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The News Spreads

Posted on Fri Feb 22nd, 2013 @ 1:36pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Ensign Aleksandra Levkova

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Promenade

* * * The Promenade * * *

After Kh’ali left the Dendrians at their quarters, she realized she was absolutely ravenous. Dr. Harding had warned her to keep an eye on it and so, she decided that a stop on the Promenade for some food was a wonderful idea. She made her way there and after stopping at three different places, for various dishes that appealed to her, she took a seat at a table in the sidewalk cafe area. People watching always fascinated Kh’ali. She spread out her meal, realized that the various dishes made a strange combination, shrugged and began to eat.

Her feeling that she could eat a whole targ wasn’t far off. She had two orders of dumplings from Lao’s, several pastries from Jasper’s coffee shop, a salad, a steak and french fries, and a spicy hesperat souffle. All of it was being washed down by a large bottle of water. The crowd was light this time of day, giving Kh’ali a good view of those who passed, so many on their way somewhere else.

“Have you given up on your diet? Ms. Kh’ali renouncing to her well-rounded forms... A sight to see.”

The stinging remark had come from behind but the voice was well-known to Kh’ali.

“Hello Aleksa,” Kh’ali answered. She glanced back and saw the security officer there and motioned to the empty chair beside her. “Have a seat. And no, I’m just hungry as hell today. Dr. Harding’s nutrition bars are okay but they can’t touch a good steak.” She took a bite and spoke once it was gone. “I hear the man who attacked Chance has been caught?”

“Yes, he’s been. And after spending some time refreshing his mind in the brig he’s been delivered to the care of Commander Sakkath for some kind of... Ritual? Well I’ve heard Dr. Harding was involved too and it seems they saved the day for the lad.”

Aleksa watched Kh’ali intent on her meal for some instants eyebrow perked: “That’s quite the hunger. Has Patrick been holding out his monthly credit on the replicator?”

“What? Oh.” Kh’ali laughed as she reached for her water. “Not at all. It was a crazy morning, I skipped breakfast, met with Zee’Hrai who had returned, then had a meeting with a cadet and then welcomed the Dendrian delegation. There’s a formal dinner later and all I want to do is go home and take a nap.”

“I see,” Was Aleksa’s laconical comment. “A dinner too. After this hearty meal... And look at the variety, perhaps some fruits are missing?”

“Oh, I have oranges at home. Patrick brought them in last night. So good.” Kh’ali moved a plate aside and reached for the spicy souffle. After a spoonful and a satisfied sigh, she continued. “Things seem to be returning to normal, now that the Hammond has departed. At least mostly normal.”

“Just normal?” Aleksa replied narrowing her eyes “There are rumors around spreading from sickbay...”

Kh’ali paused, looking back at Aleksa, then finally nodded. “Regarding me I suppose? If so, such things are being spoken of all over the station and it’s true.”

Aleksa leaned back on the seat sniffing “I think I should congratulate with you then. Or perhaps I should with Patrick as he seems to be able to do something after all, this is the definite commitment for him.” her fingers starting to tap the table.

Kh’ali studied her erstwhile friend, then smiled. “He’s beyond excited. It’s taken a bit for me to adjust to the idea but it’s his and thus I am happy too.”

Aleksa’s jaw clenched visibly as she looked around the people walking on the promenade “I’ve heard that there’s a project to found a colony in dendrian territory should they give permission...”
She said in the end changing subject.

Kh’ali raised her eyebrows. “I suspect that might be part of the reason for their visit here but nothing definite has been put forward yet.” Kh’ali leaned a bit closer. “Where did you hear that?”

“High brasses tend to talk as if Security standing guard is just part of the furniture sometimes.” Aleksa shifted on her seat “Was just a hint in any case. It would be good to have some planetside installation here in the quadrant. I could even think of a transfer, just to leave behind SB900 poisonous atmosphere.”

That sentiment caught Kh’ali’s rapt attention. “Do you really find it to be so? And what about Norman?”

Aleksandra shrugged “He’s plain fine. More plain than fine...”

Kh’ali moved the empty souffle bowl aside with a sigh. “Aleksa, I know that Patrick is a sore subject with you, and I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you. It wasn’t my fault, however; that was over before I got here. But this thing with Norman, worries me, for you. You don’t seem happy and I think you are cheating yourself.”

“Oh... Tell me Kh’ali, how was it not your fault?.” Aleksa exclaimed leaning forward on the table “And you’re worried for this Norman-thing too. Perhaps I should just leave him on your suggestion. Is it becoming a profession for you?”

Kh’ali wasn’t the least bit bothered by Aleksa’s tone. “No, Patrick isn’t my fault. He didn’t even know me when you two parted ways.” She paused a moment, and finally shrugged. “Tell me the truth, Aleksa. We’ve been close for a long time, at least we used to be. Are you happy? Honestly? Is he?”

Aleksa remained silent for a long moment, her jaw set, avoiding to look Kh’ali in the eyes.

“No I’m not.” She blurted out “Having seen that baby trodding around did not help either... My baby I could say, in a way.”

A hint of sadness flashed through her eyes, a fleeting moment before they turned icy again.
“Perhaps he would have returned...” She said to no one in particular leaving the words lingering in the air.

Kh’ali reached over, resting her hand gently on Aleksa’s. “I can relate. Seeing Faye was very difficult for me too, seeing another you that cared so deeply for him. I was afraid she’d become attached and being what I am, it wouldn’t have ended well. As for returning, if he had, you two would still have had the same issues. He’s still so bound to his position, that hasn’t changed. I think I at least understand it because I am the same way.”

“Maybe...” Aleksa replied with a somewhat weary tone “It is better for me to go. I’m on shift in a few.” She ended standing from the seat.

“Enjoy the rest of your meal. See you around...”

I hope so, take care.” Kh’ali watched as her friend moved away. The past few minutes had been very revealing. Kh’ali had always suspected Norman was someone Aleksa had settled for, now a man who swept her away. Now, she’d seen it in Aleksa herself. With a sigh, she pushed away the plate before her. There was nothing Kh’ali could do.

Lt. Commander Kh’ali

Ens Aleksandra Levkova
Accepting Reality


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