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Seeing a Guy About a Spider

Posted on Sun Feb 3rd, 2013 @ 6:59am by Ignatius Reilly & Elijah "Eli" Samuels & Eldren Tohr

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: ?
Timeline: current

It is a common misconception, Elijah Samuels had found, that people believe sneaking into a system is hard. The simple fact is space is huge. Really, really huge. Add to that the fact that even the best sensor net had holes, combined with the fact that every security force in the known universe rewarded only the big capture, and all you had to do was stay small and look for the sensor holes.

So it was that the Joliet's Revenge dropped out of warp just sunward of the Oort cloud of their destination as he set back looking at sensor data, laying in a course at a leisurely warp 1.2 for the outer planets.

"We're here...wherever here is."

Are we still going faster than light?, came Iggy's inquiry from her terrarium. Now that we are here, may we turn around and go home?

Eli gave a slight shrug (not that he knew whether or not a spider could interpret human body language). "Yeah we are. And to your second question, no, I'm afraid not. Way I understand things, this is your new home."

He kept his voice tight as he said it, mentally reminding himself this was work. It was just another delivery. Nothing else.

Dropping toward what appeared to be the direction he saw some latent warp signatures as he moved the ship towards their destination.

"Our captain here is right." Tohr said coming up from behind Eli's shoulders, his grin devious and worsened by the scar that starting from the mouth traversed his left cheek. "There's no turning around now. Your new home is here before you, spider. You'll be happy in your new hunting ground, I'll be happy with my latinum and the partner here will be happy too with his slice of the cake," He ended gesturing towards Eli.

Ignatius wasn't sure what 'cake' had to do with things, bipeds had the strangest ways of speaking at times. Still, she had to say something, I like my old hunting grounds. Oralia is there.

"Follow the faint warp trail, it will bring us to the ship of my customer a big liner. Don't be fooled though, he's filthy rich and with a consistent group of armed people playing as bodyguards.

Eli gave a slight nod, eyes on his panel as he monitored the JR's much more than standard sensors for any signs of trouble. Like the delivery, or not, this was still a delivery and he was the consummate professional. Paying attention to the little details had saved his life more than once.

"Approaching now......"

Reaching over he stuck his hand in the top of Iggy's enclosure, fighting back a grimace. Reaching out a finger he stroked the arachnid's stiff hairs of her back remembering her comment about possible touch communication.

Damn I hope this works.

Outloud he said, "Don't worry little buddy, I'm sure they're well stocked in crickets."

I'll let em know where you are...

With that he jerked his hand back quickly, slamming the lid.

"Ya see that?!? Damn nasty thing tried to bite me!" He didn't steal a look back at Iggy, hoping she was smart enough to play along.

Nasty? Iggy hissed and reared up, showing her fangs. You are one to talk - touching me that way!

Tohr didn’t pay attention to their squabbling, intent as he was in checking the monitor.

“Ready yourself” He said laconically “They’re going to transport us onboard”

Tohr had just ended speaking when the well-known transporter’s sound filled the room.

o o o Aboard the Golden Nebula – Private Luxury Liner o o o

The transporter room of the customer’s ship was crowded with mean-looking armed humanoids of any genre and race. Amidst them the figure of the collector stood out like a punch in the eye.

Green-blue skinned and incredibly fat, he moved about on a grav-sled, floating joyfully around, excited like a child:

“Ho! Ho! Ho! My dear Eldren, have you brought what I desired most?”

“Of course.” Tohr responded, putting down the box containing the two spiders. His eyes scanned the audience evaluating chances about possible problematic outcome. “I’m confident you’re going to honor your part of the bargain now, Barka? I owe my partner here for the ride.” He ended indicating Eli.

“Of course. Of course. All in due time.” Barka answered with a giggle, floating quickly to the box, “Let me have a little check. Oh… Not that I’m not trusting you, but you know the procedure in this kind of business.”

His immense mass overshadowed the box Iggy was in as Barka looked down from the sled, his four chins quivering with anticipation.

“So you’re the marvelous little insect everyone’s deeming unique. C’mon let me see something.” Barka said addressing directly to the box. “Is _it_ able to talk?” He asked then to Tohr.

Torn between staying silent and speaking, demonstrating exactly what she was, Iggy pulled her boxed pet towards her and protectively stood over him. Finally, she couldn't stand the ignorance anymore: I am not an insect, you fat fuck. She bristled at being called a bug. I am unique. And Oralia will come for me.

Eli stiffled a smirk when Iggy let loose. For a hideous monstrosity, she sure had spunk. However, taking in the surroundings, he wondered how long spunk would keep her alive when the new pet vibe wore off.

“OH!” Barka’s hulking mass shuddered in surprise making the anti-grav dispositives of the sled groan with the effort “Can really talk. And has a character too. I’m so very happy, you’re very welcome to your new home little one.”

The massive creep had done to Iggy what few other bipeds (though... did the algae-colored creature have legs? Just two? He moved around on that sled without showing his appendages; for all Iggy knew, he was a centipede) had managed to do: render her speechless. If Oralia or Li or Jackson were in the room, she'd chatter away at them, asking questions (such as: was the green-blue cast of the male's skin natural or was it the color of the fungus growing in his folds of fat and skin?). With this fellow, though, she remained silent this time.

Clapping his hands Barka nodded to one of the armed humanoids and gestured him to the box. Without a word the thug stepped forward and took hold of the case albeit a bit roughly.

Oh! Live arachnids here! Careful with us! Our bellies might split open if you handle us wrong! Iggy yelled, making more than one biped in the room wince. It wasn't simply her volume; it was also the image of the abdomen of a spider as large as Iggy suddenly "popping" open.

“Hey! Be careful. That’s most precious merchandise and it costed me more than your head.” Barka wailed in disappointment “Off we go now…To the terrarium!”

“Come! Come Eldren and… Partner. See the terrarium and have your due.” He said whirring down the long corridor his Oh! Oh! Ooh! echoing eerily between the metal walls.

The armed bodyguards followed him without further ado. Tohr exchanged glances with Eli then shrugged and stepped towards the corridor tailing the mercenary holding the box.

Down another corridor and into a large room went the entourage. In the middle of the room was a glass-walled enclosure, currently housing nothing but two feet of substrate, a shallow pool of water and a myriad of plants and artfully-placed tree branches. Amongst the branches and plants, several dozen insects flitted. Ignatius spied them immediately. Would she be expected to hunt for her supper? That might be an issue.

Scrabbling from the box under her brought her attention to her own little pet. Oh. I will need part of this partitioned off for my companion. I cannot keep him in this box indefinitely, that would not be humane. Releasing him into the enclosure would only guarantee that he would harass me. He is, after all, male. Her opinion of males in general transmitted with her words.

Giving a half shrug at Iggy's comment about males, Eli stepped toward the glass enclosure, pulling his hands out of his pocket and scratching his nose, only to lean against the enclosure with one hand, leaning forward to look into the entire space.

"Not bad." Straightening up, he took in Iggy. "Looks like the bug'll have more things to get into here than ya did even back where you came from."

I am not a bug! Iggy hissed. See what I mean about males? Lacking in intelligence, all of you. She was sounding pretty haughty for a recently kid- (spider?-) napped spider.

Hovering above them Barka took on a pensive look for a moment "Should I have it undergo a sterilization process? I mean, should it mate and give birth to a litter of sentient spiders it will be no more unique... The value will be greatly decreased... Uhm." He ended thinking aloud.

Eli gave a slight huff of supressed laughter under his breath, as he looked at Iggy, then over at the gelatinous form of the alien. "Might make her behave more...but look at it this way, if she breeds, you might be able to set up a market on the babies. And, collectible are nice, but credits are always better."

Turning fully, he gave a slight smile. "Speaking of which, not sure we were properly introduced. Name's Samuels. I run a delivery service for those special deliveries we all need from time to time. And you strike me as a man that might want to move products with few questions, and less prying eyes, every now and then.

"I'm surely one who needs special services from time to time" Barka smiled to Eli's remark "And Mr. Eldren can assure you I reward well good services."

Give birth? Iggy shifted in her case, looking from one to the other. How dumb are you males? Spiders do not give birth. We hatch! Truly, how did you bipeds become a dominant species?

"Probably by discovering insecticide," Eldren Tohr grinned having remained quiet until then "Now Barka, You've had what you wanted. What about paying the bill? I'll give the agreed slice to Mr. Samuels here and I will be well off with my raider ship."

"Oh Eldren your pragmatism kills any romance of bargaining and conducting business... Well then," Barka complained turning to one of his men.

The man stepped forward offering a bag who Eldren took giving a cursory look inside "Seems to be all. I'm satisfied."

"Of course it's all." Barka sighed in disbelief, "I'm an honest collector. I'm sure our little friend here will soon become the main attraction of my parties."

"Yes I'm sure." Tohr responded handing over to Eli his share.

Party? I have never been to a party, Iggy commented then turned her attention to the enclosure. It would require some work to be truly comfortable.

Eli took the credit slip with a nod, then a nod back toward Barka. "Thank you both. And, Mr. Barka, you send me coordinates, I'll be ready. I'll leave my contact frequency with your folks. Assuming that's ok?"

"Of course it is." Barka nodded causing extensive trembling of fat and skin in the collar region of his body. "I'll have you inserted in my precious list of suppliers."

"Well gentlemen, I'll leave you to your business then. Time for me to go," Eldren said, slinging the bag on his shoulder. "And good stay to you," he ended turning to the spider.

Ignatius Reilly
New Exhibit

Elijah "Eli" Samuels
Still hating the spiders....but hating slaves more

Eldren Tohr
Packing Money and Flying


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