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The Return Of An Old Friend

Posted on Mon Feb 11th, 2013 @ 8:55am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Zee'Hrai's Quarters

Kh’ali had joined the small crowd that had gathered in the main observation lounge to see the Hammond off. Like the rest, she’d been surprised when the ship just vanished from sight, even though she knew it was coming. The crowd had dispersed and Kh’ali made her way back to her own office where she’d checked in with Patrick. Things down in science were still harried but with the Hammond gone, there was little left to do now except the wind down and the reports.

The Dendrians were due in soon and she wanted to meet with Cadet Vor but first, she had some pressing business to attend to. She changed out her uniform jacket for a dress one, then withdrew a black box from the wall safe. Moving into the washroom, she stood before the mirror. Carefully she fastened Zee’Hrai’s gift around her neck and stood to study the effect. It was a necklace made of a wide ornate collar of a shiny gold-colored metal native to Divitia Prime. A large stone hung from it that shone brightly, the colors slowly changing as she watched.

It was mesmerizing and Kh’ali was still surprised even now with the gift. It was a stone rarely given and only to those that the higher ranking Divitians presented to those they claimed. She recalled Zee’Hrai’s hopeful words that she might one day be stationed on Divitia Prime....and a dance shared at the Nexus Club. A lot had changed since then, and she wondered at the reason for this visit. Reaching up, she adjusted the necklace, settling the stone in the center of her chest. Finally, she let her hair down and fluffed it out and was ready to go.

She was talking as she emerged from her office. “Aure’l, I am off to meet with Former Speaker Zee’Hrai. If you don’t see me in two hours, call me. I need to see Cadet Vor before they arrive. Arrange for him to take the next few days off from classes and we can call him when I return.” With that done, Kh’ali was out the door and on her way to see Zee’Hrai.

* * * Zee’Hrai’s room * * *

The vapors coming from the katavian herbal tea cup drifted in the air, carrying the scent of faraway places. Places Zee’Hrai remembered quite well and where his fondest memories lay.

It was with his first sip that the chime sounded: “Come in,” he responded and the doors opened to reveal the well- known figure of Kh’ali.

“Welcome dear. Long time no see, right?” He smiled as he tried one of the Federation sayings that he liked to study so much. “Please take a seat. What may I offer to you?”

Kh’ali smiled warmly and by custom, curtsied low before defying that same tradition and taking his hand in hers. “It’s wonderful to see you again. Ginger tea will be fine, but it’s not your place to serve me. I’ll get it.” She moved towards the replicator.

“There is no need to be so formal now. I’m not the Speaker anymore and I never desired it even when I was charged with that title. Be at ease, you’ve only Zee’Hrai before you.” He smiled gently, sitting on the sofa.
“I see that you’re donning the gift I made to you on my departure long ago. It is a most amazing view on you. Proof that I chose well the bearer of that jewel,” he added nodding at her.

Kh’ali returned to sit beside him with her tea and smiled. “It’s an amazing gift and one I save for special occasions. Your return to us is just such an occasion.” Her smile grew mischievous. “Besides, it is also a liberty that annoys your captain. I noted on the arrival logs that he is with you.”

“I’m honoured then. And yes, Ehr’raal never leaves my side; we’ve been together such a long time and he’s obsessed with my security even if I’m not that important anymore. Sometimes it’s kind of like having an old aunt around. But I trust him completely and wouldn’t leave the command of my ship to anyone else in the Republic.” Putting the cup down on the table he regarded her a moment longer “There must be more... That collar makes you radiant, but I doubt this can be by its virtue only. Isn’t it?”

The brown tone of Kh’ali’s face deepened with a blush and finally she nodded. “It’s noticeable?”

“Only in the dreamy quality of your eyes. I see the Stars have blessed you and that is the best news. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret,” he replied smiling warmly.

“It’s no secret; I seem to be the talk of the station since we discovered it two days ago. It was....a big surprise, and something that was very unlikely to happen, given the mixed species. And yet it did.” She shrugged. “I’m slowly getting used to the idea. On the other hand, Patrick is thrilled.”

“A lucky fellow,” Zee’Hrai responded taking back his cup “So, Aren’t you a bit curious of my appearance here?”

“That was to be my first question, my friend. And then I will tell you why I think your timing is so fortunate.”

“I was most surprised when I heard of Admiral Wegener and Commander Hawke. Don’t ask me how I came to know. There’s little in the Arm that happens without Divitian’s knowledge. We’re always watching. But we do not forget our friends too. So I told myself I have to do something and in no time my ship and my crew were ready and on our way here. I hope your fellows will be back soon with your missing companions.”

“They have crossed over, I just hope it’s to the right place. It’s been an interesting time I must say. It’s also about to get more interesting. We have some guests arriving in a few hours that might pique your interest. The chief diplomat of the Dendrian Order is coming. They wish to open negotiations, Zee. Aside from your home and Archadia, it will be our first big expansion. The communication didn’t say so, but I suspect there is more to this than just a casual visit.”

“I’m sure. Dendrians never do anything without having considered all possible consequences. I know they have some serious matter on their hands right now. If you wish i will provide you with all help and insight I can. Borne of experience and knowledge of this sector but it will be mostly backstage help, for I have no mandate to act officially. I’m dedicating myself to another project now, far more rewarding.”

“I’d appreciate that very much. And what is this project? Can you tell me?” Kh’ali was most curious now.

“I’ve momentarily retired from diplomatic life for the moment.” He responded with a mischievous smile “My family has always been influential and wealthy and now that the disaster has struck my homeworld I’ve decided to put myself and my resources for the common good of my people. I’m overseeing the building of a colony for all that Divitians who desired to start a new life and gain new perspectives after having lost everything they had on Divitia Prime.”

“That’s wonderful! Where?” Kh’ali’s smile was bright as she leaned closer to him. “I want details. And is there anything we can do?”

“Oh... That’s a small system with only two planets about twenty light years from Raehcoren, scantily charted and without a proper name... Only the protocol number assigned by Divitian exploration bureau. I’m still thinking of a significative name.” He responded leaving the empty cup on the table “I see eagerness in your eyes but I think Federation has important matters to attend right now in the Arm. I don’t want to distract your resources unless needed. But you will always be welcome guests.”

“You know we will offer what assistance we can, it’s just a shame that matters came to having to move. I do think, however, that Admiral Wegener will be interested in your project. Once he returns home, that is. As for me? Is it in any shape to be visited yet? Once the Dendrians have departed, I’d love to see it.”

“It is quite in the early stages for a colony, but people comes every week to stay. I’m confident it will be a great colony one day. but let’s speak of you now, how can I assist you with this Dendrian affair?”

“They are a saurian species, as you know. Strangely, it’s turned out to be a case where my Klingon heritage helped put them a little more at east. So far we have had almost no contact with them, either, until now. It makes me wonder if the war is getting worse, perhaps they are being drawn in further than they wish and looking to convince Starfleet to join.” Kh’ali finished her tea and rose to get another, still talking. “So far we have refused to get involved. I have a feeling, though, that it’s more than that. Such a request wouldn’t require a visit. I want to pick your brain a little, know everything you know about them. One of our Academy cadets is Voth and I’ve asked him to assist me in this as he has a good understanding of such species. You are not Starfleet, but you could sit in as a consultant. Your people’s ties to them have been cordial and they know of your reputation.”
“I would be glad to be of use.” He responded suddenly interested. “I accept to act as consultant and, to start sharing what I know of Dendrians, I’m afraid they’ll ask you for military support rather than diplomatic help. The rebellion is thwarting commerce in their entire sector and touching the interests of many. Rebels have a knack to show up where you least expect them taking control of military ships and installations. They need an external force they can trust for merchant convoy escort, patrolling and so on... But For what I know of you I think this is not a request you will readily accept. And this can lead to problems.” He ended leaning back on the sofa.

“I fully expect them to ask for that. And you’re right, it will be interesting and potentially tricky. Then again, they’ve never met me.” She smiled as she sat down with her fresh cup of tea.

“Of course.” He smiled in turn.

“Thank you --” Kh’ali was interrupted by the chirp of her comm badge and a call from Aure’l. “And that’s my cue. We’ll talk again once they have arrived and are settled in.”

“I will not restrain you any longer than. It’s been a pleasure to see you again. And I’m eager to help you with the Dendrians for what I can. My doors will always be open for you.”

Lt Commander Kh’ali
Rekindling An Old Tie

Former Speaker Of Divitians
Finding a New Dimension


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