of water in hand, to join Jackson at the end.

“So, how’s Ian doing?”

“Hmm?” the question pulled Jackson from his thoughts about that very person. “Oh, seems to be doin’ much better. A little time to adjust is what he needed I guess. You know, to get used to all the people in his head.”

Vic nodded slowly, still studying Jackson. “And you? How’re you adjusting?” He knew Jackson inside out, and he could easily read Jackson’s emotions. Vic couldn’t imagine how it would truly feel to have a woman you’d had an affair with suddenly turn into a man.

Jackson shrugged. “I dunno, Vic. It’s just so damned strange for me, you know?”

“I do know, but I can’t imagine being in your shoes here. You were attracted to Natalia for a lot of years. You finally slept with the woman, then she tried to kill you. Then she turned into a man.” Vic took a drink of his water. “A man who would still jump right into your bed, by my estimate.”

“What?” Jackson choked on the lemonade he’d just drank. Vic reached over and whacked him on the back.

“Seriously Jackson, how the hell could you miss that?”

“I...that is...hell, I don’t know.” Jackson pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re serious.”

“I am.” Vic reached for Jackson’s glass to refill it. “And you reacted.”

Jackson laughed aloud at that statement. “I did not.”

“Yes, you did.” Vic handed over his drink with a smile. “Without realizing it. It’s flattering, I know. Just something to be aware of is all. I doubt Oz would mind since he’s no longer a woman.”



“Shut up.” Jackson rolled his eyes and stepped away from the bar. “I’ll be down straightening up the office.”

Vic shook his head and laughed as Jackson scurried away. “Denial is not a river in Egypt, my friend.”

Coming up in time to hear Vic’s parting shot at Jackson, Oz wrinkled her brow and asked, “Why is he floating down de nile?” She smiled and winked at Vic.

Vic chuckled at her. “Evening, Oz.” He shook his head. “Your soon to be husband is having a crisis over one Ensign Ian Bren. He’d die before admitting it though.”

“Uh-huh. And you’re just helping deepen that crisis, aren’t you?” She laughed and shook her head. “He’s a little freaked out about the gender change of his past lover?”

“Of course, Oz. It’s my mission in life to keep him humble, but it’s a big job. As for Ian, he’s not so much freaked out by the change as he is busily avoiding seeing that Ian still flirts with him. When I pointed out that he also reacted, he ran for his office.” Vic shrugged. “I even told him it probably wouldn’t be an issue for you since Ian’s a guy. All I got for that was ‘shut up Vic’.”

“Far be it from me to tell you to do differently, Vic,” Oz, chuckling, rolled her eyes and walked back towards Jackson’s office. Halfway there, her steps slowed and she stopped, looking down the hallway. She found she couldn’t go any closer. Instead, she retreated back out to the bar. “Hey, just a cranberry and lime, Vic.” Her smile was gone.

“Sure thing.” He began fixing her drink, still watching her. “So what do I tell J? You know he’s not going to mention this to you.”

“Yeah, it’s okay,” she had the blank look she’d gotten after Chance’s murder and just shook her head. “I’ll talk to him about it. Just not... not now. It’s been a long day.”

“And you can’t face the office yet.” Vic reached across the bar to pat her hand. “J wasn’t looking forward to it either, this is the first time he’s gone in there.” Vic stopped and smiled at someone approaching behind Oz. A pair of large hands came to rest on Oz’s shoulders and a familiar Southern drawl came.

“Evenin’ Oz honey.”

“Woodford,” Oz turned and smiled, gladly taking a hug from Jackson’s brother. “I’m sorry. Your visit hasn’t exactly been a rip-roarin’ good time.”

“Shows how much you know, you haven’t been where I’ve been.” Woodford grinned at her then ordered a straight bourbon from Vic. “Certain events aside, I’ve been havin’ a hell of a time. How you doin’?”

“Oh, you know, great,” she enthused.

“Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, sweetheart.” His smile lingered and he tugged her to her feet. “You off duty?”

“Yeah, just visited my brother’s killer in the brig is all. Thought it best if I looked the official part,” she stood at his urging. “Where we going?”

“First, Vic, spice up her drink a little will ya?” Woody ordered. Vic pulled out the vodka and added a healthy dollop to Oz’s glass. “Better. Now then, you an’ I are gonna go dance an’ yer gonna relax and let me take care of the rest.”

“Okay, I’ll bite. I’ll relax,” she lied, “But what’s ‘the rest’ you’re taking care of?”

“Dinner, more dancin’, takin’ yer mind off things for a while. You’ve had a heavy load the past week.” He took her by the hand and led her away from the bar.

She reached back in time to grab her newly doctored drink and take a good gulp of it. Setting it back on the bar and letting him sweep her away toward the dance floor, she was glad that Sakkath had a handle on running the Station and on getting Patrick Leroy and the Hammond’s mission together. In her head, directly contradicting what Woodford was trying to do for her, she ran down the list of things she needed to do or get done or pay attention to and the list of people she needed to talk to, question, apologize to, placate or just outright ‘handle’. It was an ongoing thought process, through which she smiled at Woodford and fell into an easy, slow dance with him. “I have, and it’s not going to stop anytime soon.”

“Not till they’re home and you’re back to yer normal job. See that you get some time off when they do so you can make an honest man of Jackson.” The song was Dean Martin singing ‘Sway’ and Woodford was a good dancer, sweeping her away into the music. “I promised I’d stay long enough for the weddin’. Jan’s lookin’ forward to it, believe it or not.”

“She is? But she hates me,” Oz said, surprised.

“She’s.... getting used to you. Especially since it’s clear J’s not lettin’ ya go. You make him happy and by extension, he’s happy then she is. And when Jan’s happy, then I’m happy. See how this works?”

Laughing, she nodded, “I do. Thank you, Woodford. And I look forward to making an honest man of him, you know. I envision lots of bare flesh, small bathing suits, perhaps a flower or three in my hair, water and sand and sun. And then we’ll spend a few days there. You and Jan will be there, but you two will need to take yourselves down the beach somewhere else.”

“Bathing suits? Who the hell needs those?” He twirled Oz under his arm, then drew her back into his arms. “I am happy for you. He’s wanted this a long time, Oz. As for all the craziness right now, it will pass.”

“Bathing suits? Do you really think Jackson wants his brother getting a good gander at his wife?”

“Hey y’all can save that for after the ceremony when I’m outta reach.” Woody grinned at her. “So, since I’m the current entertainment, spill it. What’s worryin’ ya and what can I do to fix it?”

“There’s nothing you can do to fix it,” her smile was sad, laced with the loss she’d faced the past few months. “You’ve heard the craziness: that my brother is part Vulcan?” At Woody’s nod, she continued, “Doc Harding thinks he might... might be able to bring him back.” She swallowed hard and blinked quickly. “From the dead.”

“Well, it has been done before, why not? I guess the tricky part is figurin’ out where he went. He has to be in somebody doesn’t he?”

“We think we know. We think he’s in his killer’s head. And Eli, poor Eli, is the one that found him there. The killer has been stalking Eli, claiming to love him. Creepy, right?”

“Oh holy shit, Oz. And he hasn’t lost his mind yet? I just can’t imagine facin’ that. You have the killer I’m assumin’?” Woody muttered softly.

“Who hasn’t lost his mind? Eli? I kept thinking he must have. But Harding believes him,” she nodded. “And, yeah, his killer is in the brig.”

“Should be easy enough to prove then, if someone besides Eli reads whoever did this. Did it help Oz? The fact that you have the one who did it?” The music slowed and Woody slowed with it, holding her close as they continued to dance.

“No, it doesn’t. There’s no proof, yet, and he isn’t talking, but I know he was sent by Suresh.” She huffed out a short, exasperated laugh, “I’m sure I sound paranoid, but if he can get that close, so close as to kill Chance, he can get that close to kill Jackson. He did, after all, kill Connor.”

“This same person? Jesus Oz. What the hell’s goin’ on here? “ Woody looked worried now. “Wait, lemme guess. Nothing ever sticks.”

“That’s right. The prosecutor even refused to charge him with my kidnapping. And I was the witness. But there was no hard evidence linking him to it. Same with Connor. I was warned, though, I’m supposed to not do my job, or else I risk everyone around me.” She shook her head. “Nice, right?”

“I do hope you haven’t listened. Jackson would bust a vein if he thought you weren’t.”

“I haven’t listened. And two men in my life are dead. I hope the tally doesn’t ever reach three.”

“Well if this guy’s in custody, an’ the one responsible is who ran off with the brass, I’d say things are turnin’ around, wouldn’t you?” Woody smiled. “I see yer man.”

“Yes, they could be turning around. As for my man, is he watching us?”

“He jus’ came outta the back. He’s got that look, where somethin’s buggin’ him, you know the one.”

“Oh, then I won’t kiss you this time,” she joked and turned to look for Jackson.

Jackson waved as Woody led her from the dance floor and over to his brother. Jackson leaned into kiss her cheek, then smiled at Woody. “You stayin’ around here a while?”

Woodford shook his head. “Nah, Jan’s off tonight, we’re havin’ a late dinner, then turnin’ off the comm panel.”

“Gotcha. I will not call I promise.” Jackson clapped him on the shoulder, then Woody gave Oz a wink and departed.

“You’ll be too busy, yourself.” Oz smiled at Jackson and waved goodbye to Woody.

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino
Tough to Derail

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Bothered
The Nexus Club

Woodford Banning
A Good Distraction

Keeping The Man Humble


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