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First Order Of Business

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2013 @ 5:55am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy & Squamata & Chordata

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Observation Lounge

* * * The Observation Lounge * * *

Kh’ali entered the lounge with Chordata and his assistant Squamata. For the formal meetings that would start tomorrow, both Dobry and Cadet Vor would be present, but tonight was more for getting acquainted and a show of trust in coming alone. A quick glance told her that everything was in place and she relaxed a little. Dinner had gone well and she had arranged for a buffet of desserts here in the Observation Lounge for the first real ‘business’ conversation. The desserts should lend a more relaxed atmosphere and the view was spectacular. Once they were in, security and Captain Veranus had taken up their posts outside.

Chordata walked around the room with curiosity, the temperature had been slightly raised from the standard he’d recorded in other locations of the starbase - surely a courtesy to make him and his retinue more at ease and the buffets with typical Dendrian and foreign delicacies were really tempting to him.

“Please help yourselves. There’s a little of everything here. I hope you enjoyed the dinner, Ambassador Chordata.”

“Well, yes. I’m amazed to see how much care your culture put in the details regarding dining and food in general. As if feeding together is a matter of great importance to you. This is a thing Dendrians, as pragmatic as they are, are not used to. Oh... I don’t mean to say that I’m displeased. All the contrary.”

The ambassador’s eyes lingered a moment on a plate with multi-colored pastries. He took one between clawed finger and thumb, “What’s this? Seems... Tasty.”

Kh’ali looked at the small chocolate pyramid covered with a deep purple berry. “It’s Betazoid. Chocolate, which seems to have been discovered all over, and a native Betazoid berry that is supposed to be one of the sweetest known anywhere.” She smiled for a moment longer. “It’s also rumoured that it elevates mood, but that has never been scientifically proven.” She left it at that. Mood was a good, generic way to phrase it and she had no intentions of saying anything any more personal than that. She took one as well, however, as the chocolate suddenly seemed to be something she absolutely had to have. Damn cravings.

Chordata savoured the chocolate treat with a strange appraising expression in his eyes. “I think this is the first time I come to try a kind of food so satisfying. How did you call that? Cho-co-late?”

Then he turned to his aide Squamata, who was looking at the buffets not far from them and motioned her to come closer. “Have you tried one of these?” He asked “I think we have already gained some precious knowledge from this exchange. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, though I have read of this chocolate before,” Squamata answered. “I have not tasted it before, though. Diplomat Kh’ali, I believe I read that this substance comes from a Terran plant?”

“Indeed you have.The secret of this plant coming from far Earth has conquered many a culture by now. Could be thought of as an helpful tool to diplomacy I dare say.” A voice behind them joked.

“And once Earth was opened up by contact with the Vulcans, and the Federation was formed, it began to spread. this particular one, though, seems to have evolved once it hit Betazed. Something in their native climate or geography has given it an extra boost.” Kh’ali paused, hearing the voice behind her.

“Ah. You must be Zee’Hrai, the friend of Ambassador Kh’ali.” Chordata said with a slight bow of the head.

“He is. Welcome, Zee’Hrai. May I present Ambassador Chordata of the Dendrian Order and his assistant, Envoy Squamata.” She smiled at Zee’Hrai for a moment. “I’m glad you could come, I thought a less formal get-together might be good to start.”

“I wouldn’t have missed Betazoid chocolate for anything in the universe,” Zee’Hrai smiled while taking one for himself. “And I will be glad if I can put my experience and knowledge at your disposal in this negotiation.” He added looking at Chordata and Kh’ali in turn.

“That would be quite appreciated.” Chordata responded nodding.

“As you know, the official business begins tomorrow. It is also my hope, Ambassador Chordata, that you will have some time to enjoy seeing the station, taking in the sights and making use of the other amenities. I’ll arrange whatever you like while you are here. However, while it’s just us here, I will confess to being curious about the main purpose of the visit. If you would be so kind as to share?” Kh’ali glanced at the chocolate and despite a sudden massive craving for it, decided it would be best for something that powerful to stay out of her hands at the moment.

“I know that could seem impolite.” Chordata addressed Kh’ali while taking another eclair from a plate. “But even if official talks haven’t started I would like to know, in your opinion, which kind of position is Starfleet going to take. We know that you desire to have a stable settlement inside the Jathlin Arm. While we have this... Nuisance with rebels. I was wondering which standing your government is going to take.”

“Diplomats’ life knows no rest...” Came Zee’Hrai’s ironic whisper to Kh’ali’s ears as the former Speaker of Divitians served himself again from the buffet.

Kh’ali smiled at Zee’Hrai’s whisper, then took a glass of jumja juice and settled in a seat. After a sip and a moment to enjoy the sweetness, she set is aside. “I’ve thought on this issue often, Ambassador. It’s true that Starfleet does desire a settlement here. A peaceful one, of course. We have no desire to take the path of the conquerer. But as you say, the rebels are an issue and from what Intel has sent on to me, a growing issue. Your planet has so far managed to avoid direct action, other than defending against the random attacks. It is the same position we have taken up to this point as well. A settlement, however? That would depend upon the position of the planetary government where the settlement is located. Cooperation is essential, is it not?”

“I’m glad to see we have convergent views of the matter. Cooperation is essential and rebels have become more than an issue as of last. They keep harassing transport ships de facto disrupting supply lines and causing endless problems on all settlements. Particularly the small ones or those furthest from the core of Dendrian or Empire influence. This is going to become a point of utmost attention for all parties involved. Even future ones. Dendrian fleet is stretched thin in the attempt to protect...” Chordata responded leaving the subject lingering in the air as he took some jumja juice too.

A wry smile lined Zee’Hrai’s thin lips as he waited for Kh’ali’s answer, the Dendrian had already started to put some pressure about his own interests.

Kh’ali nodded. “As I suspected. I expect they might be trying to throw their weight around just to see how far they can go. In cases such as that? Sometimes what is needed is not bigger guns, but an immovable wall.” She glanced at Zee’Hrai and smiled briefly.

“I hope you’re right. But this rebels are swarming around like vicious insects and while this wall is being built more people and settlements could be won to their cause. Those finding themselves without food for example. And those hit by epidemic where medical supplies are failing to arrive. Time is on their side.” with the last words Chordata emptied his glass and put it back on the table taking his place on a seat near Kh’ali.

“I see your point Ambassador.” Zee’Hrai commented “But full scale war is inadvisable and, for what I came to know of them in my experience, is against Federation beliefs. Moreover, from a very pragmatical divitian point of view, should they even agree to such a thing they have but a single Starbase here and a very small complement of ships. I’m sure other, peaceful, options can be worked out for the better of everyone.” He ended with a slight nod to Kh’ali.

Kh’ali nodded. “That would be a better long-term solution. In the meantime, we should explore the means to assist those in need in such a way that it is most beneficial to them and without causing more problems. I’ve been thinking on that as well and I am certain we can come up with something that works all around. Rest assured, Ambassador Chordata, that I can make it happen.” She lifted the glass of juice and while it had looked so appealing a few minutes ago, the smell was not good for her. She set it aside without comment.

“Well, there’s no need to keep spoiling an otherwise pleasant evening.” Chordata conceded “I have to admit that is difficult, for a diplomat, to forget pressing problems and having them haunting my free time has become a habit. We’ll have plenty of time to discuss everything tomorrow. Let us enjoy this evening of leisure a while more.” Standing, he bowed slightly his head to Kh’ali and Zee’Hrai. “If you excuse me I’m going to partake a little of the wonderful view offered by the portals here.”

“It seems you’ve won the first round.” Zee’Hrai smiled when Chordata and his Aide had taken their leave.

Kh’ali was thoughtful for a moment, then she smiled widely. “Think of it, Zee. A colony, the Delta Quadrant. It’s a wonderful idea and we could do great things.” She squeezed his hand. “I‘m glad you came. Now I am going to take some chocolate and get home.”

“A wise decision.” He replied “You have to be well-rested for tomorrow will be a tough day. I can entertain the Dendrian ambassador for the rest of the evening. And maybe... Work him out a little more.” he ended jokingly

“Thanks.” Kh’ali stifled a yawn and realized now that she was exhausted. “See you tomorrow.”

Dendrian Ambassador With Worries

Dendrian Aide

Backing Up From Behind

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Many Irons In The Fire


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