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Tag Pat's It

Posted on Mon Feb 11th, 2013 @ 3:42pm by Major Patrick Smith

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Archadia
Timeline: Shortly After Meeting with Nick

It took Pat a while to get sorted on the station and get caught up so on the ground at last after having changed and listened through the recording, plus having read Leto's latest transmission Smith was still contemplating his and Nick's conversation. As he thought he wandered about enjoying the morning and keeping an eye on the manerisms of the locals. Putting aside briefly the following night he took a look about at an area which he'd spent 5 minutes attempting to memorise a map of he decided to get a taxi to a street near the house that Leto had indicated in her message.

Arriving he was puzzled to see that no activity despite it being well into the morning so he moved up to the house, and, checking that no one was looking, proceeded to slip around the back of the building with the intentions of entering from the back. Finding the back door glass sliced through he quickly got up against the wall and checked the back garden for signs of someone else watching the house. Finding none he peered around the corner inside to see a woman's body lying on the floor with a large steak knife in her abdomen surrounded by a pool of her own blood.

Spotting her weapon he inched inside and noting it's position grabbed it before checking to confirm her dead. Getting no pulse he took out a small flashlight from his belt and shone it on her to find her face and head covered in small gouges. Lifting up an arm carefully he check the fingernails and spotted the blood under them. "Interesting," he mused out loud, albeit at a whisper.

Taking care to leave the arm back as exactly as he could he left to take a look around the house. He found little until he hit the main bedroom where he found several open drawers and cupboards all with clothing spilling out indicating clearly at least one person had left in a hurry. As he turned to leave he saw a small flower in the corner of his vision. Turning back around he identified it as one of the flowers that grew on Leto's cover house, although he remained clueless as to the type given his lack of interest in the names, he walked over to pick it up before returning to the kitchen to replace the assassin's weapon in the spot that it had originally been.

With one last glance around the room he left and returned around the corner in search of another taxi back to the spaceport to get his ship and check Leto's transmitter beacon. Arriving back he was greeted by a message from Nick indicating that he had received a distress call from her. Firing up his engines he quickly cleared himself with the spaceport control as he turned on his tracking device. Unfortunately with all the traffic he had trouble locking but thanks to Nick's transmission he had a good idea of where to look. Clearing the dock he punched his engines, undoubtedly breaking several rules on speed for the area, and set off after Nick and Leto.

Just 5 minutes after takeoff he received the second transmission and throwing his sensors to a specific degree found the two shuttles and set after them. While he knew Nick would intercept long before him he rather hoped that this guy was as good a flier as he was a spook otherwise it could go badly. Thankfully over his sensors he was pleased to see some good shooting at least and just 10 minutes away Pat started grabbing stuff they would need in case of an... incident should they need to return to the planet.


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