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A Little Cloak & Dagger

Posted on Sat Mar 2nd, 2013 @ 8:21am by Suresh & Marabeth

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Suresh's Quarters

Marabeth moved along the corridor at a brisk pace. She was dressed for 'work' so as to appear normal, at least for her and not attract attention. Down here a working girl was such a common occurrence that those not looking to hire her likely wouldn't even see her. That was just exactly what she wanted. It was a short walk from Seyla's quarters to her destination. After Seyla's departure, she had cleared the woman's calendar as requested and informed Marla that Sey would be gone for the night. Again. The news had surprised Marla. It was the third night in a row and even Bella had noticed, which was saying a lot. Having no explanation, however, Marabeth had departed. She had a client but not for another hour. She has something to do first.

Three minutes later, Marabeth reached a set of doors and paused. A quick glance up and down the corridor told her no one was watching and she entered a code. The doors slid open, she dashed in and they closed behind her.

"Computer, lights."

The lights came up revealing the living room of the quarters. Suresh's quarters. She studied the room for a few minutes and had to admit, he had good taste in decor. He definitely believed in indulging in the creature comforts. The room felt unused, clearly no one had been in here for a while. Now that she was here, she took her time examining the room. In the far corner, on the small desk where his terminal sat, was a holo-image. She lifted it and saw Suresh standing before the portal in this very room with a woman. She had large violet eyes, long red hair, her looks exotic. His arms were around her and he was looking deep into her eyes, obviously smitten. The pose gave Marabeth the distinct impression that the woman hadn't know their images were being captured by the computer. Interesting. This must be the Isha he'd been so obsessed with. Seyla hadn't mentioned him, but the other girls, Bella in particular, had a lot to say on the subject.

She put the image down and moved on into the bedroom. The sheets were silky and she ran a finger over them lightly for a moment. Examination of the closet and drawers yielded nothing of interest, nor did the small scanner she had in her hand. The rooms were clean.

Returning back to the living room, she turned on the terminal and entered another code. The file was just where he said it would be and she transferred it to a chip which was then slipped down into her cleavage. Her work here done, she turned off the terminal, extinguished the lights, and slipped back into the corridor. Once his doors were locked, she hurried off to her own quarters.


Carrying Out Some Orders Of Her Own


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