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Zoudin's Arrow

Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2013 @ 8:15pm by Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Zoudin Veist & Lieutenant Commander Leto

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia III
Timeline: Current

Zoudin had gone directly home after seeing Imara. After a very cold shower, he’d decided it best to get some sleep so he could get up early and find a few things in the morning. The most pressing being that damned arrow and he had no clue where he was going to find one. Of course, since he’d opened his big, damn mouth about a gold one he wondered if she’d balk if he handed her a plain one?

That would never do. Something fancy was called for. She wasn’t just some average Archadian woman, she was special, even to Zoudin, a man who would rather kill than become attached.

The next morning he was up early and out on his mission for an arrow. He found it slightly humorous, however, that to have sex with an Archadian female you had to give her a big, pointy phallic symbol first. It didn’t take long for him to find the royal artist’s shop. He’d made many of the current statues and it would be easy enough for him to create an arrow out of precious materials. He even had a mold ready to just pour into. After a few subtle threats and pressure from the Prime Minister’s Aide, an arrow was created with a latinum and gold shaft, an arrow made out of some glossy black stone and feather fletchings. It was as beautiful was Imara. With it in a velvet lined box, he made his way to his office eagerly awaiting his rendezvous time at the fountain.

Leto rose and dashed through the shower so she’d have plenty of time to get ready. Anticipation raced through like a current, making her anxious enough that she checked the time every few minutes. Today, she took extra care with her hair, leaving it down but weaving tiny braids laced with the small violets that grew on her balcony in among the loose tresses. The dress also was special, guided by Archadian tradition. The midriff was bare and the material itself was much more sheer than the usual street dress, leaving no doubt that she was being claimed and for what. Once dressed, she added a chain that held a large blue stone around her neck, the stone resting just at the top of her cleavage. With a deep breath she took one last look in the mirror. She was ready and it was time to get going. She took a minute to send one last message home, erase the chip’s memory, then departed.

He waited excitedly at the fountain, checking several times that the box was still there as he scanned the crowd looking for Imara. Finally, he saw her and it was as if time stood still. She was breathtaking. Standing, he watched her cross the yard and wasn’t sure if his mouth was hanging open or not, but he really didn’t care. She was definitely a sight to behold, and he was definitely beholding.

“You look simply amazing,” he said as she stopped in front of him. He took her hands in his. “I didn’t think you could ever look any better, but’re stunning.”

They could hear the whispers around them from the onlookers. Imara’s dress left no doubt in anyone’s mind regarding the occasion. She smiled as she took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm. “”People are talking.”

“Let them talk, damn them!” he said angrily. “This is a joyous occasion for us and if they can’t see that, then they can be somewhere else.” Most everyone there knew who he was, and the power he possessed, despite being a male ‘Archadian’. Smiling again, he turned to the box on the fountain. “I have something for you that I think you’ll like.”

“Oh, on the contrary, I think this is the most excitement they’ve had in ages. Seeing the Prime Minister’s right hand man declaring.” She moved over to his side and waited for him to open the box.

That was something else he liked about her. She had spunk. She liked her traditions--and that was fine with him, but she also didn’t give much of a damn about what anyone else thought. He took the dark wooden box and held it out in front of him. “I had this made special, just for you. It’s not nearly as beautiful as you, but it’s close.” He watched her eyes as he opened the box and uncovered the arrow.

Her eyes grew wide and she gasped aloud. “By the goddess, Zoudin, it’s incredible.” She fell silent and as tradition demanded, reached into the box and lifted the arrow. Holding it delicately in her hands, she raised it to her lips and kissed it. “I am...yours.”

“The words every man dreams to hear, but in this instance, the words are only for my ears.” He put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. “Say it again?”

“I am yours.” A secretive smile curved her lips and she leaned in to kiss him. “What will your Prime Minister say? Perhaps give you a little time off? You’re going to need it.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing,” he said as he lifted her up and spun her around. “I’m calling in sick for as long as it takes.” Despite what he felt for her, the assassin in him just couldn’t leave well enough alone. As he spun her he reached into her mind to make sure she was being honest. What he found delighted him. She really was his, to do with as he pleased, at least in private. In public she was still the superior sex, but he dared anyone to question his authority and word had spread that Zoudin Veist, the Prime Minister’s Aide, was no one to be trifled with.

Finally setting her down, he kissed her. “So, since I’m taking the day off, where would you have me take you? My place? Your place? Those bushes over there? The picnic area by the river?” He crinkled his brow. “Come to think of it, I am hungry. I could make us a meal to give us the energy to do whatever we decided to do with the rest of the day!”

For a moment he listened to himself. Was he really talking like this? Like some head-over-heels in love fool? Like he had just found the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with? He actually became concerned at what would happen to her once he was through with his assignment here. If he told her the truth, would she come with him when he left? He did give her that damn arrow. Surely that meant something. Could he kill her? Probably, but he certainly wouldn’t like it.

It was strange to him, but he actually did like this woman. No, scratch that. He adored her.

“A meal sounds wonderful. Then we can see what comes up after.” Her smile widened. “I suspect you’ll have no trouble coming up with something.”

Wasting no time he replied smugly, “I know one thing that’s certain to come up. And to be quite honest, it’s stirring right now.” Taking her hand he led her off in the direction of his residence. “And I make a mean paolet with dierken sauce. I hope you’re as hungry as I.”

One thing that he had taken the time to learn, for some reason, was how to cook the Archadian way. He actually had a book called ‘How to Cook the Archadian Way’. It wasn’t that great. The food tended to be heavy, greasy and thick, often bland, but if he was going to fit in he had to fit in.

“I could eat.” She left it at that as they walked away from the fountain, hand in hand. She gave the box to him and carried the arrow in her free hand, visible to all.

As they walked away, a pair of eyes watched them. The device he held captured their meeting on video and audio as he listened. His jaw clenched and the recorder was straining to remain in one piece as his hands gripped it tightly. He’d been curious the night before about the arrow and researched it. Now that he knew what it meant, and that Veist had given her one that was not just an arrow, but a very expensive-looking and extravagant arrow, he knew what was coming up next. His hand trembled, his face was hot and his heart pounded in his chest. Was he going to let this happen? Leto would tell him yes, but he didn’t agree with it. Line of duty or not, he’d promised to keep his junk in his pants except for her, but apparently it was open season for hers when she was ‘working’.

Tapping his communicator he spoke. “Marcinko to Ops, get me the fuck out of here. Now.”

Zoudin Veist
Stirrin’ in his nethers

Lt.(jg) Leto
Hot On The Trail

MCPO Nick Marcinko
Fit to bite that arrow in two


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