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More Than a Feeling

Posted on Thu Feb 21st, 2013 @ 8:57pm by El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Captain Blackhorse's Quarters
Timeline: Current

El'Shar entered her quarters after having spent almost an hour and a half with Marie at Piper Medical Center. They were unable to find anything wrong with her but because of her almost uncontrollable shaking from fear, she was given a sedative and kept overnight. Once she was finally asleep, El left word with the nursing staff that she would be back in the morning to retrieve Marie. She felt she owed her that much for leaving her alone, but she was in good hands after all.

It was almost 0000 hours and El was wide awake now. She decided to drink some tea and start a new dream catcher for Marie. Most people didn't put much stock in those things but her former aide had always shown a fascination in El's Native American side as well as the many things she made with her hands, especially in the age where you could order the exact same thing out of a replicator and have it in moments.

An hour in, and two mugs of tea later, she had the willow hoop secured and covered with a light tan, thin leather and was working on the web. The web strands were made with a mixture of black and purple thread and real silver beads. Almost halfway through the web, a tall man walked out of her bedroom, completely nude, scratching his ass, and walking into the kitchen. Sure, he was in good shape, didn't appear to be that ugly, knew how to manscape and had a penis that wasn't abnormally small. But he was in her quarters! Who the hell was he?

She sat quietly on the sofa and watched as he filled a cup of coffee for himself and disappeared back into the bedroom.

With a slight incline of her head, she set down the dreamcatcher and slowly walked toward the bedroom. Halfway there, the man came back out in a robe. She froze. "Admiral Wegen--"

"Hey, hon," he said to her as he pecked her cheek and stopped just before sitting down in the easy chair. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Did you want some coffee as well?"

Admiral Wegener was in her quarters? Naked? Kissing her and calling her hon?

Her mouth was wide open but she managed to shake her head no. "You--you're..."

"Sweetie? What's wrong?" Rick said, just as he sat. "Do you need to sit down?"

"Sir," she managed to squeak out, "uh..."

"Seriously, El, when are you going to stop with the 'sir' bit?" He stood and went to her, placing his hands on her arms and rubbing them. "You're not in Starfleet anymore. And I think the fact that we've been together just over a year, and intimate to boot, that you could finally stop calling me sir." He gently brought her to him and kissed her, following up with rubbing her back and a hand down on her rear.

She wanted to struggle, but the kiss was so soft and tender, but so forceful, that it took her by surprise and she just melted. She began kissing him back. Her eyes closed and she enjoyed her hands running up and down his muscular body. That was until she suddenly realized who it was she was kissing.

Jerking back from him, her eyes now open, he was gone. She jerked around thinking he was elsewhere, but he wasn't there. She instinctively felt of her own lips, not having felt such a fire like that before.

But how was this possible? Admiral Wegener was in an alternate universe, and they most definitely weren't in any sort of relationship--she'd never even met the man! And now she knew exactly what every bit of him looked like.

After searching her quarters again, she sat back on the couch and tapped her communicator. "Captain Blackhorse to science. Have you been to Lieutenant Commander O'Donnell's quarters yet?"

=^= Captain, this is Ensign Rutheridge. My apologies, ma'am, but due to the goings on with the Hammond we've had a slight delay in other things. But I'm in a lift now headed that way. =^=

"Very good, Ensign," El said. "When you're done there, stop by my quarters. I just had the same experience."

=^= Uh...okay. I'll do that. Rutheridge out. =^=

El'Shar sat back on the couch and picked the dreamcatcher back up. It had always been something to help calm her nerves but tonight was probably the weirdest thing that had ever happened. Oddly enough, she couldn't help thinking of that kiss.

That phantom kiss from a man not there.

Captain El'Shar Blackhorse
Definitely More than a Feeling...


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